Archos 5 car install

Its linkage to Google Docs is a nice adder. Better stability: I experienced more stability, less lockups and flaky behavior with Donut on the Archos 5 when compared to my earlier experiences. Nice job Archos! Pattern password : I love what Google has done with passwords. Instead of alpha or numeric characters, you draw a pattern on the screen. I have found it faster and easier to enable my passwords and Donut enables this on the Archos 5. Flash As I covered in my initial Archos 5 blog and I will ask again, a full web experience is impossible without Flash I have thousands of pictures and songs.

Not a huge issue, but still a bit annoying. Be careful not to confuse the number 0 and the letter D. Your WEP security code will have either 10 or 26 characters, there is no other possibility. Use this given string of characters as your password.

That is, use only a fixed address such as You would then need to enter this same address in the connection parameters on the ARCHOS when you connect to the access point. I can connect to my WiFi access point but then the connection gets broken a couple minutes later. That is, set it to one specific channel, such as This may fix the problem. My WiFi does not connect automatically anymore, what should I do?

My telephone is running Windows Mobile 6. My device says "checking disk What should I do? This should take no longer than three minutes. It says, "Wait for device to be ready. If this happens, just tap on back button on the status bar, on the top right. What do I do? How do I prevent that? If your device freezes, press and hold the power button for 15 seconds. This will shut off the device. Restart as normal. To prevent this, make sure you are running the latest version of the firmware.

After a few seconds, my screen goes black. Nothing is wrong. This happens automatically to save power.

My device seems to be unstable stops suddenly, often gives error messages, or fails to run an application. If you are already running the latest firmware, it can be very helpful to reset the device configurations. This will also erase the additional applications that you have downloaded from the Appslib to your device. You can of course re-download the applications afterwards. I cannot turn on my device, what should I do?

Make sure the battery is fully charged. Connect it to a running computer with the USB cable and allow it to charge until the battery light on the side of the device blinks this could take several hours. If the device does not turn on after a full charge, press the reset button inside the pinhole back side for the thin flash memory devices or the bottom for the hard drive devices by delicately inserting a paper clip.

You will feel a slight button press. Now restart as usual. I cannot update the firmware because I do not have a WiFi connection. Some of my applications freeze the device or crash and I get an error message. What can I do about this? Applications are created by various individuals and organizations. My device is frozen and will not respond, what can I do?

First try pressing the home button on the top left. Restart it as normal. Only if that does not shut off the device should you press the reset button inside the pinhole back side for the thin flash memory devices or the bottom for the hard drive devices by delicately inserting a paper clip. GPS - 5IT only. How do I buy and install the GPS?

New maps? Cities in photo-realistic view? You need to install the trial version before buying the license. Check the Appslib for other applications that freely take advantage of the GPS receiver. You can of course, use the maps. GPS and WiFi are two different systems which are not dependant on each other. You can safely disregard this information. How do I receive these? This functionality is not yet implemented.

If you are not in range of a WiFi spot, you will get this error. There is an updated version of the DVD installer file that takes into account bit versions of Windows the reason why you got the error which will allow you to install the maps without problem. This will bring you to a folder where you have the updated DVD installer program. The instructions are in the readme file as well as below. There is an updated version of the DVD installer file that takes into account bit versions of Windows which will allow you to install the maps without problem.

Why is that and how do I fix it? You will see a message on the bottom of the screen indicating this. This could take anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes depending on where you are. Android User Interface and applications. The makers of ThinkFree are planning to update this application in the near future to be able to edit these document types as well. Comment faire? How can I get them? They may be still on your device but not installed.

Run the installation wizard. If the applications are there, they will get installed. When installing a new application, the device tells me it is replacing something else.

What is it replacing and why? It is replacing the old version of that application with the new one you are currently installing. This is the same behavior as on a desktop PC.

How do I change my desktop wallpaper? Currently this is not possible. Where can I download the Appslib application? You can download it here. If the file extension is NOT "apk", but is "zip" instead, change it to "apk".

How do I uninstall an application? What does it do? This software platform allows mobile devices to run a multitude of applications. Can I create an application for my device? See the section Tethering Using your portable phone as a modem for an explanation of what to do. How do I download applications? Tap on the icon AppsLib found in the applications tab to see a list of available applications to download. Be aware that some Android applications other than the ones in the AppsLib require certain hardware functions that are not on the ARCHOS 5 device and thus may behave strangely or display on half the screen or portrait mode only.

How do I get access to Yahoo mail? Keyguard: fix pattern lock interference with 3D causing unresponsive multimedia center after screen goes off 2. Display: add accelerated 3D openGL support Fullscreen: add statusbar notification when an application is requesting fullscreen with ability to enable fullscreen for this application.

Archos media center: faster display Thinkfree: v2. Note that sometimes during this process an invalid shortcut might remain on the home screen. If this happens this shortcut can be removed by a long press and drag towards tray trash icon. Display: add transparency to notification tray background. M4B files Audio: improve speaker sound quality Tethering: fix user password support and do not filter devices pretending not to be phones e. Windows Mobile Internationalization: add Hebrew glyphs in font and corresponding virtual keyboard layout Location: fix location manager sometimes preventing device suspend System: better management of background applications under high memory pressure.


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