Are you smarter than a fifth grader game online

If you are a fan of Jeff Foxworthy's show, then you do not want to pass the opportunity to take this quiz! And are you willing to put that to the test? If you are brave enough, then take our quiz! We will give you your results, as well as the expected results of a fifth grader, and you can see how you compare. No cheating and brushing up on your multiplication tables first!

Take the quiz now and get your results. Then you can decide whether to brag about your results or if is time for you to repeat the fifth grade!

Do you remember the difference between a simile and a metaphor? Students, teachers and rockstars alike all come here to create and learn. Give it a try! Are you smarter than a 5th grader? EC a quiz by mrbubbles. Last Played. From the quiz author Do you think you know enough to have a battle of wits against 5th grade knowledge? Press play! This game is part of a tournament You need to be a group member to play the tournament Join group, and play Just play. Your Scorecard The scorecard of a champion.

No cookie for you. Perfect Score. Total Points. Today's Rank. Login to participate Login to participate. Game Points. Something different? Countries of the European Union by shape 27p Image Quiz. State Trivia: California 10p Multiple-Choice. Layers of the Atmosphere 5p Image Quiz. Check Your IQ! Don't be afraid Questions: 7 Attempts: Last updated: Jun 13, Trivia Questions Quiz. These trivia Questions Quiz is from the game show where people go to show off just how much you know about sixth grade classes.

If you were to be a guest to the show, how much money would Questions: 15 Attempts: Last updated: Nov 13, Find out if you actually should have passed 5th grade by taking this accurate test.


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