There has been a lot of progress, but there are still some unknowns. Google Play : People who originally downloaded Autodesk Sketchbook from Google Play will receive future updates from us and will not have to download again.
People who have the Autodesk version can continue to use it, but it will not be updated. Those looking for ongoing support and feature updates should get our Sketchbook Pro release. Microsoft store : [ updated ] the UWP version of Sketchbook previously distributed by Autodesk through the Microsoft Store could not be transferred due to technical dependencies on the store backend. People who have this version can continue to use it, but it will not be updated.
Our Sketchbook Pro release on the Microsoft Store is now available, however it is optimized for desktop use with a pen peripheral. It will run on a Windows tablet, but it is not currently optimized for a tablet experience.
Direct Downloads : If you downloaded directly from Autodesk, Amazon, or other sources not mentioned above: you can continue to use those versions, but there will be no automatic update path to our future releases.
Should I back up? This is always a good practice. Please please please back up your files. On iOS, the iCloud container associated with Autodesk will be disconnected upon transfer to us.
We believe that your data will be safe and accessible through the Files App more on that here. The first update will only deal with the updated branding and legal requirements of the transfer. For Mac users , use a 2-finger drag to scroll between the pages of colors. Select one of these Copic marker.
Select it to turn the marker into a colorless blender. In the Brush Library , there is a Colorless brush set. The Colorless blending brush blends colors already on the canvas. You can also turn any brush into a colorless blending by changing its brush type.
Tap a color swatch to load its complementary color. Tap the complementary color below the swatch to select it. Tap-drag a color swatch from the color set or a complementary color into the Custom set.
To select the complementary color, tap a color swatch to load its complementary color. After selecting a brush, in the Copic Color Library , tap-drag the widget to look though different color families. Flick up or down within the color swatches to see all the colors in that family. Want to work with colors in a family or want another color library option? If so, use the Copic Color Library to select a color swatch.
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