What is absolutely amazing is that Rocksteady still did their best to explain even the smallest details of how all of these masterplans came to be an example would be The Riddler and Mr.
Not every tidbit of Batman lore is a work of art or even a good idea…. But it may have benefitted the series to cut back on the references and expend more energy on tightening up the massive undertaking of story cohesion, which sometimes dips in quality from amazing to great to good, to meh, to great again.
In the same breath, I am in love with the depth and size of which Batman and Gotham has taken over our minds and hearts, and am fascinated by even the little details.
However, in the Arkham games, we almost got drowned by the odes and shout outs and pandering. Hush deserved his own chapter and not just an afterthought side quest, though it was still creepy as hell.
Seeing the Scarface doll in the Iceberg Lounge museum was fine, but would it really be there? Should it be there? So it is very important for me to say that, this is my opinion only, something like Arkham City would have been strangled and snuffed into non-existence by Bruce and the U. Government looooong before it could become a playground for supervillains. I love the game with all my black-heart, but there are way too many moving parts for Bruce goddamn Wayne to not catch wind that something rancid and HUGE is going on.
As I said this is just my opinion, and I look forward to my seventh annual playthrough of Arkham City, and I will enjoy every second of it. However once the game was over I was left somewhat confused. Talia gives Bruce a stern talking to for not joining her in a…crusade to kill people? And then Batman acts all conflicted that Talia is angry with him? Will the real Batman, please stand up? And in hospital hallways covered in gore? Nowhere but here. But it did, and the evacuation of the city due to fear gas felt like a giant manufactured plot device as to the reason why the city had no civilians, no traffic and no police presence, all so Batman could fight unabashedly in the open streets.
Arkham Knight doing the same thing for the third time was just downright disappointing, though the sting was shortlived. Is he a bat-baby or something?
For a long time now, Batman and all of the Robins would have had an understanding that casualties will happen, and there should be some goddamn confidence that the Batfam would suffer and grieve together, not break apart. Batman and the Robins fall victim far too often to manufactured dramatic tension in many of their stories. My mind just blew up. Batman Vengeance Seems was a busy year for the Caped Crusader in video games.
This was the only home console one though and much to my surprise it was based off of the Batman animated series once again. The graphics look laughably bad even for being 8 years ago as the designs are flat and bland. Also character animations are pitiful for the what the systems could accomplish at the time. I know these where the earlier days of the last generation but for a PS2 game this looks like something the N64 could pull off.
Many of the voice actors from Batman: The Animated series reprise their roles and they do a good job as expected of them but with the poor character movement it sort of spoils the good voice acting.
This game has received fairly mixed reviews, some have enjoyed it and I can see why as it looks like an all right game as far as controls and gameplay are concerned.
While the graphics look to be a lot better and the story sounds fairly good the game has been described as boring, repetitive and with an even worse camera. The graphics are a lot better, while still a bit bland, and the character animations are miles ahead. Amazing the kind of leap they created in 3 years. The story was also much better and the voice actors from the Animated Series returned as they once again turned in good work.
Now unlike the last few games I have played Batman Begins and I hated every minute of it. Batman: Arkham Asylum If you want my in depth thoughts on the game then click here, though this will be more a of a mini review of the demo I played recently.
Everything from combat, to swinging by Batarang and taking out armed enemies feels so amazingly immersive and real. Luckily you can do more than just punch the baddies, you can also do counter attacks to keep your health meter safe and then perform a combo of punches to take out an enemy nice and smoothly.
It handles very well. While combat is a crucial point to this game even more so is sneaking up and taking out enemies.
With the help of your Detective vision in the Cowl you can see armed enemies and take them out from behind which is a really brilliant idea as to how Batman would work.