Therefore, the fight scene with Mark and Daniel never happens Also, Mark doesn't go to Thailand to rescue Bridget - he did his work at home and in Dubai to catch Jed. The one thing that amuses me vastly about what they cut out was the fact that Bridget interviews Colin Firth for a freelance newspaper article!!!
For obvious reasons, that would have been impossible to have in the movie script, as Colin Firth ended up playing Mark Darcy in the movies. They really, really did leave out A LOT, and this is definitely one of many occasions where the book so surpasses the attempt at the movie.
That being said, I love the movie and it's hilarious. It just doesn't match up with the book, and that always pisses me off. It's really too bad that Helen Fielding never came out with a trilogy for this. I would have loved to have had a third book detailing Mark and Bridget getting engaged and married and some crazy stuff happening amidst all of that the book ends with no engagement.
Love, love, love this book! Oct 19, Anne rated it really liked it Shelves: chick-lit , humor , read-in , romance. I enjoyed Edge of Reason a bit more than the original. I think it had a little more depth and I use that term veeery loosely than the first Bridget Jones book. She grows a tiny bit as a character, and finally seems to come to terms with what it means to be an adult in love. Again, she grows a tiny bit This is, after all, Bridget Jones we're talking about. As a big fan of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, I also found myself smiling quite a bit at the references to the movie I think I am either becoming more accustomed to the writing style or this one was just so much better than the first!
I was actually interested in the characters and there was a definite storyline in this one, with more action and events to keep me hooked.
What with Bridget's drug scandal in Thailand, the ongoing on-off relationship with Mark Darcy and the brief appearances of Daniel though I can't help but imagine them as Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in my head Still not a massive love 3. What with Bridget's drug scandal in Thailand, the ongoing on-off relationship with Mark Darcy and the brief appearances of Daniel though I can't help but imagine them as Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in my head Still not a massive lover, think chick lit just isn't for me, but it is good honest fun and Bridget is the most relatable character ever!
This shall be short and sweet since it just continues on from the first. One of the issues I mentioned previously love triangle evaporated. The other issue far-fetched plot is still present so I knocked a star off for it. I have the next one in the series waiting on my nightstand so I am hoping this last little issue disappears. Funny and light hearted, a great follow up to the original. Helen Fielding is basically the world's greatest feminist.
In her first Bridget Jones book, she taught us that no woman is complete unless she has the love of a foppish, sub-Hugh Grant, barely heterosexual posh man to complete her. To add to the confusion, Bridget is in love with the actor Colin Firth, who they end up casting in the film as her actual love interest, Mark Darcy. And he doesn't really play a Hugh Grant type either. Or the Hugh Grant in real life, who fucks crack whores in the mouth.
This is a review of the book though, which is not a film. It's not the first book either, it's the sequel to the first book. And it's not the film which is a sequel to the first film. In this book, Bridget gets her dream job, interviewing Colin Firth for some magazine or TV show or whatever. This is very confusing if you've seen the first film, obviously. This is the book though, so we'll carry on. Does anything of note happen in this book?
There's a scene at the start of it which is funny because foreign people are hilarious, and gay people are icky. I think that's the point the author was trying to make, anyway. The key themes of the book are that women are useless without men, other women stab you in the back at every opportunity, and that no one thin or good looking can be a good person. Fielding's novels are loosely based on a couple of Jane Austen books, although they're not that much like them; well, except for the fact that their attitudes to women, men and relationships are two hundred years out of date.
Can't wait for the third one! Mar 30, Deborah Markus rated it really liked it. Not as fresh and quotable as the first Bridget Jones book, but still a lot of fun. More entertaining if you're familiar with Persuasion , since her references callbacks? Too sleepy to type more. Read this book if you like funny. This was shit! Bridget was so charming and endearing in the first book.
In this highly unnecessary sequel Bridget is, quite simply, dumb AF!!! That was my biggest problem with the book. I couldn't get past how much of an Idiot with a capital I Bridget is.
Especially when you consider that she's in her 30s. Just, gaaah!! Is it that the book was published when they were all the rage? Don't have enough fucks to Google. Even if that is the case, why w This was shit! Even if that is the case, why would the author want to portray a trio of 30 something year old women who live their dating lives solely on what they read in the shitload of self help books they possess?
Like, why didn't Bridget just bloody call Mark Darcy seeing as she badly wanted to clarify things. It was just sooo stupid. I find intelligence really sexy.
So a trio of women having dumb ass conversation after dumb ass conversation just did. How Bridget is employed is beyond me. Dumb AF!! Again, dumb AF!! Everything about Bridget in this book was appalling for a woman in her 30s. Dec 07, Joy rated it it was ok Shelves: chick-lit. This was not as good as the first one Nov 26, Anna Chu rated it it was amazing Shelves: chic-lit-romance. I was listening to audiobook and Imogen Church done such a great job! I was cackling out loud and it is the best narration ever.
Jun 27, K. As I said last time, the movie is a trainwreck and the two should not be compared. The similarities to Persuasion are nicely done and that spoilery moment below? Yeah, that still makes me tear up. Having finished the first one yesterday, I honestly think I prefer this. Possibly because it's loosely based on Persuasion, which is my all-time favourite Jane Austen book.
I absolutely adore the part where view spoiler [Bridget and Mark meet in the hallway at night, and he freaks out and they finally talk about their feelings hide spoiler ]. It makes me tear up every time I read it. I can't even begin to emphasise how much they mangled it into a piece of utter bollocks when they made the movie version. Readers also enjoyed.
Adult Fiction. About Helen Fielding. Helen Fielding. Helen Fielding was born in Yorkshire. She worked for many years in London as a newspaper and TV journalist, travelling as wildly and as often as possibly to Africa, India and Central America.
She now works full-time as a novelist and screenwriter and lives in London and Los Angeles. Other books in the series. Bridget Jones 4 books. Books by Helen Fielding. Related Articles. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. To create our Read more Trivia About Bridget Jones: Th Quotes from Bridget Jones: Th My favorite book, she claims of which I have no memory was about how little kids get one toy that they love more than all the others, and even when its fur has been rubbed off, and it's gone saggy with bits missing, the little child still thinks it's the most beautiful toy in the world, and can't bear to be parted from it.
With an introduction by journalist Hadley Freeman9st 2, cigarettes smoked in front of Mark 0 v. Book Report, Inc. With an introduction by journalist Hadley Freeman 9st 2, cigarettes smoked in front of Mark 0 v. Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy. Is it morally wrong to have a blow-dry when one o. World literature is full of great love stories, but there are few that make it through the centuries and are as well-known and loved today as they were decades.
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. With an introduction by journalist Hadley Freeman 9st 2, cigarettes smoked in front of Mark 0 v. She is no longer a smoker well, not much , the wilderness years are over, and. With another devastatingly hilarious, ridiculous, unnervingly accurate take on modern womanhood, Bridget Jones is back. Monday 27 January " a.