Bulimia residential treatment programs pittsburgh pa

Group-based intervention and therapeutic meals provide enhanced therapeutic support and symptom interruption. The Emily Program Medical Team has decades of experience managing the unique medical and psychiatric complications of eating disorders.

As an affiliate of the University of Minnesota Medical School, our Medical Team is up-to-date with treatment and research, providing the best in comprehensive medical care across all levels of treatment for people of all ages and genders. Our Medical Team provides specialty care including medical management of interruption of eating disorder symptoms and related medical complications, medication recommendations, support, and accountability.

At The Emily Program — Pittsburgh, we combine our evidence-based treatment with personalized integrative interventions. We respond to the whole person at The Emily Program, utilizing a multidisciplinary team of experts such as therapists, dietitians, and medical staff. Contact us today at or visit emilyprogram. Sign up for our e-newsletter to stay current with all The Emily Program has to offer. Louis Park, MN Paul, MN The information contained on or provided through this service is intended for general consumer understanding and education and not as a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

All information provided on the website is presented as is without any warranty of any kind, and expressly excludes any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Facility Website. Do you have a loved one battling an eating disorder and would like a better understanding of this disease?

Our newsletter offers current eating disorder recovery resources and information. Join Today! All Rights Reserved. For general questions regarding any outpatient levels of care, please call Eighth floor Pittsburgh, PA Bellefield Towers North Bellefield Ave. Lower Level Pittsburgh, PA Adult and adolescent outpatient, intensive outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs are held at Bellefield Towers, North Bellefield Ave.

UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh has a brief medical stabilization and refeeding program for children needing medical care for their eating disorder. Learn more about how we treat eating disorders. I know I still really struggled to talk at times, but you have made me comfortable enough to discuss things I never thought I would talk about with anyone.

Renfrew offers them a place of their own: a secluded and nurturing setting in which they can feel safe, secure, and respected. Renfrew provides an environment that gives each adolescent girl and woman the time and space she needs to discover her own truth and find her own voice, within a community that values her feelings, appreciates her needs, and shares her hopes and dreams.

When choosing a treatment facility, an important factor to consider is the type of patient experience it provides. At one end of the spectrum are hospitals that only provide medical care; at the other end, are smaller specialty centers that focus on a specific age group or mode of treatment. Renfrew has developed a distinctively different approach. Unlike larger, generalized facilities Renfrew specializes in eating disorders. And, in contrast to more narrowly focused programs, Renfrew serves adolescent girls and women of all ages.

The result is an uncommonly diverse patient community, and an experience that gives adolescent girls and women from different generations and backgrounds a chance to come together, share stories, and help one another find the strength and confidence to change and take control of their lives. Equally important, a variety of innovative treatment programs for adolescents and women in midlife are also offered. In addition to eating disorders, Renfrew offers specialized treatment tracks that address other issues that patients may experience, such as trauma, addiction, and substance abuse.

The goal of family participation is to offer insight and practical knowledge that can help in the recovery process — not to find fault or assign blame. Families are supported in many ways, particularly with insurance and payment options. As a Joint Commission-accredited facility, Renfrew is a preferred provider for most leading health insurance and managed care companies.


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