Each profile uses a consistent format to allow for easy reading and useful comparisons between occupations. While this book is based on a foundation of different occupations, it also includes valuable information on several hundred occupations via the career path and related occupations tables. It is important to me that the information in this book will not only be useful to readers, but also be as current and reliable as possible.
Therefore I have included the most recent information from reliable Government sources, as well as my own proprietary information from 20 years of extensive occupational research.
The Government sources are U. Department of Labor DOL programs. Finally, from our own research, I have added career path and "real people" career dialogue elements, and have enhanced and expanded the DOL information throughout. The Job Tasks have been expanded to make them more useful. The education and training information is based on DOL's Typical Education Levels, but has also been expanded for this book.
I have also written or rewritten many of the job outlook and analysis statements that are incorporated into the Employment Outlook sections. Finally, I have included a number of resource guides to help job seekers and career explorers reach their goals.
There are countless numbers of books both good and bad ones on all of these subjects, so I've included a list of my favorite books on my website under Readers' Resources see www. Now is the time to begin planning for that transition.
Schedule an appointment with a transfer advisor. Our goal is to help you identify a career pathway that fits your interests, then develop a roadmap to get you there. Complete our short intake form , then schedule an appointment with a Career Pathways Advisor. WNCC students, alumni, and community residents have the opportunity to search and apply for jobs posted exclusively for them and other opportunities via national job boards. Additional resources like podcasts and the ability to create a resume or career portfolio can be done in CCN and made available to employers.
Employers also have the chance to post unlimited positions and search resumes for free! Each episode features local professionals providing tips on how to prepare for a career, hot trends in the area, how to avoid pitfalls, and much more. Does your to-do list seem never ending? Organization is key.
Students can use 1 elective class period a day to perform community service or unpaid job shadowing in the community. Online options may be available in certain fields. This course will include community service hours and a learning project. Please reach out to the career counselors for more information. Students who work can be approved to earn credit for one of their elective courses. Students, not business partners need to arrange for work study and complete all required components.