Curse gaming equip compare

You have just downloaded by the author. If you like this AddOn why not consider supporting the author? This author has set up a donation account. Donations ensure that authors can continue to develop useful tools for everyone. Go to Page Addon Info. Change Log Comments Add Favorite. Changes in 2. If there is one side to fit all the comparison tooltips, the code will find it now. In rare cases tooltips may still be partially off the screen, if the tooltips can't fit on any side.

A Kobold Labourer. Long time user and fan of EquipCompare. Not much to it, as it works directly with Blizzard's basic comparison tool.

I went through and made the changes as you posted, seems to be working fine atm but I checked! These match the changes I made. Good Job. All works now. Originally Posted by SaraFdS. Lua Code:. A Fallenroot Satyr. A Frostmaul Preserver. Originally Posted by mondoz. Lots of errors on this patch.

Any update coming? Or any other addons similar to this? Premium Member. No more working Since some latest patch WoW tooltips contain inforamtion about attribute changes when holding down shift while hovering over an item i. Equipcompare currently lacks this additional information. Hence I'd like to suggest to: a either add these information to Equipcompare or b let the default WoW tooltip being displayed for at least those situations where WoW itself supports equipment comparison Reasoning: These additional information are rather useful and help a lot when comparing items and losing these information when having equipcompare installed is a rather heavy argument against using EQCompare at all.

A Flamescale Wyrmkin. Is it possible to skin this addon? It doesn't match my other skinned mouse-over tooltip.

I used this picture in a my Auctioneer post, but it shows my equiped item tool-tip not skinned. I cant use no more the old version. The new pach seems not working with this old version. A Murloc Raider. Originally posted by Legorol It is possible for part of a comparison tooltip to be slightly off the screen when the tooltips are very wide. This is a known bug in EquipCompare. Put a needle and pins through the doll, burn it, inflict harm on it, insult it and kick it if you want to.

If everything went well, the victim will suffer physically, psychologically or emotionally just like you have done to the voodoo doll. If there is a person who wants to hurt you, you can send their bad intentions back to them using a gypsy curse. These curses of black magic will make the person suffer bad luck and see everything is distorted in their life.

If the curse is powerful, it will even make them break up with their partner or lose their job. First of all, you should remember that this type of work is something serious and should only be done if that person really deserves it.

If you have a photograph of that person, you can make it the focus of the ritual. Take the picture, surround the face with three red circles using a marker and place it under a black candle. With this, you already have enough to start.

Now you can direct the curse in several directions. If you want to cause a physical illness, you can mark with a knife the parts of the body where you want them to suffer. For example, if you want to cause headaches, mark the forehead with an X. When you have the black candle and your photo ready, you can recite some spells to give strength to the gypsy curse.

Here are some examples:. When you have completed the curse, you should keep the photo with you, and have it hidden for a few weeks to give all your energy to the ritual. This concludes our article on how to curse someone from a distance using different types of spells and curses of black magic.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Spells to curse and punish. Spells To Punish Someone. Spells To Curse An Enemy. Curses Skills Amplify Damage Curses a group of enemies, increasing the non-magic damage they receive. Lvl Req: 1. Dim Vision Curses a group of monsters. Reducing their vision radius. Lvl Req: 6. Weaken Curses a group of enemies. Reducing the amount of damage they inflict Lvl Req: 6.

Iron Maiden Curses a group of enemies, causing them to damage themselves when damaging others. Lvl Req: Terror Curses a group of monsters, causing them to flee in terror.

Confuse Curses a monster to force it to attack random targets. Life Tap Curses a group of monsters so that damaging them gives the attacker life. Attract Curses a monster to become the target of all nearby monsters this curse may not be overridden by another curse.

Decrepify Curses a group of enemies to make them slow, weak and take amplified damage.


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