Do everything microsoft office access 2003 download

Replicate a Database. Manage the Database in a Multiuser Environment. Control Data Editing. Update Records with Refresh and Requery. Edit Shared Database Objects. Secure a Multiple-User Database. Understand the User-Level Security Model. Create a Workgroup Without the Wizard. Assign or Change Permissions and Ownerships. Remove User-Level Security. Other Security Measures. Encode and Decode a Database. Hide Database Objects. Convert a Database. Convert a Workgroup Information File.

Convert a Secured Database. Convert a Replicated Database. Enable a Database. Convert from Access to Access Acknowledgments It has been a treat to be involved in the evolution of this new book series and it is also a pleasure to revise the How to Do Everything for Microsoft Office Access I note especially Megg Morin, my acquisitions editor, who, with skill and patience, guided me in the structure and tenor of this book.

She is a pleasure to work with, as is all her staff. Tana Allen and Athena Honore, my acquisitions coordinators, skillfully juggled their many responsibilities, all the while being responsive and helpful. Her editorial staff, including technical editor Margaret Levine Young and copy editor Andy Saff were very conscientious in pointing out glitches in the logic and lapses in the style. I must mention how much I appreciate the unrelenting efforts my agent, Matt Wagner of Waterside Productions, has put in to keep me from wasting my time by lolling around on the beach for the last 13 years.

Finally, I have my husband, Jack, to thank for providing quiet and peaceful surroundings, amenable to writing. I also thank him for letting me take over his computer for the duration while mine was occupied by the Office beta.

The concept of distributing data among related tables is not new, but the way the concept is implemented in Access makes information management a snap. Access is extremely flexible and can be applied to any environment.

With Access, you can design and build complete applications with virtually foolproof data entry and retrieval functions and adaptable user-interactive vehicles. They consist of fields that can contain data of many different types. They can extract specific data from multiple tables or even perform actions such as insert, update, or delete certain records.

Forms are used for data entry and display. As an integral member of the Microsoft Office family, Access has become very cooperative in working smoothly with the other members. Access can also easily import and link to data in other program formats.

Who Should Read this Book? This book is especially designed and written for readers who want an effective guide to all the Microsoft Office Access features, as well as for those who need a complete step-by-step walk-through to learn how to get the most out of Access. It is written for anyone who has a need to organize information efficiently and accurately, whether for personal or business objectives. It is also highly useful for beginner-to-intermediate readers who are migrating from other database management systems or earlier versions of Access.

The book is divided into four parts, each of which addresses a specific aspect of Access database management in a logical sequence, from a simple beginning to complex multiple user environment. Part I gives you a general overview of Access, and addresses the basics of creating a new database with related tables, and entering data in the tables.

Part II gets to the meat of database management by describing how to build queries to extract just the information you want, in the form you want it. Part II also shows you how to create forms and reports for displaying and distributing data. One of the chapters describes how to analyze data with visual charts and graphs. Part III diverts from database management to discuss personalizing your workplace and improving database performance. It describes how to create custom menus and toolbars, as well as switchboards and dialog boxes.

Macros are also introduced in this part. Part IV looks outward from Access and investigates the exchange of data with other programs, including database applications. It also investigates the sharing of an Access database among multiple users, employing replication techniques, and describes various means of securing the database from intentional and unintentional disruption.

The Appendix shows how to convert a database from previous versions of Access. In addition, it describes how to deal with sharing a database across several different versions. What Features and Benefits Are Included? Many helpful editorial elements are presented in this book, including the chapter-opening checklist of How To topics that are covered in the chapter.

If you are new to Access, you may want to start at the beginning of the book and read each chapter carefully. If you have used earlier versions of Access, you may want to skim through the How To lists for material that is new to you. You will find all the information you need to perform a specific task clustered together in a single chapter with cross-references to other chapters that may contain related information.

Introduction In addition to the explanations in the text, every chapter presents relevant and interesting figures and illustrations that clearly depict the activity under discussion.

Cautions that warn the reader of pitfalls and workarounds that can avoid problems. Notes that contain ancillary information related to the current topic but not part of the action.

Shortcuts in the form of a graphic icon that suggest ways to save time with a particular task. How To and Did You Know? This means select the Open command on the File menu. Double-click means to click an item twice in rapid succession, using the left mouse button. Right-click means to click an item once, using the right mouse button. Procedural steps that are numbered must be carried out in the prescribed order.

Optional choices are presented as bulleted lists from which to choose. Let Me Hear from You After a book leaves my domain, there is always a sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop. If you have any comments about how to make this book better, or you want to share some of your experiences with Access, I would be delighted to hear from you.

I have enjoyed hearing from readers from as far away as India, China, Scotland, and Korea. Microsoft Access is the top-notch database management system for all your information management needs, from a simple address list to a complex inventory management system. It offers all the necessary tools for storing, retrieving, and interpreting your data. Furthermore, these tools are a breeze to comprehend and employ.

Relational databases make a lot of sense. The data is distributed among tables, each table referring to a specific aspect of the database such as customers, products, and orders. The tables are closely related so you can retrieve the information you need from all of them and in any arrangement you want. With a single copy of each data item, you need to update it in only one place, which improves the probability of correct and consistent data.

In smaller, less complex, and more focused tables, information is easier to find. In a large table containing a conglomeration of information, it can be difficult to find just the information you need. This chapter starts Access and gives you a tour of the Access workplace. If you are already an experienced user of an earlier version of Access, you might want to scan the material in this chapter to pick out the new features and move on to Chapter 2 to create a new database. Start Access and Open a Database You can start most software built for the Windows environment in the same way: from the Start button.

To start Access: 1. Click on Microsoft Access in the list of programs. The upper panel contains the names of databases that have been opened recently no doubt your list will be different. Take a Tour of the Access Window The Access window shows a title bar, menu bar, and toolbar common to Windows programs.

It is a great advantage that many of the Access features are common to other Office programs so you may already be familiar with them. These buttons are common to all Windows applications. You can use them to maximize, minimize, resize, or close the window. If the window is not maximized, the lower-right corner becomes a resizing handle that you can drag to change the height or width of the window.

The File menu offers options to create a new database, open an existing one, or search for the one you want. Other options, such as the Toolbars option in the View menu, let you tailor the database workplace. All the Help menu options are available.

The Toolbar The buttons on the toolbar offer shortcuts to a lot of the commonly used menu commands. Most of the toolbar buttons are dimmed, but you can rest the mouse pointer on the button and see its name displayed below the button in a ScreenTip. The toolbar and the menu bar present different options, depending on the current activity.

The Status Bar The status bar, located at the bottom of the Access window, provides a running commentary about the ongoing task and clues to the Access working environment.

If the database you want to open is listed in the Getting Started task pane that appears when Access starts, you can open it by simply clicking the filename. If the one you want is not on the list, click More.

The Open dialog box appears, as shown in Figure Your list of folders and files will be different. If Access is already running, you can open a recently opened file by choosing File on the menu bar and selecting the filename from the list. This is the default display in the Open dialog box.

The trick is to know where you have stored your database. If you have used other Windows applications, such as Word or Excel, you know how to find the file you want with the Open dialog box.

The Open Dialog Box The Open dialog box contains several buttons that help you find the file you want to open. You can see the name of each button by resting the mouse pointer on the button in the command bar. The default file type for Access is Microsoft Access, which includes all Access databases and any other Office documents that have been linked to an Access database such as an Excel spreadsheet or a Word document. Choose Microsoft Access Databases to see only the database files in the current folder or Microsoft Access Projects to see only the list of projects.

Once you have tracked down the database you want to open, double-click the name or select it and click Open. The Open button offers other ways to open the database such as read-only, exclusive, or both. You will learn more about these options in later chapters. The Northwind database is an order processing application that demonstrates the power and usefulness of a relational database. Although the focus seems simple enough—taking and filling orders from customers for the company products—a lot of data actually is involved.

To open the Northwind sample database, start Access and click More in the opening New File task pane on the right side. Of course, if it is already showing in the list of files recently opened including the one you want to work with, just click the filename.

If Access is installed on another drive, choose that one instead. In the list of folders and files in the C: directory, double-click Program Files. If you have installed Office in a different directory, use that pathname. Select Northwind and click Open.

If the Northwind Traders welcoming screen appears, click OK to close the screen. In the next section, watch for the difference between the Access window with the menu bar and toolbars and the Database window, which contains lists of all the objects in the database and has a separate command bar. When you close the window, you also close the database.

You can see all the components of the database in the Database window. The left pane of the Database window shows a set of buttons grouped under the Objects button. Another title button named Groups includes buttons that open other folders such as the Favorites folder. Groups can be quite useful if your database is used by more than one department, such as personnel and marketing.

Each department can have a group of database objects that it can use, such as favorite reports and data entry forms. A user-defined group can contain any type of Access objects as well as objects from other Office applications, just like the Favorites group.

When you click Groups, the Objects list collapses and the list of your custom groups appears in its place. The Database window is made up of several pages, each represented by a button in the left pane under Objects.

Clicking on an object button opens the page, where you can see the names of all the existing objects of that type. The Toolbar The toolbar you see at the top of the Database window not the Access window includes buttons to open an existing object to view or modify, create a new object, or delete an existing object.

You also can change how the Database window lists the objects. You can list the objects using large or small icons in alphabetical order by name or another arrangement. Each of these options is available by clicking a button on the Database window command bar or by selecting from the View menu. The Object Pages Each object page also has its own toolbar with a set of buttons appropriate to that object type. All the object pages include the Design and New buttons.

The first button on the toolbar depends on the object page you are on. To start a new object, click the New button. To open the table, query, form, or page, click the Open button. To preview the report, click the Preview button. To run the macro, click the Run button. Look at Menu Options and Toolbar Buttons While you are bouncing around in the Database window, you might as well take a look at the menus and toolbar buttons. The standard Database menu bar and toolbar appear in the Access window.

Not all the options are available to all of the database objects, and some, such as the Save button, are not available until a table or other object is opened.

It also makes sense that the Paste button is dimmed until you have copied something to the clipboard. To see what a toolbar button will do, rest the mouse pointer on the button and look at the ScreenTip that appears briefly. A lot of the menu commands and toolbar buttons also have shortcut keys that might show in the ScreenTip or with the menu command name.

See Chapter 16 for more information about showing shortcut keys on menus and toolbars. You can dock them at another edge or let them be free floating. To move either one, click the move handle located at the far-left edge of the bar it looks like a stack of dots. Then drag the bar away from the top of the window to another edge or leave it in the center of the window.

Drag the bar borders to resize the floating bar. To restore the menu bar to the top of the screen, click and drag the move handle at the left end of the bar.

To restore the floating toolbar, drag it by its title bar to the top of the window. Shortcut menus are context-sensitive menus that appear when you click the right mouse button. The commands in the menu depend on where the mouse pointer is and what is going on when you click the button.

Click anywhere outside the menu to close it. Figure shows the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click in a blank area of the Database window. Only the most commonly used commands are included in the shortcut menu, but they also might include commands from several different menus on the menu bar. To choose a command from a shortcut menu, click the command or type the letter that is underlined in the name of the command, called the access key.

If the command shows a right arrow, such as View in Figure , it is a submenu that contains more commands. Rest the pointer on the item to open the list of commands, then choose one from the list. If the command shows an ellipsis … , as Import does, it opens a dialog box when you click it. FIGURE Choosing from the database shortcut menu 13 1 14 How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office Access See Chapter 16 for information on how to get wild and crazy with menu bars, toolbars, and shortcut menus to create your own workplace style.

To open one of the tables in the current database, double-click its name in the Tables page or select the name and click Open. The table appears with the data in rows and columns much like a spreadsheet. This view of table data is called Datasheet view. Figure shows the open Northwind Orders table in Datasheet view. Each row contains a single record with the information for one order. Each column contains values for one field.

Each field has a unique name—for example, OrderID—and contains a specific item of data, such as the customer name or order date. Another way to open a table is to right-click the table name in the Tables page, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.

This menu features other commands that will be useful later on. For example, the title bar of the Database window now shows the name of the open table. The menu bar includes two new options, Format and Records, that are relevant to the open table.

More of the toolbar buttons also are available. The status bar at the bottom of the Access window displays the description of the current field that is included in the table definition.

This is a sure way to tell which toolbar is visible on the screen. You can also choose other toolbars from the list to show in addition to or instead of the default toolbar. To scroll to a particular record in the table, drag the scroll box to that record. As you drag the scroll box, a helpful ScreenTip appears next to the pointer. It tells you the number of the current record and the total number of records in the table.

As always, you can choose from several ways to move the cursor around the records and fields in your table, including simply clicking in the desired location if it is visible. You should try them all and settle on the one that works for you. The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the datasheet window give you the same options as the Edit Go To submenu. You can also enter a specific record number if you know the number of the record you want to see in the text box between the navigation buttons and then press ENTER.

This area also tells you what record the cursor is in and the total number of records in the table. Shortcut Keys If you are mousephobic, you can use the shortcut key combinations to move around the datasheet once you get used to the correlation between the keys and the resulting cursor movement. If you are in the last field in the record, the cursor moves to the first field in the next record.

If you are in the first field in the record, the cursor moves to the last field in the previous record. Check Out the Subdatasheet In a relational database, it is important to be able to view information related to the current data on the screen. The related data is displayed in a subdatasheet, which can easily be opened. If the records shown in Datasheet view display a plus sign at the left end of the row, there is additional information in another table in the database that is related to that record.

To see this data, expand the subdatasheet by clicking the plus sign. The plus sign changes to a minus sign when the subdatasheet expands. To collapse the subdatasheet, click the minus sign. You can expand as many subdatasheets as you want in a single Datasheet view. Each subdatasheet contains records that correspond to one record in the datasheet.

You can expand them individually or set a table property that automatically expands all of the subdatasheets when the table opens in Datasheet view. See Chapter 3 for information about setting tables and other properties. Figure shows the Northwind Orders table with two subdatasheets expanded to show the products from the Order Details table, which were included in two of the orders in the Orders table.

Notice the plus and minus signs that indicate the current state of the subdatasheet. If fields have not been specified to link records in the subdatasheet with records in the datasheet, you will see all the records in the related table when you expand the subdatasheet. See Chapter 2 for more information about relating tables and what that can do for you. The Help menu is always on the menu bar as well. The Help button is also available on all built-in toolbars. Scroll down the list and click on the one that matches your question.

The Help window opens and displays the text of the topic you chose. To see the whole subtopic, click the expand arrow at the left of the selection. If you want to see all the subtopics expanded, click the Show All link at the top-right of the window.

These are also expanded when you click Show All. Design tables for storing information. Retrieve specific information and present it in customized forms, reports, and dynamic data access pages.

Let this friendly, solutions-oriented resource help you understand and employ all the data organizing tools available in Access We will only approve comments that are directly related to the article, use appropriate language and are not attacking the comments of others.

Comments This book is very nice and it is very useful. In order. A guide to Microsoft Outlook covers such topics as managing a calendar, sending and receiving e-mail, working with address books, and using notes and journals. A structured, self-paced tutorial for novice users of Microsoft Access covers such topics as Access tables, table properties and relationships, queries, data modification, and reports. An illustrated guide to Microsoft Access covers such topics as creating a database, modifying tables, retrieving information, creating forms, and security.

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