Environ software pvt ltd india

Read more ». Our IT division is initially developed to support its GIS and environmental division with the objective of creating user friendly web applications for local level planning. However, upon increased customer requirements PAN has dec.

Environmental stewardship is the heart of our business and we help our clients in reducing environmental impacts resulting from their work. We provide a full spectrum of environmental services via a carefully assembled success-ori.

GIS and Remote Sensing. Web-based Spatial Services We develop web and mobile based applications to help our clients to view, query, retrieve and update spatial and environmental data. Environmental Restoration We do feasibility study for environmental restoration planning, and offer engineering services for restoring contaminated land, especially in coastal environment.

Geology Consultancy Services We are capable for providing various geo-services like geological mapping, coastal regulations, ground water monitoring, heavy mineral characterization, marine surveys, and scientific report writings. Services GIS Services. IT Services. Environmental Services.

Read More SWPSM is fully 3-dimensional environmental fluid dynamics GWPSM is self-contained fully three-dimensionally fluid NPSM is an advanced software used to simulate propagation of Noise in Breeze contains an internal interface for effective management of office and a What We Do. Air Simulation Software. Surface Water Simulation Software.

Ground Water Simulation Software. Noise Pollution Simulation Software. Oil Spill Risk Assessment and contingency planning. Dredge disposal studies, shoreline changes. Modeling of Storm Surges and Associated Inundation.


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