Escape cell game cheats

At night, Fred gives back the chisel to Leo, and your task here, as Leo, is to chisel your way out of the cell. Meanwhile, Vincent needs to keep a lookout while he chisels away -- and remember, they are in adjacent cells to one another. As Vincent, you can interact with the cell door, which will change the camera angle and allow him to "look" around this floor of the cells.

Your job as Vincent is to look in both directions and make sure a guard does not walk across Leo's cell while he is working on escaping.

If Leo gets caught, you must start this part of the mission again, so try to keep good lookout by looking from side to side. As Leo, interact with the toilet in the cell and hold the prompted button to pry open the toilet.

As this is happening, you may need to distract a guard walking past as Vincent. Simply press the prompted button to have a conversation with him and keep him from going past Leo's cell. You have a few dialogue options, but they all similarly stall the guard. Make sure that after the guard is done talking to Vincent that Leo is not working on the toilet or else you will have to restart.

The guard might question Leo a little, but if you aren't actively prying open the back of your cell, he won't catch onto you. With no guard and the toilet moved from the back wall, Leo's cell has a hole with a poorly rusted cover on it. For this part of the game, you must move your joystick in circles in order to start unscrewing the cover.

Change the clock hands so that collectively they form the number 2 C. Zoom into the table; note the dog food cans D. Find the 20 items on the list. Go down the hallway. Click on the head G. Note the eye chart I. Zoom into the debris on the ground to activate a MOS L.

Find the 12 morphing objects marked in red. Click on the left door N. Click on the panel to expose a puzzle. The solution is random; you must click on 12 eyes in the correct order to solve the puzzle. If you make a mistake, the puzzle will automatically reset and you must start over with a new sequence.

Go through the door after you complete the puzzle. Look at the clipboard and read the clue O. Watch the TV monitor P. Walk down and go forward. Click on the mannequin doctor Q. Zoom into the top of the cabinet; note the spilled beaker of blood R.

Click on the buttons to activate a puzzle. Click on each round button the square buttons are static to change the digits to the numbers that add up to that square. Once a set of numbers has been entered correctly, the number on the square will light up. Please look at the screenshot for the solution U.

Open the left door and go through it. Examine the sink for a MOS. Go outside. Return to the morgue. Zoom into the freezer door D. Change the numbers on the dials E to the code found in the intercom F. Click on the handle G to open the freezer door.

Examine the toe tags; write down on a piece of paper the numbers circled in red height and whether the toe tag number is between 1 and 5. Zoom into the eye chart. Using the 5 sets of RANDOM numbers found on the toe tags circled in red , and their positions from 1 to 5 , look for the matching numbers on the eye chart. The first number circled in red on the toe tag represents the number on the side of the eye chart 10 through 4.

This section is marked in green on the screenshot. The second number circled in red, represents its position in that row. For example, If your first number is 5'1 — locate the number 5 on the right side of the eye chart and then write down the 1st letter in that row which is 'B'.

Starting from the left, count to the number you need in that row. For example, if the toe tag says 4'6, then look for the sixth number on row number 4. Repeat the same process for the rest of the toe tags until you have all the letters. Once you have your solution, walk down to return to the reception area. Click on the window. Zoom into the pad; enter the code from the eye chart that is unique to your game.

Go into the birthing room on the right. Look at the TV monitor. You have to click on the stomachs so that all of the mannequins remain pregnant. When you click twice on a non-pregnant belly, the belly of the woman to the right of her will become pregnant. Start on the right and work your way to the left do not click on the very last stomach. When you get to the last lady, click on her HAND to inflate her belly.

To solve the puzzle, click on the stomachs in this order A is the first lady on the left and E is the next to last : E x 2, D X 2, C x 2, B x 2, A x 2, and on the hand. At this time all stomachs should be raising up and down. In order for the solution to work, all bellies must start in the flat position. Examine the back gate; note the numbers G. Return to the hallway. Zoom into the x-ray device on the right. Return to the birthing room. This action opens the back gate.

Go through the back gate. Look at the TV monitor I. Note the DNA device by the bed J. Return to the hallway and go into the left room. The first pill was located on the x-ray device. The second pill was located on the sink in the morgue.

The third pill was on the patient in the operating room. The fourth pill was in the mouth of the first pregnant woman. If you lift up a tab and it looks like a 'b' use that as a number '6'. Return to the room in the back room of the birthing room. Zoom into the device; slide the dials so the numbers fall on the lines you believe correspond to the numbers you found on the certificate of birth.

The low numbers are on top and the highest numbers are at the bottom. The actual gauges don't have numbers or notches; I added notches to the screenshot where the numbers should be to give you a better idea of where they need to be placed.

Zoom into the gauges on the left; verify that the numbers you set on the device are correct, if they are not, re-set the dials on the DNA device. The letter D corresponds to the left gauge. The letter N corresponds to the center gauge. The letter A corresponds to the right gauge.

Once the gauges are in the right spots, click on the small green button in the upper right for a baby to fall into the basin. Zoom into the baby; click on its mouth and its eyes will blink. Each time the baby blinks the eyes will either appear green, red, or blue. If you cut the correct wire while the baby's eyes don't match; the puzzle will reset.

If this happens, click on the green button to bring back the baby. Don't worry about cutting the wires all at the same time, cut one wire and wait until the eyes turn to the right color again to cut the matching wire. Walk down 4 times to return to the hub. Go through the front door and then go into the left door.

Walk Down and go up the steps. Zoom into the right door for a puzzle to appear. Click on each die to rotate the numbers. You must rotate the numbers to match the numbers marked on the 4 scraps of yellow paper.

As each set of numbers is used by you, it will be crossed off the list and the row or column of dice will light up.

Please look at the screenshot for the solution G. Go into the bathroom. Check out the bathtub; you need something to drain the water. Exit the bathroom. Click on the back door to activate a puzzle.

The goal is to click on the symbols shown at the bottom of the screen on the board in the order shown. You must click on all the symbols without leaving a gap. Please look at the screenshot for the solution L. Go into Abigail's room. Note the times in the journal. At you must clip momma's toenails. At you must trim momma's nose hairs. At you must pop her pimples U.

Set the time to W. A female cuckoo X will appear and you will hear Abigail yelling upstairs. If you need help solving a couple of levels or all levels then this is the perfect walkthrough game guide for you to help you solve all the possible combinations.

No one has ever lived to tell the tale, But can you? Using the tools and items you find along the way to help you in the epic challenge. You must be logged in to post a comment. Skip to content. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

After getting trapped, you are tasked with escaping the prison by merely solving tricky puzzles; meanwhile, finding items that may help you in your escape.

Get a chance to travel to the new heights of the Himalayas and remote forest islands where dozens of items are hidden to discover. There are different rooms available and each one asks you to master your logic and solve the mystery while digging the way out of the maze. To get help, find answers and solutions, read our Prison Escape Puzzle Walkthrough guide. Discover hidden objects and utilize them to solve tricky puzzles. The prison has a door that will open once you discover a key. Follow the steps given below to escape:.

Going through the door may help you discover the second room where a control panel and many other things are available, along with the other two doors.


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