Established Program as of April 1, The established program must have been available by April 1, to subscribers meeting at least one of the criteria in Consolidated Appropriations Act, div.
N, tit. Specifically, providers offering broadband subscribers discounted rates based on criteria such as low-income, loss of income, participation in certain federal, state, or local assistance programs, or other means-tested eligibility criteria qualify for this automatic approval process. Required Verification Processes. Broadband providers seeking automatic approval to participate in the EBB Program with established programs must demonstrate verification processes used for the established program.
The verification process must be sufficient to avoid fraud, waste, and abuse. Providers that have been offering a broadband program for eligible households should demonstrate how they have generally foregone collecting revenue they might otherwise have assessed from participating subscribers. The providers should describe how they prevent enrollments in their programs by ineligible households.
Providers that receive automatic approval to participate in the EBB Program will use the Lifeline National Verifier and National Lifeline Accountability Database NLAD to verify household eligibility or their own alternative household eligibility verification processes, or the combination of both before seeking reimbursement.
Even if a provider has its own existing broadband program for determining eligible households, it may decide to use the National Verifier for some or all applications to the EBB Program, although it is not required to do so. Providers wishing to use an alternative household eligibility verification process in addition to the National Verifier must submit the additional information describing the process. Expedited Application and Approval Process Any non-ETC broadband provider seeking to qualify for expedited approval must file an application describing: A list of states or territories where the provider will offer EBB Program services.
A provider seeking approval must list each jurisdiction in which it seeks to be approved to offer EBB Program services. A provider will only need to identify the state or territory where it plans to offer qualifying EBB Program services and submit any necessary authorities to operate.
A statement identifying the jurisdiction in which the provider requires FCC approval and jurisdictions in which the provider is an existing ETC. Providers that are designated as an ETC or affiliated with an ETC in some states or territories must submit an application and obtain Bureau approval to participate in the EBB Program in states or territories where the provider is not designated as an ETC. Providers without an ETC designation or unaffiliated with an ETC must certify that they are authorized to provide broadband services.
Participating provider applications must include a certification that the provider understands and complies with all statutory and regulatory obligations.
Bureau Approval of Alternative Household Eligibility Verification Processes Providers that would like to verify household eligibility in the EBB Program through their own alternative eligibility verification process in addition to or instead of using the Lifeline National Verifier must submit documentation to the Bureau demonstrating how the process safeguards against waste, fraud, and abuse.
Bureau Approval Application Resources Broadband providers requiring Bureau approval to participate in the EBB Program or use an alternative household eligibility verification process must submit an application through the online application portal. You will need these to log in.
These must be answered for your application to be complete. Have the necessary supporting documentation prepared for the application you are submitting. Specific documentation submissions will be prompted, and this includes established programs, alternative eligibility verification processes, ETC designations, authorities to operate.
We designed a fully integrated mix of earned media and advertising, social media outreach, partner engagement, and direct marketing to touch voters online, in their homes, in their communities, and through trusted organizations and individuals with carefully timed, repetitive messages about how and when to take each step in the voting process.
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