It seems that throughput mode contributes to both the too-many-iteration problem, and can cause the host to respond sluggishly when under load. The default option, throughput mode seems to interrupt for every packet , so 75k interrupts. The second option, CPU mode triggers the interrupt on a NIC timer - meaning a constant rate of interrupts regardless of the data present or when the packets arrives.
Most of these interrupts would be short as they often have nothing to do, but still have to be handled. The average latency depends more on this interrupt rate than on the packets being communicated. In the latter two cases you may also wish to tweak how many packets are handled in a single run. Read the section below. Re: kmod-forcedeth error by update Post by carletto » Wed Jan 08, am Hi Trevor, thank you very much for your answer. Forcedeth was successfully update.
About lan problem: is it possible that someone is trying to hack my Server? Thank you. Re: kmod-forcedeth error by update Post by stevemowbray » Wed Jan 08, am If you are running transmission then the traffic could be torrents.
Check what torrents you are running. Transmission can be configured to limit upload or download bandwidth. Nothing happens, the computer is for an user that not have the possibility to connect it with cable, will connect with wifi adapter, and works perfect.
Finally I used Manjaro Architect 64bit and Lxde, and, after a lot of work, I have made everything work great, Nvidia propietary drivers included, all that I tried worked perfect some games, dvd movies, music, internet with palemoon browser, Thanks for the help as usual! This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. Hi again. Org 1. Required tool glxinfo missing.
You can also try an older LTS kernel: 3. I tried with 4. I will try with Puppy first, is ultra-light. Thanks for the help! I think there is a good probability the following may work. Run the following command to change your driver options. A different command must be used if you're using a live system. Question: Did you use the same cable when you connected directly to the router?
Have you resynced the adapters. What do you meaning "switching out"?