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Improve this question. Some early systems also supported entities called event marker icons. Event icon markers are represented by symbol, latitude and longitude data only. You have the option to ignore Event Icon Markers effectively removing them from the output data using the input option ignoreicons.
On output, you can use the write option writeasicons to create event marker icons from waypoint data present in the input file. Refer to the official GPX 1. This option instructs GPSBabel to not convert event marker icons found in the input data to waypoints, but to instead disregard them altogether.
These are present only in USR version 2 and 3 formats. USR output This option causes waypoint information read from the input to be converted to event marker icons in the output. While GPSBabel is capable of supporting all five USR formats for input processing it is currently only able to generate USR format 2, 3, or 4 due to the lack of detailed information on some of the data contained in the other formats. Newer post or so Lowrance devices added a version three of their USR file format that adds waypoint depth.
Specify "3" to output USR version 3 data on write. To create a USR version 3 file that contains waypoint depth information use these output options: gpsbabel This option can be used when writing a version 4 or higher Lowrance USR file to set the file title. This option can be used when writing a version 4 or higher Lowrance USR file to set the device serial number. If the option is not used and the source of the data is a Lowrance USR file with a valid serial number then that serial number will be used, otherwise a value of 0 will be used.
This option can be used when writing a version 4 or higher Lowrance USR file to set the description text. If the option is not used the description text will be "Waypoints, routes, and trails". Getting Help Helping us. People Partners. The Formats Next. Lowrance USR lowranceusr. Table 3. Advanced options for GPSman [help]. Advanced options for IGN Rando track files [help].
Advanced options for Lowrance USR [help]. Advanced options for Lowrance USR version 4 [help]. Advanced options for Magellan Mapsend [help]. Advanced options for Magellan SD files as for eXplorist [help]. Advanced options for Magellan SD files as for Meridian [help]. Advanced options for Mainnav [help]. Advanced options for MapTech Exchange Format [help]. Advanced options for MediaTek Locus [help]. Advanced options for Microsoft Streets and Trips [help].
Advanced options for Motoactiv CSV [help]. Binary File Format [help]. Advanced options for Navigon Waypoints [help]. Advanced options for Navitrak DNA marker format [help]. Advanced options for NetStumbler Summary File text [help]. Advanced options for NMEA sentences [help]. Advanced options for Nokia Landmark Exchange [help].
Advanced options for OpenStreetMap data files [help]. Advanced options for OziExplorer [help]. Advanced options for See You flight analysis data [help].
Advanced options for Textual Output [help]. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service [help]. MapAsia track file. Mapbar China navigation track for Sonim Xp mapbar. Mapfactor Navigator mapfactor. MapTech Exchange Format mxf. Memory-Map Navigator overlay files. Motoactiv CSV motoactv. MTK Logger iBlue , Binary File Format mtk-bin. National Geographic Topo. National Geographic Topo 2. National Geographic Topo 3. Navigon Mobile Navigator. Navigon Waypoints navigonwpt. Naviguide binary route file.
Navitel binary track. Navitrak DNA marker format dna. NetStumbler Summary File text netstumbler. Nokia Landmark Exchange lmx. OpenStreetMap data files osm. PocketFMS flightplan. PocketFMS waypoints. Raymarine Waypoint File.