How to extract palladium from catalytic converters

Given that the population of China and India dwarf that of North America, it is easy to see how dramatic an impact these regulations have had. In order to achieve their function of reducing pollutants, every catalytic converter requires the precious metal palladium to function. This particular automobile component has become so costly because palladium is a rare metal that is only obtained as a by-product of mining other metals. However, that demand has increased intensely, which has resulted in scarcity, and its value has skyrocketed.

Today, the value of palladium is even higher than that of gold. Circulate the gas through the ceramic matrix for 30 minutes, and use a silica crystal filter to catch the crystallized metals in the gas stream. Repeat Step 2 using only the chlorine gas atmosphere and aluminum chloride, but this time raise the temperature to 1,C and circulate for six hours.

At this point, effectively all of the precious metals should have been leached out of the converters ceramic core, bonded to the aluminum dioxide and deposited as a crystalline buildup on your filter. Drop your crystalline filter into a solution of the powerful corrosive aqua regia, also known as nitro-hydrochloric acid. This amazing acid was fist discovered by 17th century alchemists, and is one of the few substances on Earth that will dissolve platinum, palladium, rhodium, gold, titanium and iridium.

Allow the metal-infused filter to sit until the aqua regia dissolves all of the metal crystals. I don't want to give 50 and get I too used to think like most of you until I talked to a gentleman who owns a bronze sculpture foundry.

I in turn found out the secret. A Crucible and crucible furnace is all you need along with some Borax [affil. You can find the plans for a furnace online easily. Easy to assemble and use. Platinum and Palladium are each different weights and one has a higher melting point than the other so when cooling down they tend to separate somewhat. When you pour the mold it will cool and the slag can be removed with a small hammer. Do some research it is not that hard to search this stuff. The reason most people don't do it is they are either dreamers or just too stupid or flat out too lazy to try when they find out what it takes.

One that came off of a [certain model] that had been wrecked before it got used almost new produces close to 3 oz. Don't let the buyers of cc's lie and say they don't hardly get much more from you on them from their buyers. They make a lot and the guys who melt them make a killing. Do your research if you want to make money.

It is doable and should be done by anyone with half a brain! Some convertors are worth more than others, but something doesn't add up, Chuck. The new converters that they sell are not like the ones that come on the new car. They use a pgm that is not as high as platinum or pall. These are after market. They don't care if it costs them 3 grand to produce one for the new car because they will add that to the new car price.

Just an example: before the cc came out on new cars the value of a car was in the mid thousand dollar range. Like in the 70's a new car not a Cadillac mind you but a regular car was around 7, dollars. When the cc was added because of emissions control cars started becoming 10 to dollars. This fit with the plan and now it will cost 18, and up.

They use the price of the car to offset the cc that has the platinum inside. If I buy one that came off of a new car it will yield way more than that of a knock off. Also with a lot of states like here that require an inspection sticker no more, They can put less of the valuable components into them for sale in these states and still be in compliance. To sum it all up if you buy for If you don't you are just spinning your wheels. It is there and I make a lot on it every weekend.

I average 2 to 3, I also extract gold from plated cosmetic jewelry and have a good time doing it in my spare time. If people would take the time to do it right they would make a lot of extra money for themselves. You just have to be safe doing it so you don't hurt your self in the process. How much precious metal is in 60 grams of catalytic converter flakes? Hi someone please help me with these questions: 1 on ebay people sell collected flakes of platinum from catalytic converters, How much platinum is in 60 grams of these flakes?

Thanks for your help. I'm I being ripped off? Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 9k times. Improve this question. Klaus-Dieter Warzecha AlanZ AlanZ 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. What exactly is your question? The OP has raised the issue of chemical inertness and melting points being hard to attain.

The value is such that manufacturers recycle them so they are not just discarded. And it is illegal to steal them from someone else's car though often done when scrap prices are high enough. And the recyclers will have the capacity and means unavailable to lone chemists.


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