Mini vga2hdmi converter

Nice find! I have had this same unit for a few months now to connect my Dreamcast and have noticed blackouts before from time to time but not as bad as distortion lines in the picture. I thought it was just outside interference. Mine too is powered directly from my tv which hardly gets powered down much so never crossed my mind heat could be an issue until now.

Jaycar here in Australia has some really inexpensive little adhesive heatsinks that would do the job perfectly. I just used coins as there were quite a few lying around. I finally got my heat sink in the mail and got it put together. I was going to use some pennies but as you may know about the currency in the US, it has very little copper in it these days.

Most of it I believe is nickel now. Anyways, the heat sink I got from eBay was 14x14x4mm aluminum and it covers perfectly! I did notice our boards are slightly different but overall the same product. Thanks once again for the tip! Name required. Mail will not be published required. Amiga Installing OS 3. I'm not original Lots of useful and interesting information!

I wish there were more such sites and not the huge amount of … Sorry for this! I am an internet oldie and if I compare it to, how it begun, sometimes I got frustrated. Back to the topic! I made some additional trials according to your hints. I tested it again with and without connected power supply to the laptops the converter was always powered from the same laptop with the original USB cable, but I even tried different cables and supplying the power from an independent source.

No visible problems in the connectors with the pins. Even if the cable seems to be perfect and worked fine with three different monitors and three different computers 2 laptops and 1 desktop , I will order a new cable tonight! I will check with the new cable too. I also will try to find another monitor and do some testing with that!

It is frustrating, how many different behaviours I already saw, altough everything is standardized. On this new HP laptop, it seemed to handle the converter, but there was no output from the box, so either the box, or the cable, or the TV is malfunctioning.

But all of them work in another setup. So it is a compatibility issue. Thank you again for the hints, they showed me some more directions with the testing! I will not give up on this! Hi, one last question to this topic. Does it support HDCP? Can the problem be the missing support for HDCP?

I have to write again and thank you! You helped me a lot!! You gave me a hint in your first answer about grounding. Back then, I tried to change the power supply and that did not seem to help, even if I tried in different building and completely different devices. I continued to do testing and two days ago I had luck.

If I powered the converter from the laptop. No input again. Then I powered the converter from the desktop computer the converter was working with that computer again and surprise: the converter worked with the laptop too.

I came home and made some measurements with my multimeter. I checked the shielding metal chassis of all connectors on both converters. I connected the laptop to the TV again and there was no input. It was 3. I shorted the chassis of the two connectors and surprise: I had an input signal on the TV! If I connect the chassis of the two connectors with a wire, I have plenty of resolutions and all are working with the TV, the picture is sharp and simply great!

If I cut the connection: no input signal again! It is a bit disturbing, because even without that connection, the converter was giving an EDID information to the computer completely different resolutions from the working condition, but there was an information , but was not working. I had a different problem since a while with one laptop with a DVI output on the docking station. Sometimes, with some operating systems I tried many different flavours of linux and windows XP and windows 10 I could use the TV as an external monitor, but with fixed and different resolutions for deifferent systems.

It was confusing. I was looking for an answer since weeks. I was sure, it is a software issue, since it worked sometimes. The chassis on the two sides was not connected and I measured 1,1 V voltage between the two sides, if connected. I gave it a try and I connected the chassis on the two sides with a wire and surprise: It works now with every operating system, I can choose the resolution and I can even use the TV at fullHD resolution with the very old 13 years old laptop.

After this experience, I guess most of similar problems are caused by grounding problems. Thank you very much! Although I still do not understand the problems completely and therefore I feel a bit unconfortable, but your hint helped me to save a lot of time and all of my systems are working now with external monitors too!

Hi, sorry for that question! I should have looked into the HDCP spec. I found the answer, just after sending that message.

So it cannot be the problem! In the meantime I opened the device and was surprised. It does not have the same chip as yours. It is a ZY chip. The chip is smaller, has only has 32 legs and I cannot find any information about it anywhere. It arrived just 30 minutes ago. I tested it and it works. It works in any combination, with all laptops, at any resolution and with the same cables, the other is not working with. It felt a bit heavier, so I measured the weight did not want to open it yet but the difference is only 2 grams.

It looks exactly the same as the first one. I looked at them under high magnification. The old one which was only working with desktops looks to have an even better quality was also more expensive. I will use the new one a bit and then open it and tell, what the difference on the inside is. The only difference you can tell without opening them is the packaging. The second, working one had the same packaging as yours. The first one came only in an ESD bag. Thanks again for yoiur advises! Regards, Gyula.

I found that there are at least two types of converters: i Simple analogue to digital converters that converter and pass through the signal without changing the resolution ii Upscalers that not only convert the VGA signal to digital they also upscale the resolution to exactly match standard HDMI resolutions.

The only unit that worked properly was the upscaler. However, the alignment of the image on the TV varied between the upscaler and the basic converters. However, care needs to be taken when trying to buy an upscaler. Generally, upscalers have a switch to select the HDMI output resolution.

However, some basic converters are incorrectly specified. I only checked the audio with the Windows start up and shut down sound and that seemed to be okay on all five units when the TV recognised the HDMI signal i. The downside is that the scaler can introduce its own artifacts and can vary in its rescale capabilities depending on the chipset so perhaps might lose sharpness.

The one above converts and scales. Thank you for the comment. I think you are right about the VESA timing. With the basic converters when the computer starts the Dell BIOS screen appears followed by the Windows splash screen but after that the screen goes blank.

Other people have reported the same problem. The Extron converters looked rather interesting. Hi, this units are really weird. I have bought two, in different cases. Sadly, both are equipped with ZY One having ground connected to HDMI, he other not. It might not recognize or hand over possible resolutions as there is no difference with or without connected screen.

In the next days I might do other tests with other computer, but the intention was to use it with the laptop which seems not fruitful. I suspect that like me your TV is the problem not the converter.

When you connect your monitor to the HP Elitebook p how are you setting the display resolution? If you set the external display to extended desktop you should be able to set a different resolution. But I found more strange things, always having the converter connected to my DVI monitor, or the TV set: — other modern Laptop Win10 connected via VGA output of the docking station works perfectly fine, i. This was not fully reproducible. I can see, that TV reacts on changing resolution, but no picture for all of them.

Maybe the EDID hand over of the converter is the key. I made lots of tests with two such converters. Both were working after I fixed the issue with the grounding in one of them. The other one had no grounding problem from the beginning and worked right away. Even the broken converter was recognized by the computer before I fixed the grounding issue. I even could change the resolutions in the operating system, but there was no input signal on the TV.

After I fixed the grounding problem, the list with the available resolutions changed and basically all of the resolutions worked. Before the fix, the available resolution list was also changing sometimes. After the fix, it was always the same.

I mainly use linux and I also recognized, that on some computers linux only recognized the converter with a max. I do not know, if this helps, but these are my observations.

I have stopped the testing since a while, but I have the same chip and is working now with different monitors and one TV, If you need some cross testing, with different hardware just tell me!

Some comparison could help to figure out something for you! If this computer has a digital output the standard HDMI resolutions should be available.

It is difficult to find on Windows One is originally connected, the other not. I fixed that for the second, but no difference at all. I connected only the shielding, no other pin s. Maybe my HP p laptops are some of the systems that have this resolution issue. That means above statement that issues are TV related is correct, but not the full truth.

For me the converter, at least the ones with ZY, are not fully compatible to all computers, and most probable not to all TV sets.


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