Nancy drew the curse of blackmoor manor game hints

Set your alarm to PM and go see Jane. She promises to give you the telescope if you solve a puzzle. Do the puzzle, go see Linda to waste time, then enter your room to find the telescope there. Put the lens on the telescope to look at the mural on the wall. It has five pictures numbered on it: The tragedy mask, a parrot, a lyre, two flutes, and the comedy mask. Go downstairs. By the library is a fancy machine with all pictures on it! How convenient. Unfortunately, the machine is broken, so go see Mrs.

Drake about fixing it. Drake sets you on the task of fixing her plants while she finds the crank to the machine. This one is pretty hard to do. Put the green plant that is made up of several triangles it looks a little like a pinwheel underneath it.

Those two plants should be the same width. Put the next biggest plant it has six rounded leaves, in a semi-circle against the top of the box, with its longer side against the top. Put the six-leafed plant along the right side of the box, with its longer side against the right, which fills out the right side of the box. Place the three-leafed plant directly to the left of the plant you just placed positioned so it is the same length as the plant to the right of it. Only six more plants to place.

Two of the plants are green and have a lot of leaves. Put them one-on-top-of-the-other on the bottom of the box, by having their longer sides parallel to the bottom of the box.

All the plants are fixed, and Mrs. Drake comes in the with crank. Go to the machine, and use the crank. You get to play a game of "Go Fish", except you need to make trios, instead of pairs.

Start off by pressing the pictures in the order you saw in Brigette's room the tragedy mask, a parrot, a lyre, two flutes, and the comedy mask to get Penny to wager Cupid's Arrow. Then, win the game to get the arrow. Good job!

Well, you completed the singing stairs and got the key to open the area by Jane's door, but if you remember, the key doesn't fit in the lock because the lock is old and needs lubrication.

Order one of the meals. This man talks in Cockney rhyming slang, which you can learn about if you talk to Mrs. Drake and use your cell phone if you want to. The important thing is to order some food, and when he asks "Uncle Fred and Johnny Rutter? Leave the room and come back, then eat the meal and take the butter.

Go to the keyhole by Jane's room. Use the butter on the keyhole, and a puzzle arises, which involves moving the tiles above Jane's door. But what order should they go in? The first step is to get the sun and folly pieces right next to each other the way they are in the puzzle's solution.

Move the moon piece up and right, strength left, up and right, father time left, up and right, and then the glasses left, up, and right. Move the sun up, then folly left and up.

Now the sun and folly are right next to each other, and in perfect position to be put into place. Rotate the pieces clockwise around the "ludo ergo es" sign until the folly and sun pieces are located like this: x x x F S x x x x x x x Move sun down, folly right, and sun up.

Then move sun down and folly down, and they are both in their place. Now we need to get the moon piece into place. Continue the rotation, and when the moon piece is on the left-hand side, drop it into the bottom-left position where it should be in the solution , and drop another piece above it. From here on, the strategy is simply.

Just look at the piece that is on the left-hand side, second from the bottom. It is very easy to slip it into its proper place in the rotation if you're rotating the pieces around the sign in a clockwise manner. Strength can be anywhere in this rotation; it doesn't matter. All you have to do is put an out-of-place piece in this position left-hand side, second from the bottom , then move the rotation and slip it in its proper place.

Put another out-of-place piece in this position, and repeat until all the pieces are in the proper rotation. Then slip strength into its proper position left-hand side, second from the bottom and move the rotation until all the five pieces are on a line on the bottom to solve the puzzle.

Once you're done, the "ludes ergo es" sign opens, revealing Jupiter's lightning bolt. John Penvellyn hid the knight's helmet in the well, but, unfortunately, the well is dry.

Thomas Penvellyn has something to say about fixing the well, though. He said the lock was in the hidden passages, so go down to the hidden passages to the maze. Instead of going through the maze, turn around so your back is to the door to the maze, and go left. Bet you didn't notice this passage before. Go forward to reach the well, which you can enter. There's nothing inside except a note for Jane. On the door to the well is another eye puzzle.

This one requires you to get four triangles all alone. It's a rather simple puzzle, once you realize the only way to do this is take one triangle away from the group of five triangles.

From there, I worked backwards to reach the solution. Here's what to do: 1. Put triangles in 5. Move 5 to 3. This leaves two triangles in 5, and three in 3. Move 3 to 8. This leaves two triangles in 5, and none in 3.

This leaves no triangles in 5, and two in 3. The well is full now. Now go the top of the well by Mrs. It's full of water now, and you can solve John's puzzle. It's rather simple; just move the frog across the pond to reach the princess.

Don't land on any crocodiles! You get infinite lives in the game, so it's rather easy. Once you win the game, you get the knight's helmet. Defense systems? You're going to take it now. Go to the hidden passageway by the gargoyle, and go through it.

After going down two floors, you can go left or right. This time, go right. You end up by some large hands that control the statue in the library you can look through the peephole to see this is correct. I'm sure the game tells you how to move the statue correctly somewhere probably the Mutus Liber , but I don't know where.

So just guess and press the fingers randomly to move the statue. Look through the peephole after it moves, and when the statue faces the peephole, you've solved the puzzle. Once this is done, go to the library and take the wand. Simple as that. If you don't already, get the telescope lens from Brigitte's room check the Pillar of Cupid section for instructions.

Then put the telescope lens in drawers directly below the window in the room. It's a zodiac puzzle! You have to know the proper signs and order of the zodiac.

Using your trusty cell phone, you'll find out that you have to press the twelve buttons in this order: 11 1 4 10 3 5 7 12 9 8 2 6 Do this, and you get the moon. The knights block the passage of the oil to the forge.

Brigitte's box that contains a telescope lens can be opened by using the clues of her coat of arms and star charts. Use the lens to see 5 muses. Select each muse in order and Betty will wager Penny's keys.

The lens also shows a secret panel in the moon column. Edward devised the Saturn column, the green dragon and the target slide. John hid the key to the Mars column using the frogs in the conservatory pond. Alan used the computer as clue to the Saturn key and gave the clue to the moving rooms.

Read the parchment written by Corbin, grandson of Elinor left of the worktable. Forge: Pan left and look close at the forge. Take the mold. Look close at the metal in the pot all set to be worked in the pit. Corner table: Read the journal of Charles Penvellyn and the reference to a family instructing the first born of the Penvellyn family.

This verified what Ethel, the tutor stated - her family, the Bosinny have always taught the Penvellyn heir.

Read the folded decree at the last page - the heir is taught no sooner than 12 years of age. Read the reference to the machine that executed Elinor. Study closely the parchment that tells how to move Mercury and to unlock the key. Remember that this was referenced in Nigel's note about the statue in front of his desk seen also through the peephole and the knight statue with those hands at the second level of gargoyle secret passage.

Read the parchment on the whetstone. Pan left and look close at the cabinet on the wall that needs a key. Pan left and climb to the alcove to check the Wind control mechanism. Find the column keys using the Ancestor's clues. Time to follow all the clues and keys stated in the journal of the ancestors.

Penny's Aeolus - wind puzzle: Penny's words stated that she made a puzzle to control the air in the forge. The Aeolus book stated the forge needs air. Go to the alcove left of the cabinet with the large keyhole on the wall. The object of the puzzle is to catch all 4 winds by landing on them similar to the Bul puzzle.

The control is at the right panel. Press the blue button to start the game and you warrior move to the center. The blue button also resets the game during gameplay. Use the 4 direction arrows to move to one square or 2 squares during your turn. The game field is the left panel. Note the warrior like the one by the door at bottom.

The 4 pictures show the 4 winds. The black squares are traps - so don't go there or you lose. The 4 winds can blow you to the trap, so watch out where you land. The north wind can blow you down, the east wind to the left, the west wind to the right and the south wind to go up.

My strategy was not to be blown to the far left squares and to stay on squares that the target wind cannot blow me away. Keep moving until the target wind is within 1 or 2 non-black square - then land on that target wind. Take the east wind first so there is no wind to blow you to the far left squares. Nancy will say - It sounds like air is going to the forge when the game is won. Thomas' well lock: Study the map on the ancestors' journal and see that the well lock is just outside the moving rooms.

Exit the forge. Open and close the Mars door twice without going in. Turn around and exit through the Mercury door. Immediately, turn left and forward to go to the well lock door with the familiar eye. Click on handle to enter the bottom of the well. Take the crumpled paper about and Uncle Roger's the one with the toupee item for Jane's guinea pig on the floor. Back up to go out of the well and do the door puzzle.

Well lock door puzzle: The object of the puzzle is to make 4 triangles in one compartment. Move the triangles by clicking on the button under the source compartment and the click the button under the receiving compartment. Press 8 triangles button to 3 triangles button, 8 to 5, 3 to 8, 5 to 3, 5 to 8, 3 to 5, 8 to 3, 3 to 5, 5 to 8, 3 to 5, 8 to 3. The well fills with water. Back up and go right or left east or west exit. Go back up and out to the second floor hallway.

Cell phone rings. Talk to Ned. Talk to Linda in her room. John's puzzle: Go to the Conservatory. See that the pond is now filled with water after doing Thomas' well lock door puzzle and the frogs are merrily shooting out water.

Drake if she's working by the potting table. Water pond puzzle: Based on John's story of Grenny read in Nancy's room, move the frog from one end to join the princess while keeping away from crocodile senior mode only. To guide Grenny, click using the sprayer cursor on the tile in front of Grenny. Take the key from the frog's mouth. This is the helmet of the armored body on the first right column by the stairs.

This is the Mars column based on the picture on Mutus Liber. Go to Jane's door. Look at the tiles around Jane's door. Remember what Nigel and Charles said about the tapestry and the markings on the door. Try the key from the stairs that sing puzzle as clued in by Thomas on the keyhole under the red button.

Use the butter from Nancy's dinner on the keyhole - to loosen things up in there. Now use key taken from stairs puzzle on keyhole. See a wood stand slide out. Click on wood stand to reach the tiles. The object of the puzzle is to arrange the tiles in the order stated by the tapestry inside. Moon, Sun, hands - up, right, down to join with angel.

Jester, angel - left, up, right to join with Father Time. Jester, Angel - right, down to Father Time. Take the lightning bolt from the secret compartment. This is the lightning bolt held by Jupiter on the Jupiter column. Edward's target slide: Go to the hallway on the main floor and take the cricket ball of the trophy. Go to the dragon room and using the prize clue after winning the 13 ghost hunt - When you are facing the GREEN dragon, look to the left and pull below the vase with the tree.

As you step through the door and see the dragon, turn left and click on the leaf like knob with the cloth. If this is your first time to slide down, Ethel will be waiting for you with some hard scolding. Go back to the green dragon room. Target puzzle: Using the cricket ball, hit the target as you slide down. Do a practice run to see where the target is located. You will come out of the coat of arms of Penny with her playful companion. Turn left and oops! Ethel gives a stern, a very stern scolding.

Go back to the dragon room and do the slide again. Take the cricket ball from inventory to get it ready to throw. Position the ball-cursor at position slightly above the target by the slide. Determine this in test runs. I marked my monitored with an X. Do not move the ball cursor. Click to start down the slide. Just before the target is seen at center of the monitor, click the ball. Once the target is hit, pick up the clock key for the Saturn-Tempus Fugit column.

Elinor's statue puzzle: Elinor wrote about Mercury and the hands that move. Go to the peephole at the West Hall secret passage. Click on gargoyle 2xs right arrow, 1 left arrow, 1 right arrow, 2xs left arrow and 1 right arrow to open the secret passage. Go forward and left of the now opened door. Go down 2 levels, turn right and forward to door. Open the door and see the knight statue holding a sword. Look close and press the nose to open the peephole. Look through the peephole and see the Mercury statue in the library.

Hear Nigel typing. The drawing at the alchemy laboratory showed what to do. The statue has to be turned to face north. Pull back and look down at the metal fingers. The central jewel should not be pressed in or it will stop the movement of Mercury.

Click on the statue's right index and hear Nigel say the statue is moving. Click on statue's left middle finger and now Nigel screams. Go now to the library and take the wand from Mercury's hand. Cloaked lady: This event can be seen earlier or later. Oh No! It's AM, go out of the room and see the lady in black in the hallway. Follow automatically and stop by Linda's room. Flip the switch and see the eyes light up. Pick up the ' red eyes'. Linda must be sleeping.

Do not knock a second time or you will be fired! But try and see what happens and do the second chance! It is best to go back to bed.

Set the alarm to wake up at 2 PM. Brigitte's box puzzle: Go to Nancy's room. Time to open the box. Clues - Based on the song sang by Jane, Brigitte's favorite time is midnight of the longest time of the year.

From the web search, find out that Bruma, winter solstice is the longest night of the year. Look at the star chart and click on the right blue circle until the Bruma star chart is seen. Note that Pisces is on west, Draco is on the north, Leo on the east, Lepus is at the south and Lynx is at the center.

Look at Brigitte's coat of arms above the fireplace. Note the colors and placement of the moons at each cardinal point: north - red full moon, east - red waning gibbous moon, south - green half moon, west - blue waxing gibbous moon and center is black new moon.

Box - Click on box and open any side. See colors at the center depicting the moon. The slider changes the colors and the top left button adjusts the cover of the moon.

Click open the Lynx side of the box. Click to open. Click top left button to cover the moon. Click on Draco dragon side of box. Click top left button to uncover the whole moon.

Pull down the slider to get a full red moon. Click on Leo side of box. Click top left button to cover the right fourth of the moon. Pull slider down to change the color to red. Turn the box and click on Lepus rabbit side of the box. Click top left button to cover the left half of the circle.

Pull slider down to change the color to green. Click on Pisces side of the box. Click top left button to cover the left fourth of the moon. Pull the slider down to change the color to blue. A compartment opens. Take the drawing and see that it is a lens of a telescope that sits on a tripod.

Take the lens. Brigitte's moon column puzzle: Go to the window seat right of the suitcase. Insert the lens on the hole under the moon at the base of the window seat. Turn the lens. A Zodiac panel is seen. The object of the puzzle is to press the green button of the Zodiac in the correct order. Do a web search.

See the panel recede. Take the full moon key. Back out and the lens automatically goes in inventory. Depending on the time - go out the hallway and hear Mrs. Drake talking to Linda. She placed something on the door. Look close and see it's a charm. Linda's room: Look at the raw meat on the table. Leave the room, she won't talk to you.

Jane's room: Look at the mirror of the dresser and read the back of the Rome postcard. Jane's mother is in Italy. Talk to Jane about the message, telescope and red eyes.

Jigsaw puzzle - Play the Puzzle game. In senior mode, right click to turn the pieces. After winning the puzzle game, go somewhere else maybe see if Linda will talk to you and then back to Nancy's room since Jane has to place the telescope back later. Conservatory: Talk to Mrs. Drake about the charm. In Nancy's room, look through the telescope and see it focused on the Sun God mural. Insert the lens, look through the telescope and see new pictures that are numbered.

Move the lens around and see 5 Muses that are numbered We saw those muses at Betty's card game. Let's go there. Click on Betty to play. She stopped working. Look at base of card stand and click on hole. Seedling puzzle: Talk to Mrs. She'll look for the crank while you arrange the seedlings to fit in the box. The object of the puzzle is to fit all the seedlings in the box. Click to take the seedlings and place it on the box. Right click to rotate the seedlings. When done, leave the conservatory and then come back.

Drake will be back. Talk to her again about Hugh and Jane's mother. She gives the crank. Betty's card puzzle: Brigitte wrote - Select each muse in order and Betty will wager Penny's key. Use the crank on the hole at base of the card booth. Click on the cards to start the game. Unlike any other regular game with Betty, give Betty the code to play for Penny's key. Click on the 5 muses in the order seen in the mural through the lens: 1.

Melponeme, 2. Erato, 3. Terpischore, 4. Euterpe and 5. Press red button. Betty then places the arrowhead as wager. As you leave her, look at the little table with seedlings and a wooden flat. Examine the pill bottle. She tells Nancy the medication makes her feel drifty, and there are some precautions on the label. Go to the Library, the large door opposite the Conservatory. Talk to Nigel. Be sure to examine the statue of Mercury, in front of his desk.

There are other things to see in the Library, but nothing important for now. In the Main Hall, notice that the six columns each have a little part missing. Your primary quest in this game is to gain possession of those six items.

Also look at the various Coats-of Arms. Each one has a characteristic symbol , such as snake, rainbow, lips, lion, whatever. Also notice that many of the Latin quotes are flanked by little graphical symbols. Since they vary, they must be important clues. Make the connection between the pictures and the black symbols. Extra: Any time you are in the Mail Hall, you can play the "Go Fish" automaton game near the library. Until it gets disabled, that is. It's a good idea to play it once, so that you will recognize the symbols it uses.

Let's see if Jane is done with her lessons. Maybe she will be willing to talk. Jane wants to play a game. Refuse for now; each game will come with a reward in time, and there's no productive reason to play them yet. Look on the Window seat, and find the Family Tree. You can ask Jane about the various family members, helpful, but it's not essential. In the bookcase, find the paper that deciphers Runes. You can't take it with you, so if you need to translate some Runes later on, you might need to return here.

There is a book on Monsters. Read the book. Important: At the lower-right of the last page, click on the phone number for Paliki Vadas , the author and presumed expert on Lycanthropy. To the right of the bookcase is an area containing a toy oven, and several ingredients. Continue to the right, and look on the dressing-table. There is a photo of Jane's "real" Mum. Important: Read the book, "Mutus Liber. Look to the right, and examine the tapestry in the corner, created by Charles in the 's.

Look to the right of the door, on the desk. Find the lesson plans. Notice the time of day the lessons are conducted - they end at 2 p. Talk to Jane again. If you opened the puzzle box and have the lens , ask her about the telescope. She will return it, if you play a game. This one's a jigsaw puzzle, and it's timed five minutes.

I suggest dragging most of the pieces out to the perimeter, and begin with the corners and edges. Once a piece is in the correct spot, it locks in place. Finish the jigsaw in time, and Jane promises to return the telescope.

Several of the games that you play are "rigged" to get easier if you lose several times. To the best of my knowledge, the Jigsaw is not one of these.

You must simply solve it. Exit Jane's room, and go left, past the staircase, to that strange object in the corner, draped with a blanket. What in the world is that sound? Pull the blanket down, to discover a Parrot in a cage. Loulou will translate Latin to English, but only once.

Be choosy what you want translated. The more Latin phrases you have seen, the more choices you will have. If you are curious about more Latin phrases, you could save your game BEFORE ever asking Loulou to translate a phrase, then replay it with different phrases.

She will only give you one at a time. While you were out, Jane returned the telescope. Go to your bedroom, and look through the scope. It seems to be looking at the mural with the horses. Exit the view, and put the eyepiece on the telescope. You see five numbered items : 1. Tragic Mask 2. Bird 3. Lyre 4. Doppelflaute two flutes 5. Comic Mask Write that down, intrepid detective - the knowledge might just come in handy.

If you played the game in the Main Hall, you recognize the items. Whether or not you have played the game, it will be disabled, now that you have seen the clue. Back away from the telescope, and the lens returns to inventory. Check out the area under the Window-Seat.

Yes; the lens fits into the round slot. Give it a turn, and Oh-No! A puzzle is revealed, with twelve Zodiac symbols. If you need a nudge in the right direction, use your phone to browse the web. Search for something about stars. Fortunately, there is information on the Zodiac. Press the symbols in the same order as the web page gives, starting with Aries, and ending with Pisces. They are in the traditional sequence. Really can't figure it out? Click here. Isn't that gorgeous? You have just solved the first of six major puzzles.

You have the Moon Key. It's time for Nancy to have a good night's sleep. Click on the alarm clock, then on the Alarm button. Click on the Up-arrow, until a. Nancy's dreams are interrupted by strange chanting. If you look around you will not find much. It's a. Look in the hallway, just in case. If you are strictly following this walkthrough, you might just see a black-robed figure disappearing down the hallway.

If you do, examine and take the glasses. If she's not there now, she will appear later. You will be wanting to talk to Jane again, and she will be occupied with lessons until 2 p. Set the alarm clock for 2 p. You might hear strange noises in the night. Go all the way down the hallway, past the parrot cage, turn right, and knock on the door with the coat-of-arms. It is locked, and you need the key.

Jane has it, go ask her for the key. Ask her if she wants to play a game. Looking in the Chest, you can see several games. Choose the one that looks like a small deck of cards, near the back of the chest. It's Concentration, where you find and match pairs. I needed to use pencil and paper to beat this one, since you must finish in 25 tries or less.

Fortunately, the constellations all have names, so you don't have to draw the pictures. Go to the Library, and examine the computer in the far back of the room. Go to Jane's room and ask her about the password. When you win, you learn that the password is on Alan's coat-of-arms. That's in the main hall; the most recent one. The Latin words are "Purgamentum Exit. That opens the computer, and he tells you about the Ghost Hunt.

Not only must it be conducted late at night, but it's timed. Play it later. Then talk to Linda. Ask about secret passages, and about Jane. Now Jane will talk to you about secret passageways and the key.

You will need to win another game. Play BUL, the ancient Mayan game. I remember playing this same game before.

She gives you the key to the East Hall. Enter the door in the East Hall. The secret passageway can be opened by correctly setting the hands on the dragon. The clue to the setting is the coat of arms on the door.

Starting from the Dragon's head, and zig-zagging down toward the tail, set the hands as shown here: Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Right. When the settings are correct, the dragon's eyes glow, and he growls.

It sounds more like an eighth-grader belching when the teacher's back is turned than a dragon growling! Look in the passage, discovering that it is too dark. You will need a source of light. Go to Jane and ask for a flashlight - er - torch. She doesn't have one, but you can have a Glow-Stick, provided you can beat the previous high score of easy game or hard game.

The arrowhead will open the column with the two angels on it. It is the column next to the door that leads to the hallway. In the room with the dragon there is a vase with a tree on it. Pull the lever under the vase to slide down a secret passageway. In the passageway you will see a bulls eye. Get the cricket ball from the hallway downstairs and hit the bulls eye it will give you a piece to open the other column with angels on it.

To enter Jane's room, it has to be after 2 pm. So use the alarm clock in Nancy's room to set the time for 2 pm and then hit set. You'll need to use the clock to change time throughout this game. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


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