Open the scanner lid. Figure : Open scanner lid. Remove the TMA cover by releasing the latch and pulling the cover up and toward you. Figure : Remove TMA cover. Place positives in the appropriate template, with the top of the image pointing up. Place slides in the slide template. Start at the top and fill in rows as you go.
Figure : Place slides in template. Figure : Place large slides in large-format template. If a light shield is provided, use the slide light shield to cover the remaining area in the slide holder if you are scanning fewer than the maximum number of slides with the TMA. This ensures that no extra light leaks into the scan.
Place the template containing the media to be scanned onto the scanner glass. Align the arrow on the template with the corner reference mark on the scanner bed. Figure : Place template onto the scanner glass. In the HP Scanning dialog box, select Picture. Select Scan positives, including 35 mm slides, using the TMA. If you want to preview the scanned picture, select the Show Preview check box on the screen, or begin the scan from HP Solution Center. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish scanning.
They are high quality, but not the absolute best. To keep file size down, a JPG is compressed, which will result in some loss of detail. If you are digitizing photos for a website or slideshow, this is probably what you want. TIFFs are not as commonly used. For custom size, use the Resize tool in the scanner software to set the scaling to the final size required. The scanner will scan the item to the selected size and adjust the scan resolution as appropriate. Configure the scan settings for either fast scanning or higher-quality output.
If high-quality output is required, use the optimum color accuracy options. This will improve the output but the scanning process will be considerably slower.
When cropping images, completely remove the borders to reduce excess light interference. Select a location. Europe, Middle East, Africa. Asia Pacific and Oceania. Select a language. Confirm Back. Search all support. Search help. Tips for better search results Ensure correct spelling and spacing - Examples: "paper jam" Use product model name: - Examples: laserjet pro p, DeskJet For HP products a product number.
Loading Results. The Virtual Agent is currently unavailable. Please try again shortly. Once the slide or negative is scanned at an appropriate resolution, you can invert the colors, and then perform other corrections in order to remove dust or color errors.
The best part? You can tweak the design to fit whatever size film you have lying around. Even if you have a dedicated flatbed film scanner , it can still be difficult to scan anything bigger than a standard roll of medium format film.