External links may earn us a commission. By Roland Udvarlaki January 13, , pm. By Roland Udvarlaki January 13, , am. By Sanuj Bhatia January 13, , am. Latest Articles. I have the same question 0. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. That said, if you are a developer then you can use the Windows Phone Emulator.
The Omnia W will be coming to the UK, and we'd expect to see it launch here within the next few months, so stay tuned. Is your fancy ticked? Or are the specs not meaty enough to meet your meaty needs? Tell us in the comments section below, or on our Facebook wall.
While it doesn't beat the iPhone's perfect touch screen experience, it's one of the best among iPhone competitors we've used. Finger-scrolling works well and isn't reversed like the LG Vu , flick-scrolling where supported works nicely and dragging pages in Opera and Opera Mini works perfectly and is speedy.
When we first received the i it had the original ROM which had haptics everywhere any and every screen touch had haptic feedback but less than stellar screen response.
However, haptics largely disappeared. You get them in the Samsung applications and in the widget Today screen, but not when scrolling through standard Windows Mobile built-in applications, nor when using the on-screen keyboards. Given that generalized haptics aren't the most useful the device vibrates when it registers any touch, and doesn't indicate that you've touched the target you actually intended , we don't miss it except in the keyboards.
If you don't like haptics, you can disable it using a control panel applet. We've received word that there's yet another new firmware out-- but only available from Samsung service centers at this point, that brings back haptic keyboard feedback.
Hopefully, Samsung will post this ROM on their web site soon. Samsung has skinned and re-made a good deal of Windows Mobile's interface, though the core Windows Mobile applications such as IE, contacts, calendar and Office mobile are untouched.
There are 3 Today Screens designed for fingers and quick access to important information and applications. The most talked-about one is the widgets Today Screen, which features a virtual desktop and widget bar. You can drag any of the Samsung-created widgets from the bar to the desktop and they become mini-applications or program launchers. Widgets include a web browser launcher, month calendar, caller photo speed dial 4 contacts supported , a games folder shortcut that looks like a PS3 controller, notepad shortcut, world clock with 2 times, analog and digital clocks, wireless radio control widget Bluetooth, WiFi and the phone radio , music player and a profile changer normal, silent and vibrate options.
Widgets run in both portrait and landscape mode in fact everything does, unlike the Diamond , and you can have a different set of widgets on the desktop for portrait and landscape modes. The default right softkey is assigned to Samsung's "Main Menu", a finger-friendly application launcher with a screen dedicated to a selection of built-in applications and a second editable shortcut screen.
While widgets is cool, it might not suit those accustomed to the usual, informative Windows Mobile home screen with its support for plugins for appointments, search, messaging and more. Samsung's other 2 Today screens excitingly named "Samsung Today 1" and "Samsung Today 2" are more practical for those who want the most info on the go. The first has an embedded application launcher and icons that inform you of calls, text messages and new email. The second is less busy and has the same icons for calls and messaging along with shortcuts to a photo speed dialer and settings.
A widget to inform you of missed calls see above.