News driver killed

That same man was the motorist who stopped and called , Callister said, and his face was the first the girl saw as he approached the scene to check on the occupants. He also remained near the car and continued speaking to the child while emergency crews were en route.

When crews found Jacob Schott he was initially semiconscious, but as soon as he was lifted out of the car, he stopped breathing, and despite CPR and other life-saving measures that continued for more than 40 minutes, the boy was pronounced dead at the scene. Callister said the comprehensive investigation is still ongoing, which is standard with any serious traffic collision that results in fatalities, particularly when it involves a commercial vehicle, which are some of the most deadly crashes in which investigators are involved.

According to the preliminary findings, he said, investigators determined there were two primary factors that led to the crash. One, he said, was that the semi entered the roadway without its trailer lights on, a detail that was confirmed by a second witness who was later interviewed by authorities.

The trooper said the semi driver, who was parked on the shoulder of southbound I, pulled into one of the travel lanes going mph, while at the same time, the Mustang was heading south at freeway speeds.

The force of this was similar to what investigators would see if a passenger car struck a solid object at more than 70 mph, he added. Callister said that instead of entering the travel lane at such a low speed, the semi driver should have remained on the shoulder long enough to gain speed, which would have reduced the severity of the impact.

He also said what makes these crashes so dangerous is the massive amount of weight involved, as well as the ground clearance and variance in size between the two vehicles. A loaded semi can weigh as much as 80, pounds, which is roughly times that of a passenger car, which also means it has times more kinetic energy than a car.

That is a significant amount of energy that has to dissipate during impact. Any crash involving a commercial vehicle has its own distinctive factors and evidence, as well as dynamics unique to heavy trucks.

Callister also said that commercial drivers are held to a higher standard due to their training and the fact that operating a semi is their profession, so any mistakes or errors often result in serious consequences.

This report is based on information provided by law enforcement and may not contain the full scope of findings.

The judge in a criminal trial in York County, South Carolina pulled a woman from the jury after officials noticed a Confederate flag on her clothes. Breaking News: Supreme Court blocks Biden administration's COVID vaccine-or-test rule for businesses However, the justices allow the vaccine mandate for most health care workers to continue. Close this content. Read full article. Brie Stimson. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.

In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Recommended Stories. Atlanta Black Star. Palm Beach Daily News. NBC News. Preliminary information suggests the female driver of the Chevy SUV "may have failed to stop for a red traffic signal" before crashing into the tractor trailer on the Interstate 17 frontage road near Grant Street at about p. Andy Williams said. The male passenger in the Chevy was pronounced dead at the scene, while the driver was taken to a hospital with injuries that were believed to be non-life threatening, Williams said.

The male driver of the tractor trailer was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, while his female passenger was uninjured.


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