Opening a dgn file without microstation

Detach a Border Attachment with Key-in. Display Overrides setting in the reference attachment dialog box. Display references in a different color. Display Text and Dimensions in Reference Presentation. Exchanging to a Reference gives different display to opening Reference directly.

Getting "No Elements Found" message when trying to clip a reference with a Fence. How do I remove the full path setting from my design files? How to add Relative path to a Reference Attachment. How to apply Reference Adjust Colors by key-in. How to attach a reference with a scale without using True Scale.

How to attach references and have their boundary display. How to change font size in Reference Title. How to control the color of reference file highlight. How to control the display of the viewport boundary. How to control view attributes in Reference Presentation.

How to create a report of which reference files are turned ON? How to Link a level to a Reference attachment. How to Manipulate Reference Attachments as Elements. How to modify a Reference Clip Boundary.

How to Order Reference Attachments. How to produce a text file to attach reference files. How to Synchronize Reference Symbology. How to temporarily hilite elements displayed in nested reference attachment. How to turn off the display when attaching a Reference.

How to turn on the Save Relative Reference path. How to use reference file level symbology overrides without affecting the active file levels. If same dwg file is referenced twice turning off display of one turns off display of both. Internal reference model not found after renaming. Is there a method to synch all the levels of all of the reference files attached?

Level name structure when merging reference files. Level overrides key-in with nested references. Line Style scale change when referenced. Lineweights in sheet model don't display. Losing reference attachments after reopening file. There's no magic available here: you can't look inside a file unless you open it. That's the way computers work. The question you may have intended to ask is: "How do I open a DGN file without showing the file to the user? You don't scan a DGN file to find elements.

Elements live in a DGN model. Thanks for your response. Actually we have to process this tool on thousands of files and while opening each dgn, tool is consuming time. So that we are looking into an alternate process without opening the dgn file.

For example: Initially we will open a seed file, then we need to process the input files i. The way to process multiple files without displaying graphics is to write an app. That approach lets you process multiple files without displaying them. When processing thousands of files, you save a lot of time because MicroStation doesn't have to fire up its graphics engine for each file. For the MicroStation V8 generation, the only way to write such an app.

VBA doesn't offer the ability to work without graphics. The chance this process over thousands of file operations will crash is high, and you may destroy your seed-file. And to say "I want to work with design file but do not want to open it" is complete nonsense, as Jon explained already. What exactly does it mean? What do you want to do with the files? When the file is opened as a main file, all MicroStation submodules are initialized and full access is available.

But when the same design file is opened as work file, the access and API features are limited. So when you need to only scan simple elements, it's fine, but things like references, rasters, styles etc.

Again, be precise. Configuration Variable Processing. Creating Tool Icons. Customize item missing from Workspace menu. Customize Toolbox - Tool opens new Toolbox. Error - Cannot locate a default SHX font. Please install msdefault. Error Could not open key. Error during install. Error message when starting MicroStation, "ucf not found". File Associations. File Correction and Audit Tools. How to quickly add a number of folders to Microstation's reference files search paths.

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