Direct victims of sexual abuse who do not meet other eligibility requirements to file a standard VCAP claim, or who may have been denied a VCAP claim in the past, are also eligible for this benefit. Counseling services is defined as mental health therapy performed by, or under the supervision of, a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed professional counselor, or licensed social worker.
Based on the effective date of the law, counseling expenses can only be considered for counseling service dates on or after November 26, that are owed to the health care provider. NOTE: Only health care providers are eligible to receive direct payment for these claims see Payment of Counseling Services below for more information. Inform them that they may be billed for services in instances where they have additional expenses beyond the forensic rape examination costs, such as x-rays or other medical treatment not associated with a forensic rape examination.
Basic training related to each of the expenses VCAP can reimburse. Order materials online regarding victims' compensation and rights. For VCAP assistance in incidents of mass violence please call or email. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website.
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. About PCCD. Page Content. You may be eligible to receive financial help from the Victims Compensation Assistance Program for a variety of expenses , such as medical and counseling expenses, loss of earnings, loss of support, stolen cash, relocation, funeral, or crime scene cleanup. The best way to file a claim is with the help of a victim advocate at your local Victim Service Program. Or you may file a claim yourself online.
If you choose, you may download the victims compensation claim form , complete and submit to the Victims Compensation Assistance Program. Escape If you are in danger, call Victim Services.
Organizational Capacity Building Project. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website. Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. About PCCD. Strategic Plan. Calendar of Events. Grant Opportunities. Page Content.