To some extent, this could be considered an issue of idiomatic language. G is incorrect because dashes should be thought of as generic punctuation on the ACT, and no punctuation is needed at this point in the sentence. H is incorrect because it incorrectly puts a comma between a subject and its verb. See adjectives, adverbs, and comparisons. In this case, the underlined portion cannot be deleted, since its deletion would make it unclear what exactly the workers were digging.
F is the correct answer because it provides the necessary clarification without providing redundant information like that found in G and H. In this case, the underlined portion cannot be deleted because it would result in the sentence consisting of two independent clauses incorrectly joined by a comma and no conjunction. Therefore, it is necessary to read the sentence that contains the underlined portion and the sentence before it to figure out how they are related.
B incorrectly indicates a cause and effect relationship between the two sentences. D incorrectly indicates that the second sentence restates or clarifies what is stated in the first. In this case, J is the only option that accomplishes the stated purpose.
G is incorrect because controversy did not attract any group of people. See verb agreement. F and G are incorrect because periods and semi-colons are used to join two independent clauses , and the portion of the sentence before the period or semi-colon consists of two phrases, not an independent clause. J is incorrect because a dash creates too strong a break between the two parts of the sentence.
Also, you should choose a dash only when there are no other acceptable options, and a comma is acceptable in this situation. See dashes and comma use. Because the underlined portion gives useful information about what exactly Rivera was commissioned to paint, C is the correct answer. Answer choice A is incorrect because the information in the underlined portion is not found anywhere else in the sentence.
Answer choice B is incorrect because the sentence would still work grammatically without the underlined portion, even though it would be a bit vague. D is incorrect because the information is specific and necessary, since it clarifies something that would otherwise be unclear.
G and H are incorrect because there is no cause and effect relationship between the two parts of the sentence. B is correct over D because D incorrectly indicates that the panels no longer depict these workers. B is correctly written in the present tense, which is the tense used in the entire description of the fresco.
See verb tense. Reading the sentence without this nonessential element reveals that B is the only option that makes sense. F, G, and H each indicate a contradictory relationship between the two sentences.
Such a relationship is incorrect because the second sentence is in fact aligned with the idea of the first sentence. In fact, it follows directly from the first sentence, so no transition word is needed. G and H are acceptable because they use a semi-colon and a period, respectively, to join the two independent clauses. F is acceptable because it turns the second independent clause into a dependent clause, which can then be properly joined to the preceding independent clause with a comma.
None of the other answer choices express any emotion at all. In this case, the underlined portion should be deleted because the other answer choices are redundant with information presented earlier in the sentence. F is incorrect because the sentence does not show how the narrator reacts to the cold. J is incorrect because this information is not stated elsewhere. The other answer choices all correctly indicate that she was deeply interested in her work. Achieving FRBM targets thus ensures inter-generation equity by reducing the debt burden of the future generation.
However, other viewpoints insisted that the act would benefit the country by maintaining stable inflation rates which in turn would promote social progress. This will alert our moderators to take action Name Reason for reporting: The objective of the Act is to ensure inter-generational equity in fiscal management, long run macroeconomic stability, better coordination between fiscal and monetary policy, and transparency in fiscal operation of the Government. Finance Minister Mukherjee also announced that the Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System would be expanded for better tracking and utilization of funds.
All the states have implemented their grbm FRLs. From royal to desi weddings, here are the hair-raising celebrity nuptials. The tenth plan of the Planning Commission of India highlighted the need for fiscal discipline at the level of the states. He said profit margins came under strain due to higher interest rates and material costs, impacting growth in corporate taxes.
However, it should be noted that strict adherence to the path of fiscal consolidation during pre crisis period created enough fiscal space for pursuing counter cyclical fiscal policy. As a result of fiscal stimulus, the government has moved away from the path of fiscal consolidation. The government believed the targets were too rigid. With inadequate revenues, government resorted to high level of borrowing.
The Act binds not only the present government but also the future Government to adhere to the path of fiscal consolidation. This will alert our moderators to take action. There are a lot of terrible ACT prep resources out there—most of them are free, but a good number also cost money. Read reviews from external resources and for the resources that cost money, take free trials if you can to see if they match the quality of the resources featured in this post.
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Finally, you can also find additional resources on the Magoosh blog. For example, this ACT math practice! Rachel is a Magoosh Content Creator. She writes and updates content on our High School and GRE Blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey.
For over a decade, Rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. Her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including Vanity Fair Hollywood. When she isn't strategically stringing words together at Magoosh, you can find Rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. Join her on Twitter , Instagram , or Facebook! View all posts. Some of his students have even gone on to get near-perfect scores. Click here to learn more!
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