Pumpkin carving martha stewart template

Print the Candy Jar Treat Labels. When the sun goes down, set a spooky scene with these dramatic lanterns made from simple supplies and our exclusive clip-art designs. Print the Silhouette Curtains Template. These avian hunters, equipped with clenched talons and a piercing stare, foretell a ferociously fun evening.

Print the Owl Invitation Clip Art. For an intricate and unique jack-o'-lantern, try carving a Celtic knot -- a complete loop with no end or beginning -- into a pumpkin. Print the Punch Bowl Template. These creepy, crawly paper mice are not so nice. Stick these unsavory critters on stair risers, baseboards, or any spot where they might give unsuspecting passersby a little jump.

Print the Mice Template. Print the Witch Template. This sinister sorceress and her trio of menacing felines are in a black humor -- all the better to give guests a start when they arrive at your home for the festivities. Print the Farmer's Field Pumpkin Template. Use these simple and inventive skull potato stamps to add a spooky touch to Halloween treat bags.

Print the Skull Template. These puckish pumpkins, with paint-blackened rinds and orange-gold interiors, thumb their carved noses at traditional jack-o'-lanterns. Print the Black Magic Templates. Print the Witch on a Broomstick Template. These dual-purpose Halloween invitations remind guests to save the date and later act as a treat bag for their party favors. The stippled skins of these "One Too Many" pumpkins are adorned with marbleized Florentine-paper leaves and millinery-wire tendrils.

Mini "White Ball" gourds nestle at their feet, while "Baby Boo" pumpkins find a spot at the table as place markers. Because none of the pumpkins in this subtly colored centerpiece are carved, they can last well into the fall, perhaps even until Thanksgiving.

Print the Leaf Template. Print the Headstone Treat Templates. On the outside, pumpkin invites bear a greeting; pull up on the pumpkin top to reveal the party details. Print the Spooky Silhouette Templates. Print the Pumpkin Basket Template.

Send your guests home at the end of the night with newt-eye favors green jellybeans , packed in wooden boxes topped with clip-art labels.

Print the Fish Skeleton Templates. Print the Jack-o'-Clock Template. Print the Invitation Templates. Let kids decorate their own trick-or-treat bags with ghosts, bats, spiders, and reflective fabric for glow-in-the-dark fun.

Print the Bird Template. Cobwebs, incorporated into the fireplace's molding, provide a resting spot for long-legged critters. To make them, print out our cobweb labels on self-adhesive computer paper. Affix to the molding of the fireplace or any other place in the household where spiders might lurk. For the serious Halloween reveler, the trick-or-treat bag isn't merely a vessel for the evening's spoils; it must also be a spooky costume accessory.

Print the Pillowcase Trick-or-Treat Template. Print the Insect Coasters. Tempt your guests with an array of candies masquerading as botanical or nautical artifacts. Create a cabinet of curiosities by arranging labeled jars in wooden cubbies.

Print the Labels. These candy jar decorations are both elegant and eerie -- perfect for amusing guests over the holiday. Legend has it that the luckless souls who hear the Three Squashes' song of woe shall vanish into the nearest vegetable patch, never to be seen or heard from again. Since narrow squashes are easier to hollow out if you work from both ends, these guys had the tops of their heads cut off.

Even if you tend to be scared of your own shadow, you'll still smile at your reflection, thanks to this friendly spirit on your mirror. Print the Ghost Template. These playful cats are having a wicked time at this Halloween Party. One has even leapt into the candy barrel. Print the Candlestick Template. Cinch cellophane bags of jelly beans with these easy-to-make construction-paper-covered clothespins.

Print the Witch Silhouette Template. Clip Art and Templates for Halloween. July 29, Pin More. Start Slideshow. These giant gothic lanterns will hang ominously over your buffet table. Use butterfly clip art to create party decorations that come to life.

Insert a battery-powered candle, and watch your etchings come to life. You don't need magic beans to cultivate this ethereal pumpkin. As for technique, simply pin it to win it: Place the floral pieces where you want them, and secure them with straight pins. We chose a smooth pumpkin with a unique pale-pink skin that contrasts softly with the embroidery colors, then gave the blushing beauty pride of place on a moss-covered pediment. But it will look just as lovely at the center of a table or spotlighted on your stoop.

Let the ghouls and goblins knock on everyone else's door while you spend the evening hanging with the fairies. To invite them in, transform a pumpkin into a cozy hollow. Slice off a small piece of the bot- tom, scoop out the seeds, and tape on our template , then go over the lines with a pin. Remove the paper, and trace the pinpricks with a linoleum cutter. For the windows, apply enough pressure to cut out the panes; everywhere else, use a lighter hand. With a glue gun or pins, add shelf mushrooms for front steps.

Then do a little landscaping: A couple of T-pins secure a twisty branch for a homey arbor. Set a battery-operated candle inside to illuminate fairyland's most coveted real estate. Like most moths, the carved beauty here is drawn to the light.

And it has space to spread its wings, since we sliced off the pumpkin's bottom and hollowed it out from below a trick that also gives it a level base. To fashion our fluttering vision, print the template, cut it out, tape it on, and transfer the pattern with an awl. Then scrape off the outer skin between dots using a gouge, and add a battery-powered candle.

Our foreboding tree "shadow" casts a pall over this foyer bench, and would look just as bewitching stacked on your porch steps.

First, pile some eerie pumpkins—for a truly ghoulish vibe, go for specimens with a naturally greenish tint, including the knobby Hubbard variety. Draw the outline of a leafless tree over several of them with a grease pencil, then fill it in using a brush and matte black paint. To throw extra shade, add a faux crow to the haunting scene. If you want a stellar display, this one's got astronomical potential. Hollow out a pumpkin from below. Punch holes in the shapes of constellations with a drill, and connect the dots with a gouge.

If you want to be more exacting, print our template and tape on the formations you want. We brightened the night by placing the individual bulbs of an LED strand in each hole. For a faster finish, use a single battery-powered candle to light the way. This metallic leaf design is made using an easy-peasy foiling technique. More sleek than spooky, these pumpkins will look at home on your front porch or dining table. To begin, trace or draw a leaf on a pumpkin, and fill in shape with metal-leaf adhesive.

Wait five minutes for adhesive to get tacky. Place a gilding sheet over leaf shape and brush with a dry brush. The sheet will stick to the adhesive and disintegrate around it, so a metallic leaf remains. Repeat all over pumpkin; paint stem gold with craft paint.

Let dry, then arrange on a bed of extra cutout foil leaves. Place this slithering display in an entryway to scare the scales off of trick-or-treaters and dinner guests alike. Look for gray, green, or white varieties at pumpkin patches and farmers' markets, and buy plastic snakes in bulk at dime stores.

Spread out newspapers, and place pumpkins on top. Place tape around the base of stems and coat them with gold acrylic paint. Lay plastic snakes on newspaper and spray-paint gold, turning to coat all sides.

Once they're dry, spray them with fixative to set color. To display, wrap snakes around stems and arrange more underneath for a terrifying Indiana Jones effect. Add a gold bowl filled with "snake egg" candies. In this "cheesy" project, a variety of drill bits create holes of different sizes. The result is a glowing, move-in-ready home for a family of skittering mice.

Slice off the bottom of a pumpkin and scoop out seeds. Using a set of spade bits, drill holes of different sizes all over pumpkin. Place plastic mice on newspaper and paint gold, turning to coat all sides; let dry.

Pin critters into place on the pumpkin, both on its surface and inside larger holes, as shown. Place a flickering LED light on your table or mantle, and put pumpkin on top. Optional: Use this as a centerpiece for a fruit-and-cheese spread. Temporary tattoos adhere to a pumpkin just like they would to your skin.

All you need is a pretty design like the specimens shown here: a flock of fluttering butterflies and a creepy-crawly scarab would be at home in any cabinet of curiosities. The hardware store provides plenty of inspiration for these pumpkins. Thoughtfully placed nails, brads, wire, spikes, and safety pins become glinting mohawks and piercings.

Begin by covering the pumpkins with black spray paint, if desired protect the stems with painters' tape. Let dry, then use craft paint to make faces. With a pencil, draw your design, then gently tap nails, studs, brads, and pins into the flesh with a hammer. Adhere small piercings, such as a nose ring, with superglue. At the farmers' market, look for produce that might work as facial features, hair, and props. Plan out the faces you want to create. Keep in mind that as items dry and wither, the results will change—and perhaps become even more interesting.

Use hot glue to adhere small hard details, like white beans, and to attach a tangle of Spanish-moss hair. Secure heavier vegetables with wooden skewers, and lighter vegetables with toothpicks.

T-pins prevent leaves from blowing away; straight pins work for thin, lightweight items. Assemble a tableau straight out of a spooky movie. The witch's latest shipment of animals seems to have escaped their crates, and now they're inhabiting these ghostly green pumpkins. Slashing—oops, carving—the huge squashes is a cinch, thanks to serpent and toad templates scrape out the flesh around the patterns. Set the pumpkins on the crates, and then keep your distance. Maritime legend has it that the Flying Dutchman is a fearsome ghost ship, which never returns to safe harbor and is doomed to sail the seven seas forever.

When it floats in from the fog, its appearance to mere mortals is believed to signal imminent disaster. In our carved iteration, this brigantine-style boat is brimming with a pirate's treasure haul: pearly white gum balls and candy gold doubloons.

Create an instant and intricate design with nothing more than a pair of lacy stockings and a can of spray paint. Start by cutting a section from stockings—one pair can be used for many pumpkins—and pull tightly around pumpkin.

Use hips section for big pumpkins, legs for smaller ones. Cinch and knot excess at bottom. Wrap excess at top around stem, knot, and wrap stem's base with masking tape to shield it from paint, as shown above. In a well-ventilated area, spray-paint top half of pumpkin with one or two coats; let dry. Use keyhole saw to carve out sails and top half of ship body; reserve the cutouts.

With fleshing tool, remove seeds, stringy pulp, and a thin layer of flesh from inside of pumpkin; remove excess flesh. Carve smaller details portholes with the hole cutter and decorative lines with the linoleum cutter.

Etch skull and crossbones symbol on one sail. Etch decorative lines into the jack-be-little pumpkin, transforming it into a crow's nest. Using a keyhole saw, carve a piece of foam board that fits the pumpkin's halved opening and nestles snugly into the bottom of the pumpkin.

Note: This foam board cutout will serve as a stabilizing base for the wooden-dowel masts. Use an awl to puncture a hole through each sail, and two holes into the foam board. Insert wooden dowels into the foam board holes, forcing through to the bottom of the pumpkin.

Skewer the sails, two on each dowel, and the etched crow's nest atop the front-facing dowel. Optional: Add personalized details like your favorite treasure treats or a miniature pirate pumpkin.

Pirate Ship Pumpkin. And, trick or treat This brigantine-style boat is brimming with a pirate's treasure haul: pearly white gumballs and candy gold doubloons. Updated October 18, Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team.

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