Spider-Man 4 with Tobey Maguire reportedly in development at Sony! Scified Network. AliensVersus Predator. More New Topics. View Leaderboard. Gman replied to Underrated Godzilla tracks. G theorist replied to Underrated Godzilla tracks. G theorist started a new discussion: Underrated Godzilla tracks on the Godzilla Movies forum. Kattozilla replied to Your favorite version of Godzilla. As Gwyn struggles to find her role aboard the U.
Protostar, Dal tests his leadership skills in the newly discovered holodeck. The series will return with episode on February Review , Star Trek: Prodigy. Star Trek: Prodigy. But it is a bit funny to have two episodes with such similar names within a few months of each other. Sometimes the internet amazes me in the craziest ways. People losing their shit because two completely different shows just happen to have the same generic title in an episode. I say this as an obsessive Star Trek fan myself, but some people have waaaay too much time on their hands.
It did get a smile out of me, though. I actually love that episode! I show it to 6th graders every year, and they love the blend of young romance and action. It also leads to a discussion on our addictions to technology! I think I was the one who asked how long it would take for these kids to find the holodeck and apparently it took them 6 episodes. Oh well, it was inevitable. Or maybe moved on to another galaxy by now. It would be nice to at least have them referenced at some point.
We do know from Season 3 that the Klingons are still active. Still no news about the renewing of the show? I mean they need to start working on the next season soon otherwise its gonna be a time crunch if they renew the show at the last minute. I so wished he would be willing to direct some episodes too.
So they were obviously working on season 2 and have an internal greenlight on the season. For DSC they may be waiting until some other strategic business opportunity is in place, etc.
Maybe they still have to map out if or how Disco is gonna be related to all the other shows. By the way: Why are they referring to species 10c if they are totally unknown? That implies it is caused by one big bad species or even one person as villain of the season. Why not an entity, a collective, an organization? We had the dominion as unknown villain and hints at the Borg in TNG season 1 and nobody referred to them as a species.
Unless this hiatus was originally planned there may not be anything special making this a mid-season finale. Then again, with serialized shows, sometimes every single episode ends in a cliffhanger. I cant for the life of me understand why so many people have been critical of this show, especially this season. This is pure, classic trek, dealing with moral and ethical issues. Synopsis: Tensions rise as representatives from across the galaxy gather to confront the threat of the Dark Matter Anomaly.
David Cronenberg as Kovich. David Ajala as Book. Notify me of. I allow to use my email address and send notification about new comments and replies you can unsubscribe at any time.
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