Daletos was revived by Samekh under Reigi's control to destroy Tauburn. However, Simone regained her cybody mark and piloted Daletos again to destroy the remaining cybodies that are under Samekh's control. When the revive Zayinas attempted to attack the revived Tzadikt piloted by Takashi from behind with its Zayinasphere technique Simone protected Takashi by creating a barrier blocking Zayinas's attack allowing him to finish off Zayinas with his Divine Snowstorm technique.
Daletos along with the other recovered cybodies are easily defeated by Samekh's King's Pillar. Not much is know about Daletos skills as it was piloted by Takashi Dai fought with the same swordsman style as when wielding Tzadikt. Simone and Takashi performed a team strategy where Takashi who posseses a true mark and Star Sword would control Daletos movements and Simone would concentrate all her libido to power Takashi's Star Sword Amethyst.
Powered by two Star Drivers, Daletos was able to match the immense power and skill of Tauburn and was only defeated by Sugata's timely intervention.
When piloted by Simone, Daletos could create a strong barrier similar to those created by the Maiden Cybodies using it to protect Takashi from Zayinas ability. Divine Snowstorm: A sword technique used by Takashi that consists of a flurry of rapid thrusts that gives the opponent no chance of escape.
He pilots the Cybody Tauburn, one of the mechs that was formerly hidden in the island's ancient ruin. Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Main Characters. Takuto Tsunashi. Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano. Voiced by: Saori Hayami. Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama. The Order of Glittering Crux. All or most of them provide examples of: Affably Evil : Most of it's members don't really seem like bad guys outside of work, and sometimes even during work.
Anime Hair : Nearly all of them naturally have this. Bunny-Ears Lawyer : With the exception of Keito, all of the department heads are However, they all seem to be extremely competent when it comes to the work done by the Glittering Crux. However, you can post these to our noticeboard. Access 's of amazing talent not shown in the Talent Directory: Place a free listing. View Intro to Camera. New South Wales, Australia.
Physical Attributes. Simone Starr Australian Celebrity Swimsuit Model secured her first modelling contract at the age of The resume below is only a small list of assignments credited to her. Simone is featured in over editorials worldwide.
Hence the collaboration of music and writing.