Sims 2 apartment life apartment cheat

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Fanon Game guides Other languages. Hi, I have a question. I am in the process of building a Titanic on Sims 2 PC, and I am almost finished, but I can't seem to figure out how make the g When I create a new neighborhood, how do I get a landlord for the apartment buildings I place in my new neighborhood? How do you get an rent amount wh Hi i've been playing sims for about two years now and for my media project for school me and my friends are making a sims movie about ghosts and i was I love this game it is really good.

The Sims 2: Apartment Life Cheats :. Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 1 cheats code, 1 password, 1 secret. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. Also you can subscribe on all new cheats that we'll find for you in the future!

To build your own apartment building, you must have, obviously, a building. Ideally an apartment will be around the size of a small house, with objects to satisfy all of your Sims' needs without the rent price being too high, although you can make more expensive ones for your richer Sims. It is important that you are totally finished building because once you have entered the cheat and exited the lot, you will not be able to modify anything in Build Mode except for flooring, wallpaper, and objects from the Gardening tab.

If you really must edit your apartment, you must re-enter the lot and change the zoning back to residential Second cheat code.

Code: Effect: boolProp changeLotZoning apartmentBase Enter once you have finished building to turn your lot into an apartment. The cheat can be used to resolve some issues though, such as date and outing rewards getting stuck outside of apartment units, unable to be picked up in normal buy mode. The Sims 3 World Adventures. The Sims 4. Categories Cheats Apartment Life Add category. Cancel Save.

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