Sky broadband sagem modem manual

Sky just tell him they'll send another one in days or weeks.. I know it's not a solution but just heads up that your not alone with problems with Sky, it could just be that hes unlucky as well. Jammie dodger Active Member. I take it you did swap over the power supply unit and not just the router? The PSU is the most likely thing to fail. I agree, is is highly unlikely that three routers would fail within such a short period, I'm not familiar with the Sagem, but I would have expected a fault to be indicated either by a red power light, or status light, or for the router to either lock up, or to restart, and I'd suspect that a red internet light might indicate a problem with the ADSL or PPP connection, such as a loss of adsl sync.

However Sky support must know what the lights mean. Are you able to access the router's web interface while the light is flashing red, if so check the status page to see if the ADSL or PPP connection has dropped. You could try looking up the lights in the sagem manual, but there is a fair chance that the meanings won't be the same with the Sky firmware, they may even have got rid of some of them.

Thanks for the replies guys! Firstly, yes i have swapped the PSU's over each time and the phone lead too, so unless i've had three duff PSU's it can't be that lol. To be honest off the top of my head i'm not sure if i can log into the router while it's playing up, but i'll be sure to attempt that next time it happens.

Just out of interest what does PPP mean? With regard to the lights you posted, it does sound like it could be the PPP failing then i reckon, although the odd thing is that the internet light never stays solid red as such on it's own, instead it goes solid orange and then momentarily literally for like a split second the orange will change to red over and over again.

Thinking about it, Sky are currently updating their Sagem Sky routers with new firmware - they are apparently trialling MER ethernet over ATM on some users on their new network.

If your router has updated to the new Firmware:- version 2. Last edited: Nov 26, Nice one thanks for that. The firmware version is currently "2. How do i do a factory reset, and will that mean i have to put username and password etc in again and set the router up from scratch? Yeah, a factory reset will erase the router's configuration settings, and set them to the default values used by the new firmware, so you'd have to set it up from scratch again.

The password would be reset to "Sky". It is worth trying if you have problems with a router after a firmware update. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you actually have have an intermittent line fault. There should be an option to revert to factory settings under backup settings in the router's web interface. If you have to contact Sky again and they decide to send you yet another router, I'd suggest asking if they can try to send you the D-Link.

Sagem Router Settings Jul 18, We would like to use Open DNS to filter the internet. This pdf ebook is one of digital edition of Sagem F St Manual Download that can be search along internet in google, bing, yahoo and other mayor seach engine.

Here is a list of all of the guides that we have for the Sagem Fastn-Sky. If you need to login to your Sagem Fastn-Sky router you can find our login. Where can I obtain a user manual… Askmefast. Some of the high performance wifi routers are capable of operating in two different frequencies 2.

All major internet services providers in the UK offer wireless routers which they have customised and designed to suit the needs of their customers. As the networks of the ISP get technological upgrade for improved capacity and faster speeds, likewise, ISPs release new, upgraded versions of wireless routers which can help the users get the most out their broadband connectivity. New customers are offered wireless routers of worth hundreds of pounds free of cost, when they take up a broadband bundle for a minimum contract of 12 or 18 months.

Both are compatible with fibre speeds, however, Hub 5 comes with 4 gigabit ports for fibre connections and also powered by the advanced Home Hub 4 is It operates in dual band frequences 5GHz and 2. It is run by latest technologies — It has one USB 2.

BT has recently launched the next generation Home Hub 6 or Smart Hub wifi router which comes with 7 antennas for enhanced performance and wider wireless range up to m. It has single band wifi functionality, operating in 2. Like the earlier version, Hub 2 is also single band 2. EE offers Bright Box 1 and Bright Box 2 wireless routers to their cutomers as free hardward when they sign up to packages with minimum contract.


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