James is a highly narcissistic male with a big ego. He participates in a psychology experiment where he first received negative feedback from another student about his performance on a writing task, and then played a game against this student and won.
As a result of winning, James was given the task of deciding the intensity and duration of an aversive auditory stimulus that would be played to the other student. Which groups of people is most likely to exhibit a defensive, self-aggrandizing form of selfesteem? Depressed people B. Individualistic people C. Those with need for achievement D. Bullies Which people are more often found defending the victims of bullying?
Those with low self-esteem B. Those with defensive self-esteem C. Those with high self-esteem D. Those with secure self-esteem Which people feel secure self-worth without seeking to be the centre of attention? Those with high self-esteem C. Those with high self-esteem and positive implicit views.
Competitive people C. Those with secure self-esteem D. Those with need for achievement Jordan and colleagues , have found that individuals have two forms of self-esteem: explicit and implicit. The aspect of our self-concept that comes from our group memberships is called. According to social identity theory, when is Rose most likely to be aware of being female?
Imagine that John is a white man attending a multi-racial support group for stay-at-home-parents. Ninety percent of the group are mothers. John is most likely to be conscious of his identity as. When information is relevant to our self-concepts, we process it quickly and remember it well. This is concept is referred to as. The self-reference effect illustrates that. In a musical performance, Ayube makes a small mistake.
Research on the self-reference effect suggests Ayube will. Although you heard your teacher give everyone in your group feedback about your group presentation, you can really only recall her comments about your own particular role. Why might this be? Your personal identity is most important to you. Your social identity is most important to you. You are engaging in social comparison behaviour.
You are engaging in self-referencing behaviour. John works out everyday. Psychologists would consider your dream of becoming a famous politician and your recurrent fear of being unemployed to be part of your. The bottom-up view of self-esteem means. The top-down view of self-esteem holds that.
Baumeister and Exline suggest that self-control. Which of the following situations best portrays learned helplessness? Feeling frightened about starting university after a successful high school career. Feeling depressed after failing your first exam in university.
Prisoners given some control over their environments e. Given that every time he falls in love with a woman he gets dumped no matter how hard he tries to please her, John has decided not to get involved in any love relationships with women.
Langer and Rodin found that nursing home residents improved in alertness, activity, and happiness if they were. After moving into a nursing home and experiencing little control over his daily schedule, Mr. Roark became apathetic, stopped eating, and even seemed to lose the will to live. Hospital patients trained to believe in their ability to control stress tend to. Sometimes people exhibit a tendency to perceive themselves more favourably than the situation really dictates.
This is known as:. Which of the following is least representative of a self-serving bias? Which of the following statements is incorrect? Research on attribution theory challenges the notion that we tend to blame others for their own misfortune. Research on attribution theory challenges the notion that most people suffer from unrealistically low self-esteem. Research on attribution theory challenges the notion that we strive to protect and enhance our self-esteem. True humility consists of self-forgetfulness.
In their study of young married Canadians, Ross and Sicoly reported a tendency for them to. After receiving an examination grade, students who do well. Jenny failed her last chemistry test. Insight B. Freedom from bias C. Parent support D. Intelligence Which of the following is particularly likely to increase our vulnerability to misfortune?
A self-monitoring tendency B. Self-analysis C. An interdependent self D. Unrealistic optimism Which of the following statements is true? Students who are overconfident tend to overprepare for exams. Students who are anxious about exams tend to blow off studying for them.
Some pessimism about an exam can motivate students to study harder and do better. In Scotland most late adolescents think they are much less likely than their peers to become infected by the AIDS virus. This best illustrates. Lynne is an optimistic individual, and decides to go out one night to the casino to play some blackjack.
Given her optimism, Lynne is most likely to. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Yet in a study of applying for a marriage license, most rated their own chance of divorce as zero. This finding illustrates. Jack cheats on his income taxes and consoles himself with the thought that everyone else probably cheats a little, too. This rationalization represents. Marla objects when Tim asks her to help write his social psychology paper.
Although Jeff frequently exceeds the speed limit by at least 10 kilometres per hour, he justifies his behaviour by erroneously thinking that most other drivers do the same. His mistaken belief best illustrates. Brian watches smugly as the car ahead of his is pulled over for speeding. Which of the following is most likely to trigger a false uniqueness effect in your thinking?
Lying to a friend to avoid embarrassment B. Turning down the opportunity to help out at the local homeless shelter C. Volunteering to give blood D. Failing your first social psychology exam. A comparison between how the self is viewed now and how the self was viewed in the past or how the self is expected to be viewed in the future is referred to as. Research suggests that people maintain a positive view of themselves by downplaying disparaging their. Temporal comparison occurs when we compare who we are with.
Research on the self has made it clear that people are motivated. Mildly depressed people tend to. It can protect people from depression. It can make people more vulnerable to depression. It can lead to more accurate self-appraisals. According to the text, self-serving bias. Participants who worked in groups were given false feedback that they had done either well or poorly. Results indicated that, in comparison to the members of unsuccessful groups,. She comments to her friends that she thinks she looks ugly in an outfit, seeking the reassurance from her friends that she looks fine.
The best example of what Tara is engaging in is. According to the text, such false modesty is. People are most likely to resort to self-handicapping when. Which of the following represents a way in which people self-handicap? They report feeling depressed. They procrastinate on an important project. They reduce their preparation for an important individual athletic event. David has an important tennis match in one week against the highest-rated player in the state. Instead of practising daily, David has actually reduced his playing time since knowing he would play such a formidable opponent.
David has fallen victim to collective efficacy. David is making the fundamental attribution error. David is engaging in self-handicapping. David is demonstrating learned helplessness. Experimental participants guessed answers to very difficult aptitude questions and were told they had done well. While they still felt lucky, they were given a choice of drugs to take before answering the remaining questions. Most chose to take the drug they believed would. Tomorrow morning Harry Smith has an interview that will determine whether he will be accepted into medical school.
Harry unconsciously hopes he is not accepted into medical school. Harry is making the fundamental attribution error. Harry is engaging in self-handicapping.
Harry shares with his friends a sense of collective efficacy. According to Leary , self-esteem feelings are like a fuel gauge in that they alert us threatened social rejection, motivating us to. The tendency to self-present modesty and restrained optimism is probably highest in. Give four examples of automatic thinking and discuss their implications for our self-concept.
What is the dual attitude system? Describe this, and provide an example identifying how these attitudes differ and what the implications are for psychological research.
What kinds of events or behaviours can threaten people with high self-esteem? How do people with high self-esteem react when their self-esteem is threatened? Discuss the evidence for the top-down view of self-esteem. From this perspective, how can we help people with low self-esteem?
What is learned helplessness? Apply this to an example that a student could face in a university or classroom setting. Give an example of false consensus and an example of false uniqueness. Clearly label which is which.
Myers - Chapter 02 1 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 2 QT: Definition. Myers - Chapter 02 3 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 6 QT: Conceptual. Myers - Chapter 02 7 QT: Conceptual. Myers - Chapter 02 8 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 10 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 11 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 12 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 13 QT: Factual. Myers - Chapter 02 14 QT: Conceptual. Myers - Chapter 02 15 QT: Conceptual.
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