Additionally, the dates and the times may change when you perform certain operations on the files. Windows 8 and Windows Server file information notesImportant Windows 8 hotfixes and Windows Server hotfixes are included in the same packages. However, only "Windows 8" is listed on the Hotfix Request page.
To request the hotfix package that applies to one or both operating systems, select the hotfix that is listed under "Windows 8" on the page. Always refer to the "Applies To" section in articles to determine the actual operating system that each hotfix applies to. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. Windows 8 Windows Server Standard More Check your backup The last backup did not complete successfully.
Version Product Milestone Service branch 6. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Step 1: Download and install the software on your device. Launch the software and in the main interface, select the option of New backup or simply head to the backup tab to select the option of system backup.
Step 2: Select a specific backup target location. This process will involve the complete system restore automatically. Step 3: Check all the information displayed on the screen and click start back up to continue. Once the backup is completed, the software will assign a new folder name to avoid any identical folder conflict that may lead to windows backup error code 0xc5.
Another way to deal with windows backup error code 0xc5 is to rename the old backup folder so when a new backup is created for the same folder, there may not appear any identical folder conflict. Here are the steps with which you can rename the old backup folders. Step 1: Head towards the menu of the main window and select the option of the control panel.
In the control panel select the option of file history. Step 2: In the Dropdown menu of file history, now you have to select the option of backup and restore. This will lead to the location where all the backed up data images are stored. You have to look for a folder named Windows Image Backup.
Step 3: Right-click on the folder and in the drop-down menu, select the option of Rename to assign another suitable name to the folder to avoid windows backup error code 0xc5. If both of the above-mentioned methods didn't work for you, then the next possible solution to avoid windows backup error code 0xc5 can be the recreation of a new partition or format drive for windows system backup.
In case, the destination folder or the external drive is corrupted and becomes inaccessible, your device cannot complete the backup process. In this case, all you can do is to create a separate folder or partition to save your backup data. Another way is to format the USB or the external drive to fix the corruption. The last method that could be applied to solve windows backup error code 0xc5 is to delete the previous system restore point and turn on the suspended windows system protection.
Here are the steps to follow:. In the dialogue box, type system, and in the options select the option of the system. Step 2: In the system drop-down menu, next you have to select the option of system protection.
A new window will appear with a list of options from which you have to click on the option of configure. The failures occurred after a minute or so into the OS C: drive backup. The external drive checked out OK. The drive previously had a system image for Windows 7 that was deleted before the backup attempt. Here are 2 of the messages I received as the backups failed.
The other 2 were about the same, I think. The mounted backup volume is inaccessible. Please retry the operation. The specified disk cannot be found. Below were the 2 files on the external drive after the failure. I guess the first was the completed Recovery Partition backup.