Uninstall windows service server 2008

Format the hard drive. Hope this helps,. I am having the same problem as the person above. Saturday, November 17, AM. Sunday, November 18, AM. Latino 1. Boot your computer in to Windows XP. Restart the computer, and you will notice the boot selection menu is gone. Sunday, June 15, PM. Yea I have the same problem on my Notebook.

I am using Duel-Booting from my notebook. On my 2nd partition there is a Windows Server How do I remove Windows Server without it messing up and still making the duel-boot menu come up. Monday, April 6, PM. Thanks by the answer. Tuesday, December 8, PM. This procedure also works with windows server ? Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums.

Answered by:. Archived Forums. To remove it type:. Use autoruns tool formerly by sysinternals, now on Microsoft site , it lets you manage services and drivers their records in registry.

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Learn more. Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. Active 6 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 23k times. I have a windows service running on a server that I would rather not reboot if I can. Is there anyway to remove this service from the services list without the exe that ran it? Improve this question.

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