Velleman scope manual

Auto power-off mode Select the desired off time: 15 minutes, 1 hour or infinite no auto power off. Make use of the cursorkeys to set readout for up to 4 meters Setting up the measurement readouts: 1. The signal's negative peak voltage difference between zero and lowest value is displayed. Peak to peak Vpp. The signal's peak-to-peak voltage difference between highest and lowest value is displayed.

Page The Signal Markers A black bar 1 indicates the relative position of the signal in the sample window, see fig. By shifting the X-direction you can display all stored samples. The divisions can be visualized through the Display set-up key see display setup.

Set the time base between 1h and 50ns per division. It may be useful to "freeze" certain signals on your screen. This will allow the user to study the signal or perform measurements with the markers.

A screen bit map BMP file will be send to the computer. A capture program can be downloaded from our site. Page Warranty The warranty does not apply to software, fuses, measuring probes and batteries. NEVER use a dust cloth or paper in order to avoid scratches. The rest of the unit can be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth. This manual is also suitable for: Personal scope hps Print page 1 Print document 29 pages. Rename the bookmark. Delete bookmark? Cancel Delete.

Delete from my manuals? More images New to the educational series of kits, the Velleman EDU Build your own oscilloscope and learn how to visualize signals. See the signals you learn about in real life! Despite the low cost, this oscilloscope has a lot of features found only on expensive units like signal markers, frequency, dB, true RMS readouts, A powerful auto-setup function will get you going in a snap!

It also has a full automatic measuring system but can be operated manually if preferred. Connect this easy to use component tester HPS to your handheld oscilloscope HPSMK2 and receive all useful information about resistors, transistors, diodes and more, including their pin out identification. Manual available On-Line.

Feature-packed PcLabLT software for two channel oscilloscope, spectrum analyser, recorder, function generator and bode plotter. With the generator, you can create your own waveforms using the integrated signal wave editor. For automated measurements, it is even possible to generate wave sequences, using file or computer RS input.

New - Now Available Module: Pre-assembled. The Velleman PCSU01 is a small and easy to use oscilloscope with all the features of a full blown oscilloscope. Complete with instructions download , test leads and software download and it comes in a design enclosure. PCSU02 Oscilloscope. Desktop mode Mobile mode.


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