You can improve your defect detection capabilities and overall production processes with higher quality, 3D digital X-ray images. VJT VJE VJX Custom imaging software and hardware, solutions and inspection services for industry and government VJT develops and manufactures a complete line of automated, manual, and turnkey X-ray inspection systems for a wide variety of industries.
X-ray inspection, rework solutions and services for a variety of electronics and industrial applications In a highly competitive SMT manufacturing market, quality and productivity are critical.
About Custom imaging software and hardware products, solutions and inspection services for industry and government. Case Studies. Include views from bookmarks in reports. Data Set Alignment. Simple registration Simple registration.
Measurement Instruments. Distance, polyline length, and angle measurement instruments Snap mode to snap instruments to the surface for an easier use of measurement instruments. Use of measurement instrument. Create impressive animations of your volume data with just a few clicks. CT inspection software offers comprehensive insights at every stage of the product life cycle:. CT Quality Inspection Software.
An efficient Look Inside your digital twin. Most major CT system providers sell Volume Graphics software together with their hardware. In addition, we rely on a worldwide network of distributors to serve our customers around the globe. Like many of our customers, you too can save time and money by using industrial CT. This highly precise, non-destructive technology looks inside your products and finds defects that would otherwise remain hidden when using other inspection methods. However, industrial CT can only reveal its full potential when combined with the right software.
Volume Graphics software is your key to unlocking this potential. Customers use our software on objects small and large, simple and complex.
It works on parts made of metal, plastic, and composite materials—or all of them together. Performing analysis tasks directly on voxel data not only opens up possibilities that go way beyond conventional destructive or other non-destructive methods—it also comes with notable efficiency benefits. Measurements using conventional optical and tactile inspection methods took man-hours for the initial acceptance alone and destroyed the part in the process.
Industrial CT provides insight into virtually all features of the part without destroying it—and at lower costs. An automotive supplier uses industrial CT and Volume Graphics software to inspect several hundred individual features on the connector.