Virtual knee surgery computer games

A fast bike rider is crossing his limits and gets his knee fractured in a horrible accident. He is in a miserable condition. Luckily a hospital is near besides the road. An ambulance puts him to the hospital. An orthopedic surgeon checks the patient and call for operation. Sterilized surgery tools are here, use them for proper surgery. First of all, clean the germs to avoid any type of infection.

Inoculate medicine with the help of injection. Take an x-ray of fractured bone. Join other players talking about games. Visit the Y8 Forum. Go to Forum Hide. Game details. Added on 21 Apr Player's Game Screenshots. Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Please try voting again later. Please register or login to post a comment Register Login.

Confirm Something went wrong, please try again. Basic Math. Batty Math. Bike Racing Addition. Bike Racing Math. Car Parking Math. Christmas Integer Addition.

Count And Compare 2. Fruits Equations. Geo Challenge Country pop! Geometric Solids. Geometry Quiz. Hamster Grid Rounding. Hangman Capitals Cities. Jungle Balloons Addition pop! Kids Mathematics. Kids Zoo Farm. Math Boxing Comparison. Math Game. Math Puzzles CG. Math Tank. Math Tracks. Math Train Addition. Follow the instructions carefully and learn interesting medical facts in between the different steps. For instance, why is it important to drug a patient before cutting them open? Before you start, compare your patient's vital signs with those of a healthy person and decide, if they are healthy enough to undergo surgery.

Look at the X-rays to determine the problematic leg. After the nurse prepped the patient for surgery, you can start by marking the lines for the opening of the plaster cast. Become an excellent surgeon in this amazing knee surgery simulation game.


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