Vocational teacher license ma

Besides this website, our licensure resources include our Call Center , available weekdays, am to pm and pm to pm and Walk-in Service Counter 75 Pleasant St. Please bring a photo ID. Find out more about licenses and endorsements offered, including general requirements by selecting one of the license areas below. Learn about licensure requirements, as well as testing information, required documents and helpful guides and forms by selecting one of the topic areas below. Find out more about how you can advance, extend, or renew your license.

Earning a Preliminary Vocational Teacher License. Advancing to a Professional Vocational Teacher License. In order to obtain your professional license, you must meet three general requirements: Complete a one-year induction program. I have other questions about the licensure process or my particular situation.

Vocational Technical Literacy Skills Test. Advancing, Extending, and Renewing a License. Licensure Requirements Tool. Licensure Video Series. Please be sure to bring a form of photo identification that includes your name cannot be a photo copy with you when visiting ESE. Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Security Portal. Back to Top Print-Friendly Page opens a new window. Governance and Accreditation. Graduate Program Departments. Programs of Study. Course Descriptions. Costs and Financial Assistance.


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