WIX installer with Custom Actions: "built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Asked 11 years ago. Active 5 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 5k times. Improve this question. Rimer Rimer 1, 6 6 gold badges 25 25 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. Add a comment.
Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Your answer is not clear, what is package. I am getting the same error but I have no such. Dirk Vollmar Dirk Vollmar k 53 53 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Appreciate the answer, but it is 32 and I compiled and RAN it on the same machine!
I am using WIX 3. There are lots of ways to learn about the WiX toolset. The WiX toolset lets developers create installers for Windows Installer, the Windows installation engine. The core of WiX is a set of build tools that build Windows Installer packages using the same build concepts as the rest of your product: source code is compiled and then linked to create executables; in this case. The WiX command-line build tools work with any automated build system. WiX includes several extensions that offer functionality beyond that of Windows Installer.
With Burn, the WiX bootstrapper, you can create setup bundles that install prerequisites like the. Monday, July 21, PM.
Actually, C compiler will not use the assemblies in GAC. And MSBuild ultimately makes use of C compiler. And different version of MSBuild knows the different version of.
Friday, July 25, AM. You said that you shouldn't use the 2. But, when I installed. NET framework 3. I am quite new to this stuff, so can you provide a more detailed solution to this problem? Windows Installer provides a standard foundation for installing and uninstalling software. Software manufacturers can create the setup of their products to use Windows Installer to help make software installation, maintenance, and uninstallation straightforward and easy.
Windows Installer 4. And Windows Installer 4. Important Windows Installer 5. Therefore, Windows Installer 4. Additionally, there is no redistributable for Windows Installer 5. Before you download this redistributable, you must determine whether you are running a bit or bit version of Windows. Note If the auto detection result is not displayed on your screen, view How to determine whether a computer is running a bit version or bit version of the Windows operation system.
For bit: WindowsServerKBv4-x For bit: Windows6. Installation of the Windows Installer 4. For more information, view How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services.