Adding windows 7 pc to workgroup

All users begin by belonging to the Users group, which means that anything the Users group can access, the new user can also access.

If all you want to create is standard users, then the new user creation process works perfectly. Otherwise, you eventually want to modify the users by following the procedures in the "Performing User Configuration for a Workgroup" section of this tutorial. The following steps tell how to create a new user: Right-click the Users folder and choose New User from the context menu. You see the New User dialog box. Type a username in the User Name field.

This name is the one the user will use to log in to the system. You should use a single word for the username because most users don't work well with multiple-word usernames. Windows requires a unique name, so you can use something like the user's last name, first initial, and middle initial. Unfortunately, in very large organizations, you may not find that this combination is unique, so you may have to add special identifiers, such as a number or special user characteristic.

Type the user's full name in the Full Name field. Use the full name that appears on the user's employment record so that you know how the company refers to the user. The Add-Computer cmdlet automatically creates a domain account when it adds a computer to a domain.

This option is included for completeness. Win9XUpgrade : Indicates that the join operation is part of a Windows operating system upgrade.

UnsecuredJoin : Performs an unsecured join. To request an unsecured join, use the Unsecure parameter or this option. If you want to pass a machine password, then you must use this option in combination with PasswordPass option. PasswordPass : Sets the machine password to the value of the Credential DomainCredential parameter after performing an unsecured join.

This option also indicates that the value of the Credential DomainCredential parameter is a machine password, not a user password. This option is valid only when the UnsecuredJoin option is specified. When using this option, the credential provided to the -Credential parameter must have a null username. When you use the NewName parameter, this option is set automatically. This option is designed to be used with the Rename-Computer cmdlet.

If you use the Rename-Computer cmdlet to rename the computer, but do not restart the computer to make the change effective, you can use this parameter to join the computer to a domain with its new name. JoinReadOnly : Uses an existing machine account to join the computer to a read-only domain controller. The machine account must be added to the allowed list for password replication policy and the account password must be replicated to the read-only domain controller prior to the join operation.

For more information about these options, see NetJoinDomain function. Specifies an organizational unit OU for the domain account. Enter the full distinguished name of the OU in quotation marks. The default value is the default OU for machine objects in the domain. Returns an object representing the item with which you are working.

By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output. Restarts the computers that were added to the domain or workgroup. A restart is often required to make the change effective.

Specifies the name of a domain controller that adds the computer to the domain. By default, no domain controller is specified. Specifies a user account that has permission to remove the computers from their current domains. Use this parameter when you are moving computers to a different domain.

To specify a user account that has permission to join the new domain, use the Credential parameter. Specifies the name of a workgroup to which the computers are added. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. I scoured the net for hours looking for a simpler solution than this RSAT crap or what ever. Then powershell came up and that had its own bullcrappery errors which were more easily fixed than netdom however the solution to these errors were not in one place.

SO to all those IT people out there im doin yall a favor here and putting everything in one location in as many forums as possible. So now Save As DomainJoin. Save As - domainjoin. NOW for this save it on the root of what ever you use for media for example Alrighty you are ready to run the file. Right click on DomainJoin. Somewhere in those errors you should see something telling you a restart is required to apply settings.

To add to your script and I use this for most of my install scripts name your usb stick installer and put this at the top of the batch file:. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Laplink Software, Inc. Neil Laplink. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Each command returns the same error message:netdom is not reconised Is there something that needs to be installed before i can run the command?

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