The result displays the programs on the remote computer to use the command, NFS services on Windows have to be enabled first. These are unique identifiers for services on a network that uses Kerberos authentication. The user can also actively control the remote computer. To use the command, the TFTP client first needs to be enabled in the system settings. All packages have a set time-to-live TTL , which is increased gradually with the command. All Win tscon Connects the current local user session with a session on a remote computer.
If the target computer supports it, the entire computer can be turned off in this way. XP umount Removes mounted network file system drives. To use the command, the NFS functions first have to be enabled in the system settings.
Computers within a network are synchronized with one another through this command. These are forwarded from remote event sources that support the WS management protocol.
If you want to disable encryption, use -un. Related Products. View packages. Build a real estate website With a real estate website, you can set yourself apart from the competition Handyman website With the right tools, a homepage for tradesmen can be created quickly and legally compliant Enter the web address of your choice in the search bar to check its availability.
Calls a batch file within another batch file. Displays the current directory and lets you switch to other directories. Changes the current code page character set table or shows the page count of the current code page. Forwards the result of a command to the clipboard. For example, you can copy the directory structure dir. Changes the background first value and text color second value of the command prompt.
Displays the current date and allows you to change it. Starts debug, a program that can test and modify programs within the command prompt. Displays all folders and files within the current directory. Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits command input. Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file management tool. Displays a message and is mainly used within scripts and batch files.
Creates and edits text files within the command prompt. Writes the position of a program into a specified list, which is in the working memory and should accelerate the start of programs. Searches through a file or multiple files for a particular character sequence. Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. Enables the option to use extended characters of a specific code page in graphics mode. Changes the country settings of the keyboard for DOS programs only included in Windows for compatibility reasons.
Logs the user out of Windows. Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer daemon LPD. Creates a new directory on the specified path. Outputs the content of a file for example, a text file by the page. Sends a message to another user. Provides country-specific information for language support. Runs backup services directly from the command line or as part of batch or script files. Creates and displays the path for searching executable files.
Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. Changes to the folder saved by the pushd command. Prints a text file. Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. Deletes a directory. Allows a user to run commands with the rights of another user. Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. Sets the execution of specified programs and commands for a specified point in time. Displays environmental variables of CMD. Lists out data from a file or command and outputs it again sorted — directly in the command prompt, in a new file, or in another output.
Opens a new command prompt window in which you can run a specific program or command. Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual drive. Ends one or more running tasks.
Lists all running processes — also on remote computers, if desired. Displays the current time and allows it to be changed. Stops a process for a specified time. Changes the title of the command prompt.
Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path. Sets the path in which files will be searched for. Changes attributes of specified files.
Displays and changes the encryption status of files and directories on NTFS partitions. Compares the content of two files or two file sets. Displays and changes the compression status of files and directories on NTFS partitions. Copies a file or multiple files to another location. Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. Deletes a file or multiple files. Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within. Compresses files without any loss command has the same function as makecab.
Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files in new Windows versions use expand. Compares two individual files or two sets of files with one another and displays the differences. Sets a specific command that should be run for each individual file in a file set. Selects one or more files and runs a command that refers to these files.
Specifies a program for opening a specific file type. Skips the execution within a batch program to a specific line marker. Represents a conditional statement and executes expressions within batch files only under certain conditions.
Compresses files without loss in CAB format you can also use the diantz command. Creates a symbolic link to a file. Moves a file or multiple files from one directory to another. Displays and separates open system files and folders. Restores readable files that were on a defective data drive.
Changes the name of a particular file. Replaces the selected file or files with one or more other files. Allows so-called robust file copying. Manages media on removable storage devices. Limits the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. How you open Command Prompt differs between Windows versions, so you'll find steps below for Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 8.
In more recent versions of Windows 10, Command Prompt has been replaced by PowerShell, but you can still access it from the Power User Menu by editing the taskbar settings. Swipe up to show the Apps screen. You can accomplish the same thing with a mouse by clicking on the down arrow icon at the bottom of the screen. Prior to the Windows 8. If you're using a keyboard or mouse, a really quick way to open a Command Prompt window in Windows 8 is through the Power User Menu—just hold the WIN and X keys down together, or right-click the Start button , and choose Command Prompt.
For most, this feature remains unused or rarely used. Why is that? There are, however, tools and utilities that I bet you never knew you had that can be accessed through the Run feature. Hi Muddussir, you can use netstat command. Hi Bhupendra, I suppose that you meant mstsc remote desktop application. Do not forget wmic, one of the more powerfull tools. Me love wmic :D Reply. Thank you very much I have got big help Reply.
I believe it would help me save time while working with my PC… Here we spend less time to save more time Reply. Thanks man. Thank you very much Reply.
Hi abc, try to run MS Disk Cleanup utility which can be executed from command line by cleanmgr. Very useful commands Thanks Reply. Thanks Matej Reply. This is very helpful for me and save very much time. When i am use run commands in run dialog box that commands have saved permanently. Can u please tell me how to clear command history in run command dialog box Cnd Hardware Engineer Hyderabad Reply. Thanks for these shortcuts key. These are very usefull in working with windows xp.
Hello Tom, I have never noticed this behavior yet. Could you give me more examples of applications which display this behavior, please? I would prefer applications that are installed in Windows by default. That one simple command in your list: Cleanmgr — Cleans up hard drives Works great and is a big help!! Thanks very very much Paul Reply. It was very useful, thanks. Hello Jennifer, it depends on whether the program fuw Thank you very much I have got big help and this is very userful for me……thans for lot Reply.
Hello, I am mohd shuja and very thankful to you. But I have some questions to you please solve them: When we delete any data from the recycle bin it can be revered by data recovery, I want to delete it permanent using run command. Hello ganesh, I think most of them yes, but not the all. Hello Riyazul, my opinion is that you probably have some kind of malware software which removes classic turn off options from start menu through windows registry and adds its own turn off option instead of the classic turn off options.
Thanks of lot for almost all run commands Reply. Its realy great utility….. Its help me a lot Thnx One more thing i just want to ask is… How to run remote windows xp system, any excutable file through another windows xp system both system are in network.
Can anybody tell me what the run command is so that I can see all IE history with detail Reply. Hi, Really useful to all those who have to reduce their times. Thanks Brother it is Good and Very Good. From India Andhra pradesh Hyderbad Reply. Great list of commands…will definitely bookmark this one 8 Reply. Can you please tell me what is a comand for restore windows in windows 7 Reply.
This only works if you have administrator rights. KK: See the following website. While testing all above shortcuts in Management Consoles iis.
I tried with inetmgr it works for me.. Hi Yogesh, You can configure it somewhere at rightmousebutton at taskbar and then properties. Customize menu. The run commands are very useful and this can prevent the use of mouse to some extent. This will give you details about the OS.. Not sure how to get it from run command. What could be the problem and how can I solve it Reply. It returns More?. Thanks for your valuable replies… it pretty commendable. Thanks SB. Matej is off testing anti-virus software full time for ESET these days.
Hello, I have a created a shortcut key name test. Roy Reply. Thank You Reply. Reamte desktop ka zamana was gone … use teamviewer software its very easiy to take remote Reply. Thanks for your help Reply. Thanks in advance! Very useful information. The posts are also very useful. I appreciate it all. Thank you. Awesome explanation about run command.. Answer: ;Rename this file autorun. Thanks for any support, Karen Reply. Regards, Michal Reply. Hi Robert, please take a look at this guide.
Hi, A very useful site, many thanks. This is useful for all, thank you very much. Hi Buddy…!!!