Australian government equipment energy efficiency e3 program

Your feedback is sought on this review. Please let us know if you have relevant data on any of the products that could be used to improve the review. Home Find consultations Subscribe for consultation alerts. On this Page. On this page. Published responses View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response. The determinations that were reviewed and their expiry dates are: Determination Power Distribution transformers - expires 1 April Set top boxes - expires 1 April Computer monitors - expires 1 October External power supplies - 1 April Consultation documents GEMS Review of the Power Distribution transformers determination [1.

Low emissions technology. Emissions reduction. Trade measurement policy for electric vehicle charging stations: consultation paper. The National Measurement Institute NMI is proposing options for a regulatory framework to support accurate measurements made using electric vehicle charging statio Opened: 3 December Closes: 31 January National Measurement Institute. National standards for measuring instruments. Proposed new requirements for native vegetation regeneration projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund.

We are seeking feedback on proposed new requirements for native vegetation regeneration projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund ERF. Opened: 9 December Closes: 14 January Emissions reduction fund. Find open consultations. Closed consultations. Under the framework, t Opened: 25 November Closed: 10 January


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