The Starter Sets give new players a chance to get right in on the action and, with only 80 cards in the set, it's easy to collect them all. Ben 10 Card Game - Crummy Cards The biggest bummer about the Ben 10 card game is that the artwork on some of the cards looks awful -- like someone took a picture of the cartoon rather than making awesome new art.
The rules are also a bit weak and you can abuse them really easily. You Can't get them on any Ben 10 games. No he is not. Is there going to be the sixth ben 10 ulimate alein video game. Log in. Collectible Card Games. Card Games. Study now. See answer 1. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: What are the rules of Ben 10 card game?
Write your answer Related questions. What is the Ben 10 DNA game? Ben 10 DNA for game? Which Ben 10 game is better? Where do you find the game of ben 10 power of 10? What is a ben 10 game that you can be Gwen in? What is the ben ten DNA game? Where to find Ben 10 game in internet? When will the next Ben 10 game be out? There are nine cards in each suit.
If three play, use only three complete suits. If four play, use four complete suits, etc. Use the complete Pit deck for seven players.
Home Games Pit Game Overview. Pit Fan Site. Otherwise, continue right. Grandpa Max : You'll need to find a way to open a door, and you're gonna need a lot of help from that watch. Animo taunts Ben again, anyway, this section is several walkways stacked on top of each other, only the one below the starting point matters, jump down there, and you'll see poles sticking out of the wall.
Have Ben jump and swing on these to get over to where the Key is, defeat all the enemies, and head through the door. Max is right, those Scorpions are bad news. After some more of Dr. Animo's taunting, the player will need to be careful, as those Giant Scorpions can defeat Ben very fast.
The best way to go about it is to muscle through the first one, collect a Gold Sumo Slammer Card, and head back. Morph into something, Alternatively Ben can grab the tapestries on the light poles, and branches to get over.
Keep heading right. Grandpa Max : Be careful in here Ben, there's a lot of weird things waiting for you. There are a handful of Mutant Scarabs and Giant Scorpions in here, it's best to morph into something. After all enemies have been defeated, Dr. Animo will come out riding his Mutant Frog, it can punch and throw goo at the player, but it's rather easy to defeat. After the Mutant Frog has been defeated Animo himself will try and attack, but since his health is already mostly depleted, he goes down in one hit.
Souvenir : Animo's Helmet - Dropped by the Dr. Animo after defeating him. Grandpa Max : I like carnivals, except with guys like Acid Breath around I'm not so sure, it might be a good idea to give your enemies a smaller target here. After Max finishes talking, Zombozo runs up and laughs at Ben, anyway, this level is very simple.
Run forward and dodge the clown noses and bottles being thrown from the right of the screen. Nearing the end, the player will find that Acid Breath was the one throwing the objects, defeat him and exit this section. This level is very short as well if the player is not going for collecting all the items, it's possible to just run through, defeat Thumbskull and be done with it.
Grandpa Max : It looks like it would be easy to get lost in that maze, there must be a secret area nearby. Ghostfreak might be very helpful here. This is an upward maze, full of Zombies, and worst of all, Frightwig is waiting and ready to fight at the exit.
There are two ways of completing this area. One : The hard way. Run through the maze and figure out what ladders go where; defeat Frightwig and move on. Two : The easy way. Turn into Ghostfreak, phase through the floors, defeat Frightwig and move on. Souvenir : Clown Mask - As Ghostfreak, phase through the gate near the small picture of Ghostfreak to collect the Souvenir.
Grandpa Max : I don't like the look of that Zombozo character, Ben. Ben's going to need to become a trapeze artist before he fights Zombozo. To turn off the cannons on either side of the room, climb up the pole and swing from the trapeze to the other side, flip the switch and Zombozo should come out to fight.
Defeat him and it's off to the next level. Grandpa Max : There's lots of very strange characters here. You can't escape them whether you're high or low. Remember, you've gotta find your Grandmother's old broach. You can either stay on the ground, where there will be Limax waiting for Ben and stretchy arms coming out from the bushes. You can climb to the rooftops, where there will also be stretchy arms coming up to try and kill him, or you can morph into a flyer and dodge it all.
If you stay on the ground level, you'll need to make use of the Water Pistol items that are littered in the area, you need those to defeat any Limax, as you can't hurt them any other way. Continue screen right regardless. Souvenir : Grandma's Broach - As Heatblast, burn down the fence at the beginning of the level to collect the Souvenir. Grandpa Max : The Limax are in force here, but they have a weak spot.
So I hope you're a good shot with a Water Pistol, Ben, because you're gonna need to be. Grandpa Max : Ben, this area has lots of elevators, it can get real confusing. You've gotta take the humanoid pods out of the Mother Ship before it takes off. The next section starts immediately and is a race against the timer.
It would be wise to not use any aliens here because you can't attack the Limax in any form, you need to use the Water Pistols. Using the various elevators, track down several pods and bring them back to the top of the ship, and drop them in the designated drop zones.
Hey, don't ask me to help you on this one, I'm WAY too big. Ben has to traverse through a series of catacombs, all the while dealing with various traps like fireballs and knives flying through the air, ladders that break under Ben's weight, and chandeliers that can fall. It would be wise to use Grey Matter for this level, as he's a smaller target, weighs less so he won't break the ladders, and he's required to access the Souvenir for this stage.
Reach the bottom floor, then climb the tall ladder to the far right of the map to beat this section. Souvenir : Magical Rod - Grey Matter is needed to fit through the gap in the wall where this Souvenir is. Grandpa Max : More creepy creatures here. You're gonna need help, Ben. If you can get past these guys, make your way to the Bell Tower and ring the bell.