Biography of hazrat abu bakr pdf

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Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Abu Bakr Siddq R. In fact, Abu Bakr R. His immediate acceptance for Islam was a consequence of the steadfast friendship with the Prophet Mohammad S. When Abu Bakr R.

In fact, Abu Bakr Siddiq R. So when he accepted Islam, he did his best to attract other people to it. Soon Uthman bin Affan R. The Prophet S. After persisting in this request, the Prophet S. When the unbelievers among the Quraish heard it, they fell upon Abu Bakr R. His wife Qutaylah did not accept Islam and he divorced her. His other wife, Um Ruman, became a Muslim. All his children, except Abul Rehman, accepted Islam.

As-Siddiq, the most well-known of Abu Bakr's R. Therefore, the word As-Siddiq means a person who is constantly truthful or who constantly believes in the truthfulness of something or someone. In Abu Bakr's R. Migration to Madinah:. When the Prophet S.

As narrated by Aishah R. The people of Makkah have noticed that the Prophet Mohammad S. Fearing the departure of the Prophet S. Hence, the angel Gabriel informed Prophet S. While the Prophet's S. Their journey from Makkah to Madinah was full of adventure. As soon as the besieging swordsmen discovered that they were tricked, they went in search of the Prophet S.

A public prize of a hundred camels was offered to anyone who might find them. However, it happened that when they hid in a cave named Thaur where they spent three nights , a spider spun its web at the opening of the cave, and a pigeon built its nest there. The swordsmen followed their tracks until they reached their hiding place, but, seeing the web and the early hours of the morning, they went home, telling everyone that further pursuit was fruitless.

The incident is described in the Al-Quran as follows:. His role in Battles of Badr and Uhud:. When he became a Muslim, he said to his father:. In this situation, the greatness of the faith of Abu Bakr R. In the battle of Uhud, which took place the following year after Badr, the disbelievers won the battle because the archers left their places on the top of the mountain of Uhud.

Only a dozen people stayed with the Prophet S. Allah's Messenger S. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab R. As per sources, he purchased and freed eight slaves, four men and four women, by paying forty thousand dinars for their freedom. Bilal bin Ribah R.

The Day the Prophet Died:. But Abu Bakr R. It is reported from Ibn Abbas R. Then he recited the following aya of Quran :. Ibn Abbas R. Umar bin Khattab R. First Caliph in Islam:. After the death of the Messenger of Allah S. However, he had faced many crises after becoming caliph. Imam Al-Dhahabi said:.

Umar R. Then Umar R. The desert never witnessed, even in the lifetime of the Prophet S. But the men that were trained by Mohammad S. They dealt idolatry a blow that broke its spine and squeezed its soul until it faded into oblivion. They equally drove away the Romans from the boarders. They broke the spine of the apostates. Some of them came back into the fold of Islam and others perished far estranged from it. In no more than a few years, Islam triumphed and was seen and heard far and wide while other religions were on the brink of extinction.

Compilation of the Holy Quran:. One of the greatest achievements Abu Bakr Siddiq R. At that time, there were hundreds of memorizers who had memorized the entire Quran among the Companions during the life time of the Prophet S. However, numbers of those memorizers had been martyred in the various battles that had ensued after the Prophet's S. Consequently, it occurred to Umar R. Therefore, he urged Abu Bakr R. However, after some debate on the subject, he agreed and appointed Zaid ibn Thabit R.

Zaid R. After Zaid R. During Umar's R. Finally, in Uthman's R. The modern edition of the Quran is the Uthman copy, which is considered the standard to which every other copy should conform.

Zaid ibn Thabit R. It is reported from Ali bin Abi Talib R. His Death and Burial Place:. There is a story which accuses the Jews of putting poison in his food, but it lacks authenticity. When Abu Bakr died, he was sixty-three years old and his caliphate had lasted for only two years and three months. During his illness, he was thinking of Islam and its future stability.


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