Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Wicks and Richard D. Parsons, editors. Includes bibliographical references and indexes Vol. Parsons, editors Vol. Barry V. Smith V. Gaventa, Jr. There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. Books for People with Print Disabilities. Internet Archive Books. Author : Robert J. Wicks and Richard D. Parsons, editors. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Clinical Handbook of Pastoral Counseling. Get Books. Authors: Robert J. Wicks, Richard D. Parsons, Donald Capps. Building on the groundbreaking original work with the same title, these articles focus on current issues, such as certain life stages, special populations, the devalued and abused, the addicted and special issues of the 's.
Pastoral Counseling in a Global Church. Pastoral counseling is one of the fastest growing ministry specialties in the emerging world church. Its practical, narrative-style approach complements. Death Attitudes and the Older Adult. First Published in Gender, Violence, and Justice. Gender, Violence, and Justice is a volume of collected essays by an expert in the field of violence against women and pastoral theology.