Cornhusker state games results 2013

Discus Throw: Russell Shroyer, Omaha. High Jump: Kent Wirges, Waterloo. Long Jump: Elmer Mickey, Hillsboro. Shot Put: Russell Shroyer, Omaha. Discus Throw: Jim Squires, Fairfield. High Jump: Allen Harder, Filley. Long Jump: Allen Harder, Filley. Shot Put: Jim Squires, Fairfield. High Jump: James Kniep, Lincoln. Javelin: Mike Maryott, Blair. Long Jump: James Kniep, Lincoln. Shot Put: Rich Chess, Omaha. Abels, Papillion, Discus Throw: Ed Thomas, Columbus.

High Jump: Jamie Renshaw, Odell. Javelin: Randall Olson, Omaha. Long Jump: Jamie Renshaw, Odell. Pole Vault: Randall Olson, Omaha. Shot Put: Ed Thomas, Columbus. Discus Throw: Al Wellman, Lincoln. High Jump: Paul Harrison, Lincoln. Javelin: Al Wellman, Lincoln. Long Jump: Alex Meyer, Scribner. Shot Put: Al Wellman, Lincoln. Discus Throw: Skyler Reising, Lincoln. High Jump: Ben Zuch, Fremont. Javelin: Edwin Ronoh, Crete. Long Jump: Dwayne Wall, Aurora.

Pole Vault: Michael Brune, Bradshaw. Shot Put: Sean Lindgren, Whaoo. Triple Jump: Mauro Parnell, Omaha. High Jump: Tonya Gordon, Omaha. Long Jump: Tonya Gordon, Omaha. Triple Jump: Leah Stade, Kearney. Discus Throw: Heather Klutts, Lincoln. Javelin: Amanda McKinney, Beatrice. Discus Throw: Cindy Mathers, Lincoln. Javelin: Cindy Mathers, Lincoln.

Shot Put: Cindy Mathers, Lincoln. Discus Throw: Kyle Hinkel, Utica. Long Jump: Kyle Hinkel, Utica. Shot Put: Kyle Hinkel, Utica. Javelin: Sandy Maryott, Blair. Shot Put: Sandy Maryott, Blair. Discus Throw: Sam Misil, Lincoln. High Jump: Erin Sughroue, Lincoln.

Javelin: Anne Flesher, Lincoln. Pole Vault: Taylor Janzen, Henderson. Shot Put: Alyssa Kamphaus, Seward. High Jump: Lauren Harris, Omaha.

Javelin: Sara Lindgren, Wahoo. Long Jump: Hannah Newton, Milford. Shot Put: Lauren Harris, Omaha. Discus Throw: Eleni Knapp, Omaha. High Jump: Alexis Dale, Ravenna. Javelin: Emilee Shostrom, Lincoln. Long Jump: Hannah Shield, Lincoln.

Pole Vault: Tierney Casper, Henderson. Shot Put: Adrianna Shaw, Bassett. Open second flight: Jeff Sawyer, Fremont. Senior first flight: Leslie Johnson, Fremont. Senior second flight: John Roberts, Omaha. Senior third flight: Gene Shaw, Hastings.

Open: Carrie Bostar, Lincoln. Senior first flight: Patty Henry, Kearney. Senior second flight: Holly Parkhurst, Bellevue. Ages Eva Golliglee, Lincoln.

All around: Delaney Woodward, Lincoln. Balance beam: Delaney Woodward, Lincoln. Floor exercise: Delaney Woodward, Lincoln. Uneven bars: Delaney Woodward, Lincoln. Vault: Madysen Ayres, Lincoln. All around: Lainey Weist, Colon. Balance beam: Lainey Weist, Colon.

Floor exercise: Alyssa Dahlheim, Lincoln. Uneven bars: Alayna Buxton, Lincoln. Vault: Khami Itzen, Lincoln. Balance beam: Danielle Blum, Wahoo. Vault: Danielle Blum, Wahoo.

High School: Lincoln Rampage, Lincoln. Beginner: Ethan Strom, Omaha. Black belt: Jeremiah Lopez, Holdrege. Advanced: Zak Kunneman, Omaha. Black belt: Casey Montgomery, Omaha. Brown belt: Bailey Pham, Papillion. Colored belt: Izaiha Adams, Omaha. Ages advanced: Matthew Glynn, Clarks.

Beginner: Lindsay Wilson, Omaha. Intermediate: Cynthia Gillespie, Omaha. Green belt: Lillian McGuire, Omaha. Forms intermediate: Antonia Seldera, Omaha. Under 40 black belt: Sadie Houck, Henderson. Catamaran Open: Nocks 20, Lincoln. Open: Jacob Uphoff, Lincoln. Senior: Mike Lane, Lincoln. Women: Katie Dettmann, Avoca.

All Bore junior: Cort West, Merna. Veterans: Garry Geer, Laurel. Veteran: Garry Geer, Laurel. Match rifle expert: Richard Layendecker, Omaha. Expert: Dr. Wm Schlichtemeier, Omaha. Junior: Jack Larkin, Omaha. Novice: Vern Sorensen, Lincoln. Novice: Joe Freeborn, Wahoo. Women: Caryl Bohn, Raymond. Expert: Michael Kirstein, Omaha. Women: Jill Stackhouse, Omaha. Open A: Tim Dettmann, Avoca.

Open B: Scott Schomaker, Palmyra. Open C: Adam Larson, Springfield. Senior: Eugene Meyers, Lincoln. High School: Hwy 34 Misfits, Lincoln. Hardbat singles: Ben Krekel, Lincoln. Recreational singles: Haotian Kong, Lincoln. Discus: Emilee Shostrom, Vermillion, S. High jump: Jessica Evans, Pierce. Javelin: Emilee Shostrom, Vermillion, S.

Long jump: Shane Valdez, Omaha. With her efforts, Frost, a U. Olympian and member of the Nebraska Sports Hall of Fame, now holds national records in discus and shot-put for the 65, 70, and year-old age groups. De Guzman is currently ranked 58 th in the U. Labadie is one of the most-decorated Taekwondo athletes in Cornhusker State Games history. This year marked his 19th consecutive year competing.

Complete Results. Medal Winners. Complete Masters Results. Complete Youth Results. Scramble Medal Winners. Stroke Play Medal Winners. Medal Winner. Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4.

Results Sponsor. Aquatics — Diving Medal Winners. Archery — 3D and Target Medal Winners. Armwrestling Medal Winners. Badminton Medal Winners. Baseball Complete Results Medal Winners.


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