Corometrics 172 manual

The recorder stops printing the fetal heart rate trace. Fetal Movement Detection Test This portion of the functional checkout procedure ensures the integrity of the fetal movement detection circuitry and the heart rate channel of the recorder.

NOTE: Fetal movement detection is an option which must be installed and enabled for use on your monitor. Fetal movement markers are shown on for a duration of one second, then off for eight seconds, then on for one second, etc.

The recorder prints the messages US and FMD on the center margin of the strip chart paper after approximately 20 seconds. Ultrasound Transducer Test 1. Ensure there are no cracks around the transducer face. Disconnect the simulators ultrasound cable from the front panel of the Series Monitor. Connect the ultrasound transducer to either US input receptacle on the front panel of the monitor.

The value shows three steady dashes in the FHR1 display. Gently rub each crystal of the ultrasound transducer rhythmically. There are nine crystals. Eight are arranged around the circumference of the transducer; one is in the center. Verify the following:. Good sensitivity is apparent. The monitors FHR1 value follows the input rate. The recorder follows the input rate.

The FHR1 heartbeat indicator flashes for each input. Ultrasound audio is heard coming from the monitors rear panel speaker. Disconnect the ultrasound transducer from the front panel of the monitor. The FHR1 value and heartbeat indicator are both blank. Active Threshold Alarm: Press the Alarm Silence button to cancel the audio component of an active threshold alarm. The visual indications remain present until the FHR value returns to within the defined acceptable range.

This is tested in steps 14 to 16 for a high alarm, and steps 22 to 24 for a low alarm. Unsilenced, Resolved Threshold Alarm: If a threshold alarm condition is resolved, prior to be silenced clinical acknowledgement , the visual and audible indications both remain present.

Press the Alarm Silence button to cancel both the audible and visual indications. This is tested in steps 17 to 19 for a high alarm and 25 to 27 for a low alarm.

NOTE: For continuous limit violations: a high alarm activates after 5 minutes; a low alarm activates after 30 seconds. Uterine Activity Test This portion of the functional checkout procedure tests the uterine activity section of the Series Monitor. Set the switches on the Model Simulator according to Table Connect the simulators UA sub-cable to the UA receptacle on the monitor.

Access the service setup mode and note the UA reference default value. The monitor is shipped from the factory with this value set at 10 relative units; however, your unit may have been custom configured. Exit the service mode. Press the monitors Record pushbutton. Briefly press the monitors UA Reference pushbutton. The UA value matches the default setting.

The recorder prints a continuous line at the default value on the uterine activity channel of the strip chart paper. Press and hold the UA Reference button on the monitor to cycle through the available selections for UA reference: 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 relative units. Test each of these reference settings. Verify that the UA value is displayed accordingly and that the recorder prints a continuous line at the corresponding value on the uterine activity channel of the strip chart paper.

Place the simulators UA Level switch at each of the level settings: 0, 10, 50, and relative units. Verify that the UA value is displayed accordingly and that the recorder prints a continuous line at the corresponding value on the heart rate channel of the strip chart paper. Press the UA Reference button to reference to 10 relative units. If the default is set to a different value, press and hold the UA Reference button to cycle to Verify that the UA value measures a ramp between 10 and relative units and that the recorder prints a ramp between the same values.

Revision C Series Monitor Disconnect the Model Simulators uterine activity sub-cable from the UA input receptacle on the front panel of the monitor. The UA value is blank. The recorder stops printing the uterine activity trace.

Check for any cracks or contaminants on the tocotransducer especially on the diaphragm located on the bottom of the tocotransducer. Connect the tocotransducer to the UA input receptacle on the front panel of the Series Monitor. Access service setup mode and note the default TOCO reference setting. Exit the service setup mode. If the monitor is on when you connect or re-connect a Trimline Tocotransducer to the UA connector, you must wait at least 10 seconds before pressing the UA Reference button.

If the monitor is off, you must wait at least 10 seconds from the time the monitor is powered on. The UA value shows the default setting.

Apply gentle pressure to the tocotransducer diaphragm and verify that the UA value responds to the pressure input. Increasing force should produce an increasing value and vice versa.

Remove the tocotransducer from the monitors UA input receptacle. Unscrew the plastic dome from the transducer and check for any cracks or contaminants on the transducer. Visibly assess the condition of the cable, strain relief, and the connector pins. Connect the strain gauge to the UA input receptacle on the front panel of the monitor.

The UA value may read negative numbers indicating baseline pressure is off scale. After approximately 20 seconds, the message IUP prints on the center margin of the strip chart paper. The UA value is 0 mmHg. The UA trend is a continuous line at 0 mmHg on the strip chart paper. Apply gentle pressure on the strain gauge diaphragm and verify that the UA value and trend respond to the input.

Disconnect the strain gauge from the front panel of the monitor. The UA trend stops plotting on the strip chart paper. Pattern Memory Test The pattern memory of the simulator can be used to test any of the following mode combinations of the monitor. Do not attempt to test dual ultrasound using one Model Simulator and one ultrasound transducer or a conflict between enable lines will occur.

NOTE: Although dual heart rate can be verified using the pattern memory, an additional procedure is given in this functional checkout procedure. To check any of the mode combinations listed above: 1. Connect the appropriate simulator sub-cables to the corresponding receptacles on the monitor. Enable the modes on the simulator. Set the simulators Pattern Memory switch to the ON position. The UA display responds accordingly for the value.

The recorder responds appropriately in both trending and message information. Connect the simulators US sub-cable to the monitors US input receptacle.

If not already on, select the monitors Record button. The FHR2 heartbeat indicator value. Dual Ultrasound Modes As stated previously, the dual ultrasound mode of the Series Monitor cannot be tested unless two Model Simulators are used or two Nautilus ultrasound transducers. Do not attempt to test dual ultrasound using one Model Simulator and one ultrasound transducer.

This procedure details using two transducers since it is more practical for a test site. Plug one ultrasound transducer into the monitors US input receptacle and the other into the monitors US2 receptacle. The FHR1 value shows three steady dashes. The FHR2 value shows three steady dashes. The recorder prints the messages US and US2 on the center margin of the strip chart paper.

Use your finger to rub the face of the ultrasound transducer connected to the monitors US input receptacle; try to maintain a steady rate and verify the following on the monitor:.

The FHR1 value responds to the rubbing. The FHR1 heartbeat indicator responds to the input. The recorder prints the heart rate tracing corresponding to the rate and the trace is plain black.

Use your finger to rub the face of the ultrasound transducer connected to the monitors US2 input receptacle; try to maintain a steady rate and verify the following on the monitor:. The FHR2 value responds to the rubbing. The FHR2 heartbeat indicator responds to the input. The recorder prints the heart rate tracing corresponding to the rate and the trace is bold black. Alarm Test This portion of the test ensures the integrity of the audio alarms and tests the alarm limit software. Press and hold for three seconds Setup to enter the monitors setup mode.

Set the FHR alarm enable to on. Set the FHR audio alarm to a level you can easily hear. Press the monitors Record button. Verify that the FHR high and low limits print in the annotation area of the strip chart paper. Turn off the monitors recorder. Verify that there is no alarm tone sounding from the monitors speaker. Again, verify that there is no alarm tone sounding from the monitors speaker. After five minutes, verify the following on the monitor:. The Alarm indicator flashes. The affected heart rate numerics flash.

Press the monitors front panel Alarm Silence pushbutton and verify that the alarm tone silences but the visual indications remain present. Verify that the Alarm indicator goes out and the heart rate numerics stop flashing. It will take five minutes for the alarm appear. The alarm tone continues sounding. The Alarm indicator continues flashing. The affected heart rate numerics continue flashing. Press the monitors front panel Alarm Silence pushbutton.

Verify that the visual and audio alarm indications disappear. Using the simulators Manual Adjustment knob, decrease the US rate to 99 bpm. After 30 seconds, verify the following on the monitor:. The alarm tone is emitted from the monitors speaker. It will take 30 seconds for the alarm to appear. Use the simulators Manual Adjustment knob to increase the US signal to bpm. The Alarm indicator stops continues flashing. This concludes the functional checkout procedure.

Serviceable Assemblies 7 This chapter provides information to aid in performing routine service and maintenance on a Series Monitor.

This section of the manual is not intended as a substitute for proper professional training, or familiarity with the Series Monitor.

Only qualified service personnel should attempt servicing a Series Monitor. General Anti-Static Handling Precautions The following guidelines should be followed when handling circuit boards or assemblies containing circuit boards.

Following these procedures helps resist damage that can be caused by static electricity. Discharge any static charge you may have built up before handling parts. Wear a grounded, anti-static wristband at all times.

Use a static-free work surface. Store items in anti-static bags or boxes. Do not remove items from anti-static containers until needed. Unpack the kit and ensure it contains the items listed in Table If something is missing, contact your GE Service Representative immediately. Plastic Ring Handling Precautions Transducers are delicate measuring instruments and must be handled accordingly. Transducer damage can be avoided by taking the following precautions:. Avoid banging or dropping transducers.

Refrain from wrapping transducer cables around transducer body. Do not immerse transducers in aqueous cleaning solutions. Do not pull on cables when removing transducer plugs from the monitor frontpanel connectors; remove plugs by grasping the gripper.

The color green is specified for consistency with factory builds and the wiring charts contained in this document. You can order the Standard Pincers No. Box 93, Livingston, NJ The telephone number is: Cut 24 AWG green wire not supplied to inches long and strip each end 1 8 inch.

This will be used as a jumper wire. Cut 24 AWG green wire to 2 inches long. Strip one end 34 inch. Route the transducer cable through the gripper. Slide the gripper, followed by the retaining ring, down the cable until they are out of the way. For Nautilus Tocotransducers only: Slide Oetiker clamp over end of cable. This clamp is not necessary for Trimline Tocotransducers.

Score around grey cable jacket 1 inch. Peel and remove jacket. Trim filler flush to jacket. For Nautilus Tocotransducers only: Cut vent tubing flush with jacket being careful not to restrict air flow. The vent tubing is not present in Trimline cables. Pull back the braided shield and twist into pigtail.

Solder the 2-inch prepared green wire to the shield, wrapping the strip on to the shield. Cut wire flush with other conductors of the cable. Strip all conductors 18 inch. Twist and tin conductors. Locate the grounding contact pin longer pin in the kit. Solder this pin to the shield wire. Solder a short pin to the yellow wire and one end of the green jumper wire. Both wires share this pin. Solder a short pin to the free end of the green jumper wire. Solder a short pin to each of the other conductors.

For Nautilus Tocotransducers only: Crimp Oetiker clamp over cable jacket 18 inch from end. Continue with Plug Assembly on page Cut 24 AWG green wire not supplied to inches long and strip each end inch. Cut 24 AWG green wire to 4 inches long and strip each end 34 inch. Score around grey jacket of cable 1 inch. Pull back the outer braided shield and twist into pigtail. Solder the 4-inch prepared green wire to the outer shield, wrapping the inch strip onto shield.

Cut wire flush with other conductor s of cable. Retain remaining piece of wire for inner shield. This step varies according to the ultrasound transducer type:. Standard Ultrasound Transducer: This cable is a dual-coaxial cable.

Cut off black coaxial cable and fillers flush to jacket. Nautilus Ultrasound Transducer: This cable is a single-coaxial cable. Trim fillers flush to jacket. Score around the white jacket leaving inch of the jacket remaining. Pull back the inner shield and twist into a pigtail. The clear dielectric is now exposed. Solder remaining piece of green wire to inner shield, wrapping the 34 inch strip onto shield. Cut wire flush with other conductors. Install shrink tubing over the solder joint between the white coaxial cable and the inner shield.

Strip the three conductors 18 inch clear and both green. Solder this pin to the inner shield. Solder a short pin to the clear conductor and the outer shield. Solder a short pin to each end of the green jumper wire inches long. Separate outer braided shield and twist. For Standard ultrasound transducers, the cable is a dual coaxial cable.

For Nautilus ultrasound transducers, the cable is a single coaxial cable. If present, cut black coax and fillers flush with grey jacket. Solder 24 AWG green wire to outer shield. Apply shrink tubing over clear wire and solder joint of inner shield. Solder contact pins to conductors and jumper wire. Cut 26 AWG green wire not supplied to 2 inches long. Cut 26 AWG blue wire not supplied to inches long and strip each end 18 inch.

Score around cable jacket 1 inch. Strip black conductive coating back to the outer jacket. Solder the 2-inch prepared green wire to the shield, wrapping the strip onto the shield. Cut the wire flush with other conductors of cable. Install shrink tubing over the solder joint of the shield.

HEATAvoid excess heat when tinning ends and soldering braids since the polyethylene inner insulation melts very easily. Slide shrink tubing over cable. Solder this pin to one end of the blue jumper wire. Solder a short pin to the blue wire and the free end of the blue jumper wire. Solder a short pin to each of the other conductors, Plug Assembly Refer to Figure while replacing a transducer plug. Note that the strain relief clamp 3 orientation is different between tocotransducers and all other transducers ultrasound, FECG.

In addition, the Oetiker clamp 11 is used for Nautilus Tocotransducers only. Transducer Plug Construction 1. Remove the old plug. Insert pinned wires into corresponding positions in the pin housing according to the wiring table in each of the above listed sections. Push in each pin until it bottoms out and is retained by the pin spring fingers which prevent it from backing out of the hole. NOTE: If a pin is removed from the sprocket housing, it must be discarded and replaced.

Insert remaining pins into unused positions in the pin housing. Insert the pin housing into the corresponding recess of the half-shell with strain-relief mounting holes.

Position the housing so that the two dots at the back are visible and at right angles to the plane of the half-shell. Push the cable into the strain-relief slot. Ensure the slot surrounds a portion of the cable with the outer covering intact. Fasten the strain-relief clamp to the half-shell using the two metric screws. Refer to inset of Figure Tocotransducer: the indent of the strain relief should face outward. Place the half-shell with tongue on the pin housing, aligning it with the two dots on the back of the housing.

The half-shells should snap together evenly. Slip the retaining ring over them to hold the assembly together. Slide the gripper back up the cable and align the two projections at the rear of the plug assembly with the two recesses at the rear of the gripper. NOTE: Do not allow projections and recesses to become misaligned while sliding the gripper onto the plug or the gripper will not seat properly.

Position the tongue opposite the gripper boot through which the cable extends. This ensures that the cable will extend downward once the plug is inserted into the monitor. Refer to Table and ensure you have the correct kit.

The text of the instruction sheet is repeated here for informational purposes. NOTE: Transducers are available in 5-, 8-, and foot cable lengths.

However, the cable assembly included in a replacement kit is available in an 8-foot length only. REF Procedure 1. Unplug the transducer from the monitor or telemetry transmitter.

Use the screw cap extraction tool to pry off the five screw caps Figure Discard all caps. Remove the five sealing screws and discard. Remove the transducer cover and flat-seal o-ring. Discard both items. Remove the cable connector according to the transducer type Figure : Tocotransducer a. Set aside screws. Observe the orientation of the cable connector in the PC board header, then unplug. Ultrasound Transducer a. Unscrew the green cable ground wire from the PC board.

Set aside screw. Unsolder the green and clear cable wires from the PC board. Loosen the cable nut set screw, then unscrew the cable from the cable nut. Set aside screw and cable nut. Remove the cable from the transducer base. Do not damage the cable o-ring or the hole in the transducer base. Feed the connector end of the new cable through the hole in the transducer base. The cable o-ring should be seated in hole. Secure the molded strain relief end of the cable in the cable nut: a.

Place the flat side of the cable nut against the case base. Rotate the cable assembly into the cable nut; continue threading until the two are completely seated. Ensure the o-ring is seated in the hole and one of the cables four set screw holes is centered under the hole in the cable nut. Tighten the set screw until flush with the cable nut. Doing so will change the button height and affect the tocotransducer calibration. Plug the cable connector into the PC board header conforming to the keying observed earlier.

If removed earlier, replace the PC board and tighten the three self-tapping screws in the transducer base. Doing so could damage the threads in base. Solder the green and clear cable wires to the PC board Figure Replace and tighten the green ground wire on the PC board. Install new flat-seal o-ring. Nautilus Tocotransducers only: Prior to replacing the case top, it is recommended that you calibrate the transducer.

Refer to Tocotransducer Calibration on page prior to completing the cable replacement procedure. Follow the instructions for Nautilus Transducer Reassembly on page Removing the Monitor Top Cover 1.

Unplug the AC adapter from the monitor to completely remove power. Remove the four bottom panel screws. Do not attempt to remove the monitor cover without first disconnecting these cables. Partially lift the top cover and slide it partways back to reveal the cables connecting to the main board.

Disconnect the display board cable from J18 on the main board. Disconnect the membrane switch panel cable from J19 on the main board. Tocotransducer Calibration Any of the following three transducers can be used with the Series Monitor:. Refer to Table to order the correct kit. REF , is designed specifically for testing Nautilus Tocotransducers. Turn off the monitor. Unplug the transducer from the monitor.

Calibration for Cat. Set the Gain R11 and Offset R6 potentiometers fully clockwise. Turn on the monitor. Measure the voltage across the test points and record the value. Place the tocotransducer on a flat surface so that the button is face up, then center the Adjust the Offset R6 potentiometer so that the voltage matches the reading recorded in step 5 0. This voltage is referred to as the weight on voltage.

Remove the weight and observe the voltage reading; this voltage is referred to as the weight off voltage. If the change is less, adjust the Gain R11 potentiometer counterclockwise to increase the gain. If the change is more, adjust the Gain R11 potentiometer clockwise to decrease the gain. Repeat step 7 through step 9 until the change in voltage between the weight on and weight off conditions falls into specification.

Torque seal all potentiometers. Set the Gain R15 and Offset R5 potentiometers fully counterclockwise. Set the Offset Trim R6 potentiometer to its mid-positionapproximately six turns from fully counterclockwise.

Adjust the Offset R5 and Offset Trim R6 potentiometers so that the voltage matches the reading recorded in step 6 0. The Offset R5 potentiometer provides course adjustment. The Offset Trim R6 potentiometer provides fine adjustment. If the change is less, adjust the Gain R15 potentiometer counterclockwise to increase the gain. If the change is more, adjust the Gain R15 potentiometer clockwise to decrease the gain.

Repeat step 8 through step step 10 until the change in voltage between the weight on and weight off conditions falls into specification. Trimline Tocotransducers The Corometrics Trimline Tocotransducer must be calibrated using the following procedure for use with the Series Monitor. Calibrated Series Monitor Screwdriver or potentiometer adjustment tool The weights bottom lip fits over the transducers button.

Procedure During this procedure, refer to Figure for the location of potentiometers in the Trimline tocotransducer. Serviceable Assemblies: Tocotransducer Calibration NOTE: When performing this procedure, keep in mind that due to the nature of the circuitry in the Trimline Tocotransducer, there is a stabilization time of approximately two seconds for any output voltage.

After adjusting a potentiometer, verify that the output has stabilized prior to taking a voltage reading. Remove the nameplate and sealing tape from the top cover of the Trimline Tocotransducer. Connect the positive lead of the digital voltmeter to TP2; connect the negative lead to TP9.

Measure the voltage at TP2 and record the value. If the change is less than 0. If the change is more than 0. Affix new sealing tape and re-install the nameplate. Adjusting the GAIN potentiometer while monitoring the voltage at TP2 may show little or no voltage change as the potentiometer is being adjusted.

However, when the weight is again placed on the button, the output voltage for this condition may have changed significantly. As stated in step 12, the procedure is repeated until the voltages fall into specification for both conditions. Large-Button Tocotransducer Potentiometer Locations 1. Remove the nameplate and sealing tape from the top cover of the tocotransducer. Nautilus Ultrasound Transducer Top Cover Replacement In order to replace the top cover of a Nautilus Ultrasound Transducer in the field, you will require one of two kits.

Use the screw cap extraction tool to pry off the five screw caps Refer to Figure Discard these items each time a transducer is opened. Install case top and tighten five sealing screws. Hand tighten each screw a small amount going in a clockwise direction, skipping every other screw. Repeat until all screws are torqued to 48 in-oz. Apply one drop of Loctite adhesive1 to the perimeter of the hole for the flat screw cap Figure If the monitor is not working properly, contact your Service Representative for service.

The monitor should not be used if it is not working properly. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a typical medical installation. However, because of the proliferation of radio-frequency transmitting equipment and other sources of electrical noise in the health-care and home environments for example, cellular phones, mobile two-way radios, electrical appliances , it is possible that high levels of such interference due to close proximity or strength of a source, may result in disruption of performance of this device.

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference with other devices in the vicinity.

Disruption or interference may be evidenced by erratic readings, cessation of operation, or incorrect functioning. If this occurs, the site of use should be surveyed to determine the source of this disruption, and actions taken to eliminate the source. The user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:. The following is a list of symbols used on products manufactured by GE.

Some symbols may not appear on your unit. Type B equipment is suitable for intentional external and internal application to the patient, excluding direct cardiac application. Type BF equipment is suitable for intentional external and internal application to the patient, excluding direct cardiac application. Type BF equipment has an F-type applied part.

Type CF equipment is suitable for intentional external and internal application to the patient, including direct cardiac application. Type CF equipment has an F-type applied part. To completely remove power, you must disconnect the power cord from the AC wall outlet. This section lists the indications for use for monitors in the Series as well as provides an explanation of the different patient monitoring modalities.

Models and Fetal Monitors are indicated for use in the monitoring of the fetus during the antepartum period as well as throughout labor and delivery.

Each monitor also has an optional monitoring mode to detect fetal body movements. Models and Fetal Monitors are indicated for use in the monitoring of the fetus throughout labor and delivery. The following is a summary of all the clinical monitoring methods found in the Ultrasound monitoring is available on all Series Monitors. Models and provide a single ultrasound channel, while Models and provide two ultrasound channels. Fetal heart rate can be measured externally using pulsed Doppler Ultrasound.

A patented autocorrelation process is used to determine the timing of successive cardiac cycles. The resulting fetal heart rate FHR pattern is recorded on the strip chart paper and the FHR appears on the digital display. FECG is available on Models and only. FECG signals are obtained via a spiral electrode attached to the fetal presenting part. Maternal uterine activity is measured externally using a tocotransducer toco. The readings are plotted on the strip chart paper in a relative scale from 0 to as well as shown on the digital display.

All Series Monitors provide external uterine activity monitoring. Intrauterine pressure is measured using a transcervical catheter. The pressure trend is plotted over the range of 0 to mmHg and the readings appear on the digital display. Each monitor boasts the following qualities:. The strip chart recorder is a quiet, easy-to-load, high resolution thermal array printer. The recorder prints continuous trends and alphanumeric data on one strip chart.

Automatic mode selection is provided simply by inserting the appropriate transducer plug into the front panel receptacle. Wide beam ultrasound transducer provides an advanced level of system performance. Frequently-used functions are controlled by front panel buttons—including audio volume, uterine activity reference, alarm silence, event mark, paper advance, and user setup controls.

Alarm silencing is controlled by a front panel pushbutton—colored for easy recognition. Fetal heart rate alarm conditions have both audible and visual indications. The audible indicator can be silenced on an alarm-by-alarm basis.

This manual describes all monitors in the Series; therefore some sections may not apply to your model monitor. Refer to Table The Model Antepartum Fetal Monitor provides singleton ultrasound and external uterine activity monitoring. The Model Antepartum Fetal Monitor provides dual ultrasound and external uterine activity monitoring. The monitor also provides external uterine activity monitoring using a tocotransducer or internal monitoring using an intrauterine pressure catheter IUPC.

The monitor also provides external uterine activity monitoring using a tocotransducer or internal monitoring using an IUPC. This section describes all possible controls, indicators, and connectors in the Series. Power Button and Indicator. Pressing the blue Power button turns the monitor on and illuminates the green indicator to the left of the button. Pressing the button again puts the monitor in standby and extinguishes the indicator. Record Button and Indicator. Pressing the Record pushbutton activates the recorder, provided paper is installed; the amber indicator illuminates to the left of the button.

Pressing the button again turns the recorder off and extinguishes the indicator. Paper Advance Button. If the recorder is on, twenty seconds after the button is released, the recorder prints the time, date, active trends legends, and chart speed.

Briefly pressing the button prints an event mark on the bottom two lines of the heart rate grid. Setup Button. Pressing and holding this button while the monitor is on enters a user setup mode for configuring the monitor. Volume Buttons. The Volume buttons are used to raise and lower the volume of the audio signals emitted by the speaker. The volume buttons are also used during setup. These monitors have four volume buttons.

The left pair controls the audio signals for the mode shown in the primary FHR display; likewise, the right pair of buttons controls the audio for the mode shown in the secondary FHR display.

When the monitor is in setup mode user or service , the volume buttons change: the setting or value shown in the FHR display; or the monitor feature code shown in the UA display.

For Models , , and , only the leftmost volume controls are active during setup mode. UA Reference Button. The UA Reference button is used to set the uterine activity pressure reference. This button is also used during setup. Briefly pressing the UA Reference button sets the pressure baseline at a preset default.

The monitor is shipped from the factory with a default setting of 10 relative units. Qualified service personnel can access a service screen to set the default to 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 relative units.

Pressing this button for more than two seconds causes the uterine activity reference value to override the default setting and cycle through all available selections: 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 relative units, starting at the default setting—until the button is released.

While the button is held down, the strip chart tracing remains unchanged. Once the button is released, the recorder trace takes on this new value. This value is stored as the new baseline for the currently measured uterine activity signal. When the monitor is in setup mode, the UA Reference button selects the active display. Pressing the button alternates between the UA display which shows a monitor feature code and the FHR display which shows the setting or value for the selected feature code.

When the FHR display is active, the heartbeat indicator lights. Alarm Silence Button. This button is yellow for easy recognition. Pressing the Alarm Silence button removes the audible indication of an individual fetal heart rate alarm. NOTE: Silencing an alarm does not affect the visual indications. A three-digit yellow numeric display indicates the fetal heart rate in beats per minute.

The value flashes during an alarm condition. A yellow heart shaped indicator flashes with each detected valid heartbeat for the fetal heart.

Refer to Table for a summary of display positions relative to connectors. If uterine activity is measured using a tocotransducer, the uterine activity value displays in relative units. A plus sign flashes when the uterine activity value exceeds the strip chart range of relative units.

If uterine activity is measured using an intrauterine pressure catheter or a strain gauge pressure transducer, the uterine activity value displays in mmHg. Alarms Disabled Indicator.

This yellow indicator illuminates when all alarms have been disabled. The indicator is unlit when alarms are enabled. Audio Alarm Indicator. For active patient alarms, this yellow indicator flashes; it continues to flash even if the alarm is silenced. For resolved patient alarms, the indicator continues to flash until you silence the alarm. This ensures that the alarm is acknowledged by a clinician.

For signal quality alarms, the indicator flashes during an active alarm and turns off as soon as the condition is resolved. The indicator is unaffected by silencing the audio alarm. The ultrasound connector 1 is a blue, round receptacle mechanically keyed to accept only a Corometrics ultrasound transducer plug. The fetal heart rate derived from this transducer shows in the fetal heart rate display.

The uterine activity connector is a white, round receptacle mechanically keyed to accept a Corometrics tocotransducer. The uterine activity value obtained from this transducer shows in the uterine activity display. Therefore it is recommended that you unplug the ultrasound transducer from the monitor, when not in use, to eliminate false alarms. The primary ultrasound connector 1 is a blue, round receptacle mechanically keyed to accept only a Corometrics ultrasound transducer plug. The fetal heart rate derived from this transducer shows in the primary fetal heart rate display.

The secondary ultrasound connector 1 is a blue, round receptacle identical to the primary ultrasound connector described above. The fetal heart rate derived from this connector displays in the secondary fetal heart rate display.

Therefore it is recommended that you unplug the ultrasound transducer s from the monitor, when not in use, to eliminate false alarms. The fetal heart rate derived from this transducer shows in the primary fetal heart display. The fetal heart rate derived from the spiral electrode displays in the secondary fetal heart rate display. Uterine Activity Connector. The uterine activity connector is a white, round receptacle mechanically keyed to accept a Corometrics tocotransducer, a Corometrics strain gauge transducer plug, or any intrauterine pressure catheter with compatible cable plug.

The combi-connector is a blue connector 1 with a dark grey inner center. Secondary Ultrasound Connector. The secondary ultrasound connector 1 is a blue, round receptacle mechanically keyed to accept only a Corometrics ultrasound transducer plug.

The fetal heart rate derived from this connector shows in the secondary fetal heart rate display. The strip chart recorder is located on the right side of the front panel. Latches on each side of the recorder open the paper drawer. One or two fetal heart rate trends print in the top or left grid of the strip chart paper—depending on your model monitor and the active modalities.

If only one fetal heart rate is being monitored, the FHR trend is printed in black. If twins are being monitored, the primary trend is printed in plain black while the secondary trend is bolded. The uterine activity trend prints in black on the bottom or right grid of the strip chart paper.

An annotation area is provided between the fetal heart rate and uterine activity grids. Have questions or need help? GE — Corometrics Fetal Monitor — Call For Quote The newest addition to the Corometrics family of fetal monitors from GE Healthcare, Model twins external fetal monitor with Nautilus ultrasound and toco transducers loop style.

GE designed the cost-effective Corometrics Series Fetal Monitors to help you make quick, accurate clinical assessments. The Corometrics Series: Alerts you to fetal heart rate concerns The fetal heart rate alarm provides both audible and visual alerts if the heart rate is higher or lower than the range you set as normal.


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