I find that many more "managers" steal than employees steal. They have control of the drawers. They just wait for the new hires, and take some cash. New employees are forgiven for cash problems as they are untrained.
When it comes to staff I find most of the theft is in the drive through. You inventory the meats, so they cannot hand out a bunch of burgers. They can probably feed one friend here, and there without getting caught. Do you inventory the cups? Here is another manager trick. Pick an employee that you hate. They always seem to come up short. Everytime they work, and it does not matter the shift.
After a time the GM will fire them. Do you an install CCTV at a restaurant where there is a high turn over rate? Do the managers complain about how bad the employees are "today". I used to do 20 installs a month.
My numbers have dropped off alot recently. In fact I have lost a lot of business from that piece of my "revenue pie".
Is a computer not a hard drive with a bunch of buttons on the front? You are right. It has a mouse! My mistake! This would make me a scammer! I believe that I am the only one if not one of the very few who caters to this "market". Based on this then I am the worst one from thousands of people who are on this forum!
Read my post. I am the first to complain about AVTech products! Would you guys on the forum agree? I would sell picos if I did not have to go back and fix them. It is a computer right? I should be able to make it work right? What should I make on a profit? Cost times 2. I could do it cheaper by dropping my licenses. How much does court fees cost when I get popped for working without a contractors license? Maybe I should drop insurance instead? No, I better not do that. Just from google alone I get hits a month looking for everything!
Maybe you are right stand alones are junk. I disagree. I believe there are a lot of companies who sell stuff, but they do not provide tech support, and that leaves people fending for themselves, and I get to be the shining Knight in Armour!
If I had a website designed for computers similiar to my website for AVTech tech support then why do I feel that my numbers would quadruple? I would really hate to get in to Vista issues! Is that right?
Would my queries quadruple?? Maybe I should forgo my crappy website as I do not put any money into it, and I do not have the time to work on it! Thank goodness the website is free, and it does not cost me anything out of pocket! Maybe I should fill it up with advertising, and make money that way?? My domain name is coming due in Sept. Do I just let it go without renewing?
Who cares about hits a month with people who are looking for DIY help? Wait a minute! I do care! That is why I posted all of that info in the first place! It took me a long time to research every aspect of every manual, tech help, and matching AVTech DVRs to model numbers, and type, and all of that kind of stuff.
I cannot let all of that info go to waste! I will keep it cheap, and simple. Yes my site does not have the glimmer, and glitter, but it does get the job done! I have a bunch of Pet Stores that I have to do here real soon all over the state of Florida.
I like your pricing as it is better than what I can get through my "certified" dealers. What are my warrantys, and guarantees? How much for offsite tech support, so that I can have you handle my "help desk" for this chain? How soon can you start? Hmm What is your cost? Can you certifiy me, so that I can pass on any leagle issues back to the dist of the card? I have already confessed to being a scammer, but the rest of what you say is not correct, and I can document it in court with full affidavites!
If those DVRs are not crap then I do not know what is crap. If those can keep working then even I have to say I am truley amazed. How I found out was I was checking on all of my customers in an area that was devasted by fires, and 30 homes were burnt to the ground, and 60 more were deemed uninhabitable.
People were really surprised to see me. I wanted to know if my customers still had a house standing! I set up some loaner DVRs until I could get their olds one running again.
Some had some cameras that died from the heat of the fire as the soffits were starting to melt, and the windows would shatter.
I had to run some wire for a few, and for others I was just playing "dog, and pony" show reorienting the cameras to make them happy. We all had a good time catching up on "so how are you doing"? They asked about my baby, and I said she is 6 years old now! Boy time flys! It was nice seeing people that I have not seen in a long time.
Do not get me wrong! I have been embarrassed by all measures on DVRs that have created some quirk, or just died with no know excuse.
I have had customers come pounding on the counters, and try to reverberate the walls with bellows from deep within lungs. I had customer tell me to get off the property duing an install once! I saw a copy of a cctv mag that was just delivered, and they decided to do it themselves.
Guess who got a call later to fix a mess? For other things?? If I walk in to a house, and I look at your tool bar and you have 17 tool bars, and helpers than I do not want to sell you a computer based DVR, and I do not care how many of your neighbors are willing to steal your stuff!!! I love watching people's eyes bulge out of their heads after I do a quick scan, and all of those spyware pops up, and then we get into the Trojans!!! Find a niche market, and sell it deep.
Sounds like you have found that, and more!! You must be very successfull with this clientle. There are large numbers of these customers as well!! Spend more Good advice again! That is a true statement. I back you up percent on that one! Streching your dollars Another find piece of advice. Sounds like you have been in this business for a very long time! I agree with what you say, but I feel really bad about being a scammer, and being the guy who sells junk, and the junk that I am selling is not going to last very long, and it is going to be a constant battle to keep it running!!!
I am trying to sell something. I think that is why they call it a job. If people would buy these from me without a sales pitch then I would be happy!! I would love to stop playing the guessing game!! Is this a customer who has a need? Is this a customer who is kicking tires, but will eventually buy something? Is this the guy who is pumping with a bunch of questions so he can buy something at the discount internet site?? Is this the guy who comes back and screams at me because the stuff he bought on the discount website broke down, or he has a problem with it, and I am supposed to fix it, or give him advice for free???
Sometimes I do, as maybe he learned a lesson, and down the road he might send someone my way in thanks. Then again this guy may take me for all of the info a second time, and never send anyone my way!
Do I pay for a store front to look professional, or should I just close up, and sell at a flea market?? I have lots of CCTV info for you!! You better look at this computer monitor at my website. You had better sit down, and bring a lunch as it is going to take you a while!!!! Absolutely the best piece of writing and factual statements that I have seen from your creative side yet, Scorpion I am in total awe!!! You have stated exactly what I was thinking, Thank you!
I have a dedicated account manager who calls in at the shop and will pass on sales leads. I get more problems with the budget DVR's I sold just to make a fast buck and I can tell you it is not worth the hassle. I too am sick off time wasters coming into the shop to ask for advice and then go to Maplins and buy some crappy wireless, battery powered camera. The CCTV industry is rapidly changing, more people are installing their own systems, instead of hiring a professional, no wonder the industry is getting a bad name when you see images on the news from robberies that are out of focus or unuseable in a court of law.
Those of us that are in it for the long haul are going to have to adapt and change with new technologies, MegaPixel and IP are coming weather we like it or not.
I just got back from lunch at , and I was feeling sleepy. I think my alter ego wrote the post! They do! They put on hats, and sunglasses before they walk in to a bank, and they make a request written on paper!! Forgot your password? By rickmc , January 31, in General Digital Discussion.
I would like advise on which dvr and cameras to purchase. I want to monitor my vacation home for any vandalism or thievery and be able to use the recording to give to law enforcement. I could be away a month at a time so I would need good motion recording to keep from filling up 30 days of nothing. I need 24 hour a day so ft of night vision would be needed.
I have found some likely candidates but not sure of the quality. A good IR cam with your range cost more than your spec each most IR cams you have to buy twice the distance to get what you want, then your cheap IR's do not use good IR led's and the pattern does not look right. A good stand alone is priced over your budget you can get cheap ones no tech support good luck finding someone to replace it under warrenty.
You get what you pay for. Home or car insurance cost more than that. Return must be in the original packaging with all its contents. No refund for all sales after 30 days of receipt. Buyer must pay for returning the defective product. High quality name brand systems should be the goal when purchasing , might cost a little more though Like someone mentioned, it is the least expensive form of insurance.
Once that work change your dyndns to a port redirect for the port of the server and you will be good to go. I've done many of these with similar scenarios, and now I just set them up the way I mentioned, no problem. I agree with Coolie11, that your port forwarding is not setup properly.
Hi vikeher, sounds like you are on the right track. The fact that you can log into your router through your dyndns account tells me you have your DDNS set up correctly. Once you are logged into your router setup page you have another step to take. You need to find the settings for your "Port forwarding" This will be a linksys page and you will be entering you DVR's IP address So in closing, you say that you change the port many times. Are you making this change in the DVR settings or in the Linksys settings?
Let me reboot everything, Man I am thinking on reseting everything too. Sht F I think the issue is the portforwarding page of your linksys router. The setting you are changing are on a page that looks similar to but different then this? Yes the same type of page I have the Port set to start at and end at IP Connect using your WAN address. I would then connect the DVR straight to the modem and test from there. DVR settings would have to be changed accordingly.
I don't know how well this would work for you. I'm still leaning towards an issue with the port forwarding on the Router. That doesn't necessarily mean there is something entered wrong. These little linksys' are good units but can be quirky on this kind of stuff sometimes. And the reason I'm thinking its the router is because you CAN get to the router through dyndns and you are getting there on port so that doesn't seem to be blocked.
But you are getting the linksys login screen instead of the DVR's login screen. Seems to me if the router was forwarding but the DVR wasn't working right you would get a "page not found" type error, not bounced back to the router login. You don't have anything else set to portforward to port do you?
Like Also you must have remote administer setup on the linksys if you can hit if from the outside. Is there a port setting for that? It isn't set to is it? Has this issue been solved? I'm having the same problem. I'm thinking its a router issue.
You are getting bounced back to the router login screen instead of the DVR? Are you using the same model DVR? Did you try defaulting the router and starting over? I'm using the same router and DVR.