Global war bbs game

A tabletop game might typically be played in one physical location by many players over the course of an evening. Further, there was no guarantee in what order players might call the BBS on a given day. This meant games would last many days; but because Global War automated the process of dice-rolling, the actual time a player spent playing a turn was often considerably less than in a Risk game.

Bergen has said he was very concerned about copyright. He called his game "Global War" to avoid infrininging on Parker Brothers' trademark. He also reached out to Parker Brothers to ask if they had an objections to his game, and says they responded that "they had no interest in the door game and wished me luck with publishing the game.

This custom terminal speeded up gamelay for users with slow modems by storing the map graphics locally. Later, Bergen added a mouse-driven graphical interface. In its May "Telegaming" issue, Computer Gaming World gave Global War three points out of three, noting it was "a widespread and active door" and that it bore "more than a passing resemblance to Risk.

In newspaper articles in the mids about BBSing, Global War was sometimes listed as an example of a favorite game. Bergen estimated he sold 3, shareware licenses for Global War between Jump to: navigation , search.

Someone has conquered South America in a game of Global War. ISBN Popular adaptation of the Risk board game -- conquer up to 42 nations! Retrieved 29 January Retrieved 2 March Break Into Chat. Computer Gaming World. Golden Empire Publications. Hackin' Crackin' A classic code-breaking, single player game against the computer. Falcon's Honor Battle for honor and respect from family's of the land. Online Digdroid Prove earth existed by collecting artifacts from underground. Starship Galactica Defeat the Dynja before they destroy your fleet of starships.

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