Click to read more. When Colonel Lee DeRemer began to consider his transition out of military service, he looked for resources on how to make a successful midlife transition. Finding none, he pursued the topic as his dissertation and now offers a model for moving to the next chapter of life.
View video…. Our Faculty. Our Distinguished Visiting Scholars. Making a Successful Midlife Transition When Colonel Lee DeRemer began to consider his transition out of military service, he looked for resources on how to make a successful midlife transition. Search Submit Clear. About CVDL. About Benedictine. When you submit your application, it will be reviewed for the next available cohort. We recommend you apply at least 3 months in advance of your preferred cohort start month.
Our doctoral programs are offered in cohorts of 30 students or less. You will take all courses together with your fellow students until year two when you choose your electives. You will also attend most residencies as a cohort. Research is conducted individually, but there will be opportunities for peer feedback and group discussion of research methods.
Our doctoral programs are designed for working adults and taught predominantly online. You may continue working in your field during your studies, but the curriculum workload is considered full time. Plan to spend at least hours per week on your studies. In addition, you will need to be excused from your professional work responsibilities while attending the required annual residencies.
Our doctoral programs are backed by decades of experience by our highly-credentialed faculty working in the field. Read our doctoral leadership bios to learn about the experience we bring.
Learn more to see how our doctoral program can enhance your knowledge. Held in the Washington D. Onsite accommodations Room and board will be provided, but you are responsible for your own travel. The first residency kicks off your program. It establishes program expectations and helps you build rapport with your fellow students and doctoral staff and faculty. In year 3, the residency focuses on dissertation preparation. Skip Navigation. Doctor of Global Security DGS Explores the complex global security environment, with a focus on the role actors play in the formulation and implementation of international, bilateral, corporate, and state policies.
Doctor of Strategic Intelligence DSI Addresses intellectual, cultural, and organizational challenges in the emerging field of intelligence studies. Important Dates. Our doctoral programs are offered two times a year in January and September.