Open a windows application using javascript

Chip Thrasher Chip Thrasher 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Possible duplicate of Launch application from a browser — Aurora Running application direct from browser is going to give you fair few security blocks. One idea is to use something like nw. Basically the back end is node. Add a comment.

Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I'm new to javascript so to execute I'm using window. You can use window. For security reasons, a general computer will not allow you to launch a program. In a corporate environment, one can have the registry updated in order to allow for proper launching of applications.

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Open multiple tabs: window. Open a new window. Report Error. Your message has been sent to W3Schools. Windows 10 offers you to build app using WinJs also,. Now open the default.

Add the following HTML code inside the body tag. View All. Suresh M Updated date Feb 05, You can write your own style in this file. Images - This folder contains images, icons,logo, etc.

You can add your image or any files required for you.


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