As 400 physical file primary key

In the preceding example, after record 1 is changed such that the key value is C, the sequence of the access path is FCFO, with ascending key values only. Physical file. Name Library. Site Links. Toggle navigation AS Tutorial. As Subsys. Follow go4as4oo. User Comments:. Subscribe Email:. We will see an example of its use in the Display Files chapter. Insert a new line bellow the first, as we explained previously and press F4. Definition of the table fields. For more information on data types press F1 after you placed the cursor on the Data Type field.

Definition of the primary key field. When you finish writing the code press F3 to leave the editor and save the changes you've made. The field must have a value not blank. For example, if you have a string of size 50 all the 50 characters must be filled. Compares values. The syntax is COMP relational-operator value , where relational-operator can be one of these values:.

Specifies that a field refers to a field in another table foreign key. To create the object that will save the data the file you've just created only stores the source code choose option ' Compile' in the file you've created.

This tutorial won't teach you to analyse the resulting files from a compilation, but if you want to give it a go write the command WRKSPLF Work spool file in the system prompt. The most important messages from the compilation usually appear on the file with the same name as the one you compiled the most recent compilation appears on the bottom of the list.

The screen should look something like this:. The line Unique key values required. This is as close to a primary key as you can get with logical files. Since every logical file related to a physical file can have a unique key, most applications will use naming to identify which is the primary key sometimes this will be a L00 or L01 suffix on the file name. To complicate matters even further, the physical file itself can be keyed uniquely.

These are some unique things about DB2 for i that are not available in the other flavors of DB2. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. How to identify primary key column in DB2 version 7. Asked 3 years, 3 months ago. Active 3 years, 3 months ago.

Posted by Vision Solutions. Labels: Physical files. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Presented by. Vision Solutions www.


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